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The Tim Ferris Show / – #666: In Case You Missed It: March 2023 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show”

The Tim Ferris Show – #666: In Case You Missed It: March 2023 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show”

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In this episode of “The Tim Ferris Show,” Tim Ferris recaps the highlights of the March 2023 episodes of his podcast. The episode features clips from various interviews with world-class performers and experts in various fields. Tim shares valuable insights and takeaways from these conversations that can help listeners improve their health, performance, and overall well-being.

Main Takeaways

Health and Well-being

  • Our state of mind and body at any point in time is strongly dictated by our state of mind and body in the hours and days prior to that (Dr. Andrew Huberman)
  • There are core set of foundational things that we have to re-up every 24 hours which include sleep, nutrients, movement, social interaction, and sunlight (Dr. Andrew Huberman)
  • Sleep is critical for our mental and physical health, and our ability to perform (Dr. Andrew Huberman)
  • Nutrients are important for our overall health, and we should focus on quality nutrients (Dr. Andrew Huberman)
  • Movement, social interaction, and sunlight are also important for our overall health and wellbeing (Dr. Andrew Huberman)
  • Five things to focus on for overall health and wellbeing: sleep, movement, nutrients, light, and social connection
  • Personal rules for alcohol consumption include pouring out bad-tasting drinks and limiting to no more than two drinks per day and seven drinks per week
  • Drinking should be three hours away from sleep to avoid negative effects on sleep quality
  • Trade-offs must be considered when making choices about alcohol consumption

Knowledge and Growth

  • Wealth is defined as the set of all transformations one is capable of bringing about
  • The growth of knowledge eventually outgrows other things like money, energy, land, and power
  • Understanding the history of ideas is incredibly valuable in pedagogy
  • Books recommended for understanding the history of ideas: “Against the Gods” by Peter Bernstein, “Capital Ideas” by Peter Bernstein, “Bionomics” by Michael Rothschild, and “Complexity” by Mitchell Waldrop
  • The Santa Fe Institute was founded to bring scientists from different disciplines together to talk to each other

Performance and Productivity

  • CEO Coach Matt Moshari emphasizes a bias towards action in his coaching
  • Being in the presence of another person can make unpleasant tasks easier to do
  • The presence of another person can create a sense of peace, making tasks less onerous

Physical Health and Fitness

  • Performance coach Dr. Kelly Starrett’s book “Built to Move” emphasizes the importance of tissue recovery and tissue health
  • Getting enough protein is important for body composition and recovery
  • Eating 800 grams of fruits and vegetables per day can help expand your diet and improve health

Guests and Recommendations

  • Notable guests featured in the March 2023 episodes include David Deutsch, Michael Mobison, Dr. Kelly Starrett, and more
  • Tim Ferriss recommends subscribing to his free newsletter, Five Bullet Friday, for weekly recommendations on cool gadgets, books, articles, and more


Optimizing Health and Well-being

Dr. Andrew Huberman emphasizes the importance of sleep, nutrients, movement, social interaction, and sunlight for overall health and well-being. These foundational elements need to be prioritized and replenished every 24 hours. Tim Ferriss shares personal rules for alcohol consumption and highlights the trade-offs involved in making choices about alcohol.

Unlimited Wealth through Knowledge

Tim Ferriss discusses the concept of wealth as the set of all transformations one is capable of bringing about, and how the growth of knowledge surpasses other resources. He recommends books that explore the history of ideas and the founding of the Santa Fe Institute, which promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among scientists.

Performance and Productivity

Matt Moshari, a CEO coach, emphasizes the importance of taking action and accountability. Tim Ferriss explores the impact of the presence of another person on task completion and how it can make unpleasant tasks easier to do.

Physical Health and Fitness

Dr. Kelly Starrett’s book “Built to Move” highlights the significance of tissue recovery and health. Tim Ferriss discusses the importance of protein intake, consuming fruits and vegetables, and expanding diet diversity for improved physical health.

Guests and Recommendations

The March 2023 episodes featured guests like David Deutsch, Michael Mobison, and Dr. Kelly Starrett. Tim Ferriss recommends subscribing to his newsletter, Five Bullet Friday, for weekly recommendations on various topics.


The March 2023 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show” offers valuable insights and practical advice on optimizing health, wealth, performance, and personal growth. Listeners can learn from world-class performers and experts across different fields and apply these lessons to enhance their own lives.

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