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The Rich Roll Podcast / – From “I’ll Be Back” To Giving Back: Arnold Schwarzenegger Is The Influencer We Need

The Rich Roll Podcast – From “I’ll Be Back” To Giving Back: Arnold Schwarzenegger Is The Influencer We Need

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In this episode of “The Rich Roll Podcast,” host Rich Roll interviews Arnold Schwarzenegger, the legendary bodybuilder, movie star, and politician. Schwarzenegger shares his principles for success in various areas of his life and discusses his commitment to the environment and giving back to the community. The episode is sponsored by AG1, a comprehensive nutritional drink, and Better Help, an online therapy service.

Main Takeaways

Principles for Success

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his principles for success in bodybuilding, movie start-ups, and politics in his new book, The Useful.
  • Maintaining a grounded ego is important for success.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger never felt like he arrived, even at the height of his success.
  • Schwarzenegger sees himself as just one of the crew, even when he’s the star.
  • Having a clear vision and adhering to it throughout life is crucial for success.

Importance of Change and Hardship

  • Schwarzenegger emphasizes the importance of change and going through hardship to get stronger and tougher.
  • Adversity breeds character, strength, and resistance.
  • There is a balance between being sensitive and being too soft, and people need to toughen up and not be afraid of failure.
  • Youth today are often too focused on making people feel good and being overly sensitive, but there needs to be a sweet spot where people can face adversity and become stronger.
  • Each person needs to be approached differently, just like the body needs different training routines.

Giving Back and Being a Voice of Positivity

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger reflects on his success as a product of who he is and his life experiences, rather than just a goal he set for himself.
  • He sees his enormous platform as an opportunity to be of service and connect with people directly, using social media to share positive actions people can take to improve their lives.
  • Schwarzenegger feels a responsibility to speak up about important issues, such as the January 6th riots and the growing prejudice he sees, tying it together with his personal experiences and family history.
  • Writing down his thoughts and ideas is a key part of Schwarzenegger’s creative process, allowing him to communicate powerful messages.
  • He believes it’s important for people to know that he, as a Republican, recognizes Joe Biden as the legitimate president and speaks out against false claims of election fraud.

Commitment to the Environment

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger advocates for eating less meat to help the environment, inspired by Jim Cameron.
  • He is now around 70% plant-based and 30% meat-based, with occasional indulgences.
  • Schwarzenegger was involved in the Game Changers movie due to his previous discussions with Jim Cameron about cutting back on meat.
  • Cameron’s message about the environmental impact of livestock and the health benefits of a plant-based diet had a big impact on Schwarzenegger.
  • Schwarzenegger also highlights the potential benefits of solar energy and sending excess electricity back to the grid.

Importance of Communication and Leadership

  • Effective communication is crucial to building consensus and solving problems.
  • Addressing people’s needs and desires is key to crafting a compelling argument.
  • Strong leadership is needed to bring Democrats and Republicans together to accomplish important goals like immigration and healthcare reform, reducing the deficit, building infrastructure, and maintaining a strong military.
  • Reaching across the aisle is seen as a weakness in today’s political climate, but Schwarzenegger did not experience this in Washington when lobbying for after-school programs.
  • He believes that bringing senators from both parties together to talk about issues can lead to finding a sweet spot where both sides can come together.


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Principles for Success and Giving Back

Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his principles for success in bodybuilding, movie start-ups, and politics, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a grounded ego and never feeling like one has arrived. He believes in the power of change and going through hardship to become stronger and tougher. Schwarzenegger sees his success as an opportunity to give back and be a voice of positivity, using his platform to share positive actions and speak up about important issues. He is committed to the environment and advocates for eating less meat and exploring renewable energy sources. Schwarzenegger also highlights the importance of effective communication and leadership in solving problems and bringing people together.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Evolution and Impact

Arnold Schwarzenegger reflects on his evolution throughout his life, from focusing on personal success to prioritizing helping others and making a positive impact. He believes in seeking out new challenges and not getting stuck in one area of success. Schwarzenegger’s principles for success and giving back are rooted in his upbringing and mentors who taught him the importance of being useful and open-minded. He actively seeks out opportunities to learn from others and treats the world as his classroom. Through his motivational speeches and books, Schwarzenegger inspires people to recognize their ability to change, shoot for big goals, and create opportunities for themselves.


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s interview with Rich Roll provides valuable insights into his principles for success, commitment to giving back, and the importance of effective communication and leadership. Schwarzenegger’s journey from bodybuilding to Hollywood to politics showcases his evolution and impact on various fields. His passion for the environment and advocating for positive change resonates with listeners. Overall, Schwarzenegger’s story serves as an inspiration for individuals to recognize their own potential and make a positive impact in their own lives and communities.

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