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The Mel Robbins Podcast / The Secret to Success & Happiness Nobody Talks About | The Mel Robbins Podcast

The Secret to Success & Happiness Nobody Talks About | The Mel Robbins Podcast

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel Robbins expresses her gratitude for her listeners and their commitment to creating the best life for themselves. The episode focuses on the topic of happiness, prompted by feedback from a previous episode. Mel shares her personal journey to happiness and offers insights on how listeners may be actively blocking their own happiness without realizing it.

Main Takeaways

Recognizing Barriers to Happiness

  • The biggest insight Mel has gained is that the single biggest barrier to her happiness was herself.
  • Mel aims to help listeners realize how they may be actively blocking their own happiness without realizing it.
  • The pursuit of external achievements does not guarantee happiness.

Looking Inward for Happiness

  • Happiness is an inside job, and it’s about finding stillness in the midst of chaos.
  • To be happier, one must confront their own behavior and thoughts that are blocking their happiness.
  • True happiness comes from within, not from external circumstances.

Dropping the Sword and Letting Happiness In

  • Being present, dropping the sword, and focusing on what’s working are key to letting happiness flow in.
  • Visualizing swinging doors allows good energy to flow in and out.
  • Identifying sources of friction helps to understand what is causing frustration and agitation.


Recognizing Barriers to Happiness

Mel Robbins shares her personal journey to happiness and emphasizes that the biggest barrier to her happiness was herself. She aims to help listeners recognize how they may be actively blocking their own happiness without realizing it. The pursuit of external achievements does not guarantee happiness, and it is important to confront one’s own behavior and thoughts that are hindering happiness.

Looking Inward for Happiness

Mel emphasizes that happiness is an inside job and involves finding stillness amidst chaos. True happiness comes from within, not from external circumstances. To be happier, individuals must confront their own behavior and thoughts that are blocking their happiness. By looking inward, one can find the key to unlocking their own happiness.

Dropping the Sword and Letting Happiness In

Mel encourages listeners to be present, drop the sword of constant readiness for a fight, and focus on what’s working in their lives. Visualizing swinging doors allows positive energy to flow in and out, enabling happiness to enter. Identifying sources of friction helps individuals understand what is causing frustration and agitation, and taking action to address these sources can lead to positive change and increased happiness.


By recognizing and addressing the barriers to happiness, looking inward for fulfillment, and dropping the sword of constant readiness for a fight, individuals can open themselves up to a happier and more fulfilling life. Happiness is an inside job, and it is within everyone’s reach to let it in and create a life of contentment and joy.

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