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Ted Talks Daily / The US vs. itself — and other top global risks in 2024 | Ian Bremmer | Ted Talks Daily

The US vs. itself — and other top global risks in 2024 | Ian Bremmer | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of “Ted Talks Daily,” Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group and G0 media, discusses the top global risks for 2024. From the crisis in the US political system to major wars and the impact of AI, Bremmer provides insights into the challenges the world will face in the coming year.

Main Takeaways

US Political System in Crisis

  • The US political system is in crisis, unable to ensure a free and fair transition of power.
  • Concerns about the US not being able to hold a free and fair election on November 5th.
  • The vulnerability of the US political system, particularly the 2024 election, is a major concern for intelligence leaders.
  • Trump is a symptom of the delegitimization of US institutions over decades, and the stakes for the 2024 election are higher.
  • Biden’s team fears facing legal jeopardy from a politicized Department of Justice, FBI, or IRS if Trump wins.
  • Regardless of who wins the election, neither Biden nor Trump seem capable or willing to fix the political divide in the US.

Major Wars and Conflicts

  • Three major wars are ongoing: Russia vs. Ukraine, Israel vs. Hamas, and the US vs. itself.
  • The Israel-Hamas conflict could spiral into a broader conflict with multiple avenues for escalation.
  • The suffering in Gaza is leading to the radicalization of millions of Palestinians and their supporters.
  • The conflict in the Middle East is expected to escalate substantially in 2024, posing a serious concern for the United States due to its support for the Israeli war.
  • Ukraine may face partition in 2024, despite it not being a preferred outcome for Ukrainians or their allies.
  • Russia’s control of a strip of Ukrainian territory will lead to a visceral hatred for all things Russia for generations.

The Impact of AI and Technology

  • In 2023, generative AI became mainstream, sparking excitement and concern about its creative potential and potential existential risks.
  • AI will impact all sectors, offering productivity and efficiency gains for corporations and individual workers.
  • AI’s rapid development poses a significant challenge for traditional governments to respond to and creates a governance gap that may lead to crises.
  • AI is being used by bad actors in ways that undermine stable society, such as deploying disinformation to undermine democracy and creating disruptive AI tools for destructive purposes.
  • The US and China are in a high-tech tension, with the US and its allies controlling semiconductor capabilities.
  • The global transition to post-carbon energy may be less efficient due to the US-China tension and relative power struggles.

Interconnectedness of Global Issues

  • Governments around the world are implementing industrial policies and subsidies for critical minerals to secure supply chains and prevent exploitation of resources.
  • The politically induced costs in the global environment are hindering the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources.
  • The interconnectedness of global issues is a significant theme, and there are 10 risks highlighted for the year.
  • It’s important to address global issues not only for business and policy decisions but also to connect with loved ones.
  • The speaker reflects on the significance of visiting the South Pole and emphasizes the need for stewardship and protecting the planet for future generations.
  • We are all made of the same atoms and will return to the same place after leaving this planet.


The US Political System in Crisis

Ian Bremmer highlights the crisis in the US political system, where a free and fair transition of power is no longer guaranteed. The upcoming 2024 election raises concerns about the vulnerability of the system, with the stakes higher than ever before. Regardless of the election outcome, the political divide in the US seems unlikely to be resolved, further exacerbating the crisis.

Major Wars and Conflicts

Bremmer discusses the ongoing major wars and conflicts, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Israel-Hamas conflict, and internal conflicts within the US. The Israel-Hamas conflict has the potential to escalate into a broader conflict, leading to radicalization and potential terrorist attacks. The situation in Ukraine is also concerning, with the possibility of partition and long-lasting enmity towards Russia. These conflicts pose significant challenges for global stability and the projection of power.

The Impact of AI and Technology

The rapid development of AI and technology presents both opportunities and risks. Generative AI becoming mainstream raises concerns about its potential misuse, such as the deployment of disinformation and disruptive AI tools. The US-China high-tech tension and the global transition to post-carbon energy face challenges due to relative power struggles and the need for critical minerals. Governance and regulation of AI are crucial to address the negative impacts and ensure a collective response to potential crises.

Interconnectedness of Global Issues

Bremmer emphasizes the interconnectedness of global issues and the need for addressing them. Governments implementing industrial policies and subsidies for critical minerals aim to secure supply chains and prevent resource exploitation. However, politically induced costs hinder the transition to sustainable energy sources. Bremmer highlights the importance of addressing global issues not only for business and policy decisions but also for personal connections. He emphasizes the need for stewardship and protecting the planet for future generations.


As we enter 2024, the world faces significant challenges, from the crisis in the US political system to major wars, the impact of AI, and interconnected global issues. It is crucial to address these risks and find collective solutions to ensure a more stable and sustainable future. Embracing our shared humanity and working towards stewardship of the planet will be essential in navigating the complexities of the year ahead.

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