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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett / The Relationships Professor: “This Is An Emergency!” The Number Of Men Having No Sex Increased 180%! (Why This Is Dangerous & How We Fix It) | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

The Relationships Professor: “This Is An Emergency!” The Number Of Men Having No Sex Increased 180%! (Why This Is Dangerous & How We Fix It) | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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In this episode of “The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett,” the host discusses the increasing challenges faced by young men in today’s society. From mental health struggles to economic disparities, Steven explores the factors contributing to this crisis and proposes potential solutions. Joined by a Relationships Professor, they delve into the impact of technology, dating dynamics, and the need for a new vision of modern masculinity. This thought-provoking conversation sheds light on the urgent need to address these issues and offers insights for personal and societal growth.

Main Takeaways

Mental Health and Economic Challenges

  • 76% of suicides in the UK are male, with someone dying by suicide every 90 minutes.
  • Men under 40 are 24% less wealthy than previous generations, and the average age of a first-time home buyer is 47.
  • One in seven men doesn’t have a single friend, and many are finding role models online.
  • Society needs a new vision for modern masculinity and a shift towards compassion for men’s mental health struggles.

Educational Bias and Lack of Role Models

  • The education system is biased against boys, with boys being twice as likely to be suspended for the same infraction as girls.
  • Lack of male role models is a key factor in young men struggling.
  • Economic policies have created a great deal of shame and rage for men, leading to lower marriage rates, lower birth rates, and skyrocketing suicide rates.

Dating Dynamics and Online Relationships

  • Women have become better educated and are making more money, leading to a shrinking pool of viable mates for women.
  • Online dating can lead to a lack of opportunities for developing social skills and validation that can damage confidence.
  • AI presents a danger in that it provides low-calorie, low-risk entry points into what feels like a relationship, but isn’t really experiencing friendship or a relationship.

The Importance of Rejection and Relationships

  • Rejection is a necessary part of success, and the ability to endure rejection is a key to success in personal and professional life.
  • Romantic relationships act as guardrails for men and are important for household formation.
  • Breakthroughs in technology, including AI and robotics, will intersect with the ability to have someone in your house who can not only clean and cook but also love you in an artificial form.

Personal Finance and Investing

  • Living below your means and creating an army of capital is key to making money in your sleep.
  • Investment in low-cost ETFs and index funds for long-term growth is crucial.
  • Diversification is key to successful investing, don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’re smarter than everyone else.

Societal Impact and Solutions

  • The crisis among men is causing a crisis for women as well.
  • Society needs a new vision for modern masculinity, as some voices have conflated it with cruelty.
  • Increasing taxes on the wealthy can address income inequality and improve societal well-being.


The Crisis Among Young Men: Challenges and Solutions

In this episode, Steven Bartlett explores the increasing challenges faced by young men in today’s society. The conversation highlights the alarming rates of male suicide, economic disparities, and the lack of social connections and role models. These factors contribute to a mental health crisis among young men, demanding a new vision for modern masculinity and a compassionate approach towards men’s struggles.

The education system’s bias against boys, economic policies creating shame and rage, and the shrinking pool of viable mates for women further exacerbate the challenges faced by young men. Online dating and the rise of AI present new dynamics in dating and relationships, impacting social skills and self-confidence. The importance of rejection, enduring rejection, and the role of romantic relationships in personal growth and household formation are emphasized.

Personal finance and investing are discussed as essential tools for economic security and wealth creation. Living below one’s means, investing in low-cost ETFs and index funds, and diversification are key strategies for financial success.

The societal impact of the crisis among young men is explored, highlighting the need for a new vision of modern masculinity and the importance of addressing income inequality. Solutions such as increasing taxes on the wealthy and creating more opportunities for social connections and relationships are proposed.


This episode sheds light on the urgent need to address the crisis among young men and offers insights into potential solutions. By fostering compassion for men’s mental health struggles, promoting equal opportunities in education and economic policies, and redefining modern masculinity, society can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for young men. Additionally, personal finance and investing can empower individuals to build wealth and financial security. The conversation serves as a call to action for individuals, communities, and policymakers to work towards a more equitable and fulfilling future for young men.

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