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The Tim Ferris Show / – #695: Shane Parrish on Wisdom from Warren Buffett, Rules for Better Thinking, How to Reduce Blind Spots, The Dangers of Mental Models, and More

The Tim Ferris Show – #695: Shane Parrish on Wisdom from Warren Buffett, Rules for Better Thinking, How to Reduce Blind Spots, The Dangers of Mental Models, and More

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In this episode of “The Tim Ferris Show,” Tim Ferris interviews Shane Parrish, an entrepreneur and wisdom seeker known for hosting the Knowledge Project podcast. They discuss a range of topics, including wisdom from Warren Buffett, rules for better thinking, reducing blind spots, the dangers of mental models, and more.

Main Takeaways

Wisdom from Warren Buffett

  • Buffett and Munger almost never find themselves out of position.
  • Positioning applies to personal health, relationships, and decision-making in finance.
  • Putting yourself in a good position allows you to take advantage of circumstances rather than having them take advantage of you.
  • Being well-positioned in everything is difficult, but we can learn from exemplars in different areas and pick what positions we need to be good at to achieve our goals.

Rules for Better Thinking

  • Mental models allow one to see a problem through different lenses and avoid blind spots.
  • Cognitive biases stem from the belief that what we see is all there is.
  • Useful mental models include thinking from the perspective of others, asking “and then what?”, using inversion to avoid negative outcomes, and practicing Stoic primordom.
  • Putting a different lens onto a problem can help us see it from a new perspective.
  • Edward Debono’s work on lateral thinking and the Sixth Thinking Hats can help us see problems from different perspectives.

Building a Business on Content

  • Creating an email list helped the speaker avoid being platform dependent and losing their audience.
  • Farnum Street aims to create more surface area for people to discover timeless content and master the best of what others have figured out.
  • The podcast was saved by an episode with Naval Ravikant, which went viral and reinvigorated the hosts’ passion for the project.
  • The Great Mental Models book series aims to make big university ideas accessible and applicable to real-world problem-solving.
  • Decision by Design is an online course that teaches practical tools for decision-making, such as separating problem definition from problem solution.

Creating Automatic Rules

  • Automatic rules turn desired behaviors into default behaviors, preventing decision fatigue and freeing up cognitive and emotional bandwidth.
  • Examples of automatic rules include not saying yes on the phone to avoid social pressure and policies like no meetings before 12 or no new book reading for a year.
  • Creating rules for ourselves can be beneficial in difficult situations.
  • Automatic rules can help us avoid relying on willpower to make decisions.
  • Creating context-specific rules can help us achieve our goals.

Investing and Decision-Making

  • The speaker invests mostly in companies that are making money or that they understand well.
  • When investing with friends, the speaker writes off the investment as a donation to avoid affecting their friendship.
  • The speaker prioritizes long-term sustainability over short-term returns and diversifies when it makes sense, but also waits for the right opportunities to invest.
  • Creating evergreen content is important for sustained relevance and growth.
  • Focusing on compounding gains, the speaker invests using cash flows from their business, which also provides deal flow opportunities.


Wisdom from Warren Buffett

Shane Parrish discusses the wisdom he has gleaned from studying Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. They emphasize the importance of positioning in various aspects of life, including personal health, relationships, and decision-making in finance. By putting ourselves in a good position and learning from exemplars in different areas, we can take advantage of circumstances and achieve our goals.

Rules for Better Thinking

Parrish explains the importance of mental models in improving our thinking and decision-making. By adopting different perspectives, asking critical questions, and practicing lateral thinking, we can avoid blind spots and make better choices. He also highlights the value of creating automatic rules to streamline decision-making and avoid decision fatigue.

Building a Business on Content

Parrish shares insights into building a successful business based on content. He emphasizes the importance of creating an email list to maintain audience engagement and avoid platform dependency. Through Farnum Street, he aims to provide accessible and timeless content that helps people master valuable ideas. Additionally, he discusses his book series and online course, which offer practical tools for decision-making and problem-solving.

Investing and Decision-Making

Parrish delves into his investment philosophy, focusing on companies that are making money or that he understands well. He prioritizes long-term sustainability over short-term returns and diversifies his portfolio when it makes sense. Additionally, he shares insights into decision-making and the importance of creating evergreen content to sustain relevance and growth.


Shane Parrish provides valuable insights into wisdom from Warren Buffett, rules for better thinking, building a business on content, and investing. By applying these principles, listeners can improve their decision-making, achieve their goals, and create sustainable success.

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