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The History of Rome / The Storm Before The Storm: Chapter 1 The Beasts of Italy | The History of Rome

The Storm Before The Storm: Chapter 1- The Beasts of Italy | The History of Rome

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In this episode of “The History of Rome” podcast, host Mike Duncan reflects on his journey from exploring the history of Rome to writing a book about Roman history. He introduces his upcoming book, “The Storm Before the Storm,” and encourages pre-orders to help it become a bestseller. The prologue of the book covers the backstory of the Roman Republic, focusing on the erosion of respect for the mutually accepted bonds of Mosmeorum. This episode delves into the fascinating story of Tiberius Gracchus and his efforts to address economic inequality through land redistribution.

Main Takeaways

Reflections and Book Introduction

  • Mike Duncan reflects on his journey from the history of Rome to writing a book about Roman history, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to revisit his passion.
  • He introduces his upcoming book, “The Storm Before the Storm,” and encourages pre-orders to reach 5,000 for it to become a bestseller.
  • The book will have an audiobook version read by Mike Duncan himself, and he emphasizes the value of the physical copy for its aesthetic appeal.

The Erosion of Mosmeorum

  • The breakdown of the Roman Republic was due to eroding respect for the mutually accepted bonds of Mosmeorum, not the letter of Roman law.
  • The prologue of the book focuses on Scipio Aemilianus and his relationship with the Greek philosopher Polybius, who analyzed the Roman Constitution and introduced the concept of Mosmeorum.

Tiberius Gracchus and Economic Inequality

  • Tiberius Gracchus, serving under Scipio Aemilianus, came from an illustrious family and had the potential to become a leading man of his time.
  • His mother, Cornelia, was a respected matron who dedicated herself to her sons’ education.
  • Tiberius recognized the need for economic and social reform, particularly in addressing skyrocketing economic inequality.
  • He proposed the Lex Agraria, a land redistribution bill, to reverse the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few.
  • Tiberius faced opposition from wealthy landowners and conservatives in the Senate.
  • The clash between Tiberius and his opponents escalated to a violent confrontation, resulting in Tiberius’ death.

Economic Dislocation and Social Challenges

  • The economy of Italy endured upheaval after the Second Punic War, with newly enriched Romans spending money on luxuries.
  • This led to concerns among some alert senators about the allure of vice and the handling of treasures.
  • The influx of slaves due to successful foreign wars caused the demand for free labor to plummet, leading to extreme wealth for a few and oppressive poverty for the rest of the population.
  • Dislocated citizens migrated to cities in search of wage labor but found that slaves monopolized the work, leading to the formation of a new class of landless peasants.


Reflections and Book Introduction

In the opening segment, Mike Duncan reflects on his journey from podcasting about the history of Rome to writing a book about Roman history. He expresses gratitude for the opportunity to revisit his passion and introduces his upcoming book, “The Storm Before the Storm.” Duncan encourages pre-orders to help the book become a bestseller, highlighting the value of the physical copy for its aesthetic appeal.

The Erosion of Mosmeorum

The prologue of the book focuses on Scipio Aemilianus and his relationship with the Greek philosopher Polybius, who analyzed the Roman Constitution and introduced the concept of Mosmeorum. Duncan emphasizes that the breakdown of the Roman Republic was not due to the letter of Roman law, but rather the eroding respect for the mutually accepted bonds of Mosmeorum.

Tiberius Gracchus and Economic Inequality

Tiberius Gracchus, an influential figure in Roman politics, came from an illustrious family with a storied career. His mother, Cornelia, played a significant role in his education and pushed him to fulfill his potential. Tiberius recognized the need for economic and social reform, particularly in addressing skyrocketing economic inequality. He proposed the Lex Agraria, a land redistribution bill, to reverse the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. However, his efforts faced opposition from wealthy landowners and conservatives in the Senate, ultimately leading to a violent confrontation and Tiberius’ untimely death.

Economic Dislocation and Social Challenges

The economy of Italy experienced significant upheaval after the Second Punic War. Newly enriched Romans spent lavishly on luxuries, leading to concerns among some senators about the allure of vice and the handling of treasures. The influx of slaves due to successful foreign wars caused the demand for free labor to plummet, resulting in extreme wealth for a few and oppressive poverty for the majority of the population. Dislocated citizens migrated to cities in search of wage labor but found that slaves monopolized the work. This led to the formation of a new class of landless peasants, further exacerbating social and economic disparities.


The first chapter of “The Storm Before the Storm” sets the stage for the political and social turmoil that would eventually lead to the downfall of the Roman Republic. It explores the erosion of Mosmeorum and the rise of economic inequality, focusing on the efforts of Tiberius Gracchus to address these issues through land redistribution. The chapter ends with a tragic and violent climax, highlighting the high stakes and ruthless nature of Roman politics. Readers are invited to follow the subsequent chapters, which delve deeper into the fascinating history of this era.

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