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The Tim Ferris Show / – #694: Sam Corcos, CoFounder of Levels — The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants, 10x Delegation, and Winning Freedom by Letting Go (Plus: Creating Leverage with Tools, Systems, and Processes)

The Tim Ferris Show – #694: Sam Corcos, Co-Founder of Levels — The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Assistants, 10x Delegation, and Winning Freedom by Letting Go (Plus: Creating Leverage with Tools, Systems, and Processes)

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In this episode of “The Tim Ferris Show,” Tim interviews Sam Corcos, the co-founder of Levels. They discuss the ultimate guide to virtual assistants, 10x delegation, and winning freedom by letting go. Sam shares valuable insights on creating leverage with tools, systems, and processes.

Main Takeaways

Unlocking Productivity with Virtual Assistants

  • Don’t let a bad experience with a previous assistant discourage you from finding a good one.
  • Reframe imposter syndrome by considering how delegating a task would make the other person feel.
  • Busy work is not productive, and assistants are there to help you be more productive.
  • Communication is crucial for performance, and recording meetings can provide first-person information and prevent misinterpretation.
  • Creating a weekly forum to celebrate wins and share highlights fosters team cohesion.

Optimizing Workflows with Tools

  • Utilize tools like Loom and Notion to record and share processes, making information easily accessible and preventing miscommunication.
  • Recording looms is costless and can be used for future reference, while AI tools can make them more searchable.
  • Notion databases can be used to record tasks and link them to looms for proof of work and bug fixing.
  • Workflow recording can improve delegation skills and save time on repetitive tasks like video editing.
  • AG1 supplement supports whole body health and covers multiple bases.

Maximizing Efficiency and Delegation

  • Hiring overseas EA or support staff depends on the tasks needed and the spectrum of declarative and imperative tasks.
  • Chief of staff should not be stuck doing routine tasks but trusted with meaty projects.
  • Understanding personal preferences can improve communication and efficiency in the workplace.
  • Creating long-form memos can be valuable artifacts for future reference and decision-making.
  • Maintaining and updating projects is crucial to avoid complexity and rotting code.

Exploring Personal Growth and Balance

  • Taking sabbaticals can provide opportunities to learn new skills and explore different topics.
  • Reading books instead of consuming news can lead to a better quality of life.
  • Hosting salon dinners can facilitate interesting conversations and diverse perspectives.
  • Building strong interpersonal networks through network theory and maintaining relationships with key individuals.
  • Minimalism can have pragmatic benefits, such as reducing distractions and focusing on what matters.


Unlocking Productivity with Virtual Assistants

Sam Corcos shares valuable insights on leveraging virtual assistants to increase productivity. He emphasizes the importance of reframing imposter syndrome and recognizing the value of delegation. By effectively communicating with assistants and recording meetings, teams can prevent misinterpretation and foster better performance. Implementing weekly forums and celebrating wins promotes team cohesion and motivation.

Optimizing Workflows with Tools

Sam highlights the power of tools like Loom and Notion in improving workflows. Recording and sharing processes through Loom makes information easily accessible and prevents miscommunication. Notion databases can be utilized to record tasks and link them to looms for proof of work and bug fixing. Workflow recording enhances delegation skills and saves time on repetitive tasks. Additionally, the AG1 supplement supports overall well-being.

Maximizing Efficiency and Delegation

Sam provides insights into maximizing efficiency and delegation in the workplace. Hiring overseas EA or support staff depends on task requirements and the spectrum of declarative and imperative tasks. Chiefs of staff should be entrusted with meaningful projects rather than routine tasks. Understanding personal preferences improves communication and efficiency. Long-form memos serve as valuable artifacts for future reference and decision-making. Maintaining and updating projects is essential to avoid complexity and rotting code.

Exploring Personal Growth and Balance

Sam emphasizes the importance of personal growth and balance. Taking sabbaticals allows for learning new skills and exploring different topics. Prioritizing reading books over consuming news leads to a better quality of life. Hosting salon dinners fosters interesting conversations and diverse perspectives. Building strong interpersonal networks through network theory and maintaining relationships with key individuals is crucial. Embracing minimalism can reduce distractions and focus on what truly matters.


Sam Corcos provides valuable insights into leveraging virtual assistants, optimizing workflows, maximizing efficiency, and exploring personal growth. By implementing effective tools and communication strategies, individuals and teams can unlock productivity and achieve greater success. Embracing balance and personal development leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful professional journey.

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