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The Ramsey Show / – These 3 Things Will Keep You Broke

The Ramsey Show – These 3 Things Will Keep You Broke

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey cautions listeners against get-rich-quick schemes and shares his own experience of owning real estate. He emphasizes the importance of building wealth slowly and with caution, rather than relying solely on leverage. The episode also covers topics such as life insurance, financial decision-making, budgeting, and investing. Listeners will gain valuable insights on managing debt, breaking generational curses, and achieving financial peace.

Main Takeaways

Real Estate and Leverage

  • Cecilia asks about leveraging equity lines for investment property.
  • Dave cautions against borrowing for real estate, citing personal experience.
  • Dave warns against get-rich-quick schemes on TikTok and infomercials.
  • Dave shares his own experience of owning $4 million worth of real estate at 26, with a $1 million net worth and $3 million in debt.
  • The speaker has owned over 2,000 pieces of property in their life and believed in leverage because of what they were taught by get rich quick people.
  • The speaker went broke and lost everything they owned, including some properties that were foreclosed on.
  • The speaker’s story highlights the dangers of relying solely on leverage and not having cash reserves.

Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

  • Robert Allen, author of “Nothing Down,” was famous for buying houses with no identification or credit within 48 hours.
  • The speaker cautions against following the advice of get rich quick gurus and instead recommends building wealth slowly and with caution.
  • Robert Allen, a real estate guru, promoted buying real estate with “nothing down” and building wealth quickly.
  • Many people followed his advice and joined real estate clubs to buy property with no money down.
  • However, most of these individuals did not become wealthy and ended up bankrupt.

Financial Decision-Making and Pitfalls

  • Cash value life insurance is a high-cost product with little return on investment, and term life insurance is a better option for protecting family’s future.
  • Fear, greed, and pride often lead people to make risky financial decisions and take shortcuts.
  • Pride can lead to buying things to impress others, such as a car to impress someone at a stoplight.
  • Greed can lead to taking illegal shortcuts, such as funding Roth IRAs for children with no earned income.
  • Dave Ramsey admits to making financial mistakes in the past and has turned his experience into a brand to help others avoid similar pitfalls.

Budgeting and Investing

  • A caller on the show asks about what to do with extra money in a zero-based budgeting system.
  • Any extra money can be put towards the next financial goal or baby step.
  • Use budgeting apps to track expenses and gain peace and confidence for the future.
  • Roll over any leftover budgeted money to pay off debt faster.
  • Once car debt is paid off, focus on building an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses.
  • Investing in tax advantage retirement accounts is the next step after having an emergency fund and no debt.
  • Saving 15% of income from 25 to 65 can lead to being a multi-millionaire.


Real Estate and Leverage

Dave Ramsey cautions against relying solely on leverage in real estate investing. He shares his own experience of owning $4 million worth of real estate at a young age, with a significant amount of debt. The speaker highlights the dangers of following get-rich-quick gurus and emphasizes the importance of building wealth slowly and with caution. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the risks of not having cash reserves and relying too heavily on leverage.

Financial Decision-Making and Pitfalls

Dave Ramsey discusses the role of fear, greed, and pride in financial decision-making. He warns against making purchases to impress others and taking illegal shortcuts for financial gain. The speaker shares personal experiences of making mistakes and emphasizes the importance of learning from them. The episode highlights the need for mindful and responsible financial decision-making.

Budgeting and Investing

The episode provides practical advice on budgeting and investing. Listeners are encouraged to use zero-based budgeting and budgeting apps to track expenses and achieve financial goals. The importance of building an emergency fund and saving for retirement is emphasized. The speaker also discusses the potential for long-term wealth accumulation through consistent saving and investing.


“The Ramsey Show” episode “These 3 Things Will Keep You Broke” provides valuable insights on real estate, financial decision-making, budgeting, and investing. Listeners are cautioned against get-rich-quick schemes and encouraged to build wealth slowly and with caution. The episode offers practical tips for managing debt, breaking generational curses, and achieving financial peace. By learning from the experiences and advice shared, listeners can make informed decisions to improve their financial well-being.

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