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The Ramsey Show / – Think About the Future When You Make Decisions Today

The Ramsey Show – Think About the Future When You Make Decisions Today

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” callers seek advice from Rachel Cruz and George Campbell on various financial and life situations. From paying off debt to making wise investment decisions, the hosts provide guidance to help listeners build wealth, find fulfilling work, and create strong relationships.

Main Takeaways

Managing Debt and Making Financial Decisions

  • Taking a loan from a 401K to pay off debt is not recommended, as it can hinder future growth and result in taxes and penalties.
  • Instead of borrowing from retirement funds, focus on increasing income and cutting expenses to pay off debt.
  • Selling cars with high values and opting for more affordable ones can provide financial relief and free up money for debt repayment and emergency savings.
  • Consider getting a loan from a credit union to cover underwater car debt and finance more affordable vehicles.
  • Work extra, cut expenses, and create a plan to pay off loans within a specific timeframe for a better financial situation.

Insights on Investments and Financial Advice

  • Crypto investments should be approached with caution, as they are often driven by hype and lack a solid foundation.
  • Credit cards can lead to financial trouble due to high interest rates, and it’s important to be mindful of spending and pay off balances promptly.
  • Using a debit card for purchases can help save money throughout the year and allow for more intentional spending.
  • Start with a $1000 emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.
  • When paying off debt, focus on small amounts first for quick wins and momentum.

Financial Planning for Couples and Homebuying

  • Combining accounts can be beneficial for financial management in a marriage, but it’s essential to prioritize transparency, accountability, and communication.
  • Term life insurance is recommended for protecting a family’s future, while other types of insurance may not offer the same benefits.
  • Consider different loan options and interest rates before purchasing a home, and determine the down payment needed to keep mortgage payments manageable.
  • Delaying a home purchase and renting is a viable option, especially for recent graduates.

Education and Student Loans

  • Consider taking summer classes or exploring schools in Nevada for in-state tuition and scholarships/grants to complete remaining credits.
  • Co-signing loans should be avoided, and alternative options should be explored, such as attending schools in different states.
  • Take time to evaluate all options and avoid rushing into decisions that may lead to unnecessary debt.


Managing Debt and Making Financial Decisions

When it comes to paying off debt, the hosts advise against taking a loan from a 401K. Instead, they suggest finding ways to increase income and cut expenses. Selling high-value cars and opting for more affordable ones can provide financial relief and free up money for debt repayment and emergency savings. Getting a loan from a credit union can help cover underwater car debt and finance more affordable vehicles. The hosts emphasize the importance of working extra, cutting expenses, and creating a plan to pay off loans within a specific timeframe for a better financial situation.

Insights on Investments and Financial Advice

When it comes to investments, the hosts caution against blindly following the hype around cryptocurrencies. They also highlight the potential dangers of credit cards and emphasize the benefits of using a debit card for more intentional spending. Building an emergency fund and paying off small amounts of debt first can provide quick wins and momentum in the journey towards financial freedom.

Financial Planning for Couples and Homebuying

In terms of financial management in marriages, combining accounts can be beneficial, but it requires transparency, accountability, and communication. The hosts recommend term life insurance for protecting a family’s future. When purchasing a home, it’s essential to explore different loan options and interest rates, as well as determine a suitable down payment. Renting can be a viable option, especially for recent graduates. It’s crucial to prioritize financial goals and make intentional decisions.

Education and Student Loans

When it comes to education, taking summer classes or exploring schools in different states for in-state tuition and scholarships/grants can help complete remaining credits. Co-signing loans should be avoided, and alternative options should be considered. It’s important to take the time to evaluate all options and make informed decisions to avoid unnecessary debt.


In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Rachel Cruz and George Campbell provide valuable advice on managing debt, making wise financial decisions, and planning for the future. Listeners are encouraged to prioritize paying off debt, explore alternative options, and communicate openly in relationships. By following the principles shared in the podcast, individuals can build wealth, find financial freedom, and create a secure future.

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