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Ted Talks Daily / The vital data you flush down the toilet | Newsha Ghaeli | Ted Talks Daily

The vital data you flush down the toilet | Newsha Ghaeli | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of “Ted Talks Daily,” Newsha Ghaeli, a data detective, explores the valuable insights that can be gained from sewage analysis and the potential policy changes it could bring about.

Main Takeaways

Sewage Analysis for Health and Well-being

  • Sewage contains valuable information on our health and well-being, including insights into infectious diseases, chemical markers for drugs, and the bacteria in our microbiomes.
  • Wastewater epidemiology can utilize aggregated and anonymized sewage data to improve health outcomes in cities worldwide.

Big Data and its Impact on Policy

  • The collection and analysis of big data from various sources in cities can inform real-time improvements in social policy, environmental management, and health equity.
  • The era of big data presents opportunities for creative solutions to tackle crises such as climate change, pandemics, and inequality.

Sewage as an Indicator for COVID-19

  • Sewage can accurately represent COVID-19 activity in communities and serve as a leading indicator of new clinical cases.
  • Boston Children’s Hospital used sewage data to proactively postpone medical procedures during a COVID-19 surge.

Wastewater Epidemiology for Addressing Drug Epidemics

  • Wastewater monitoring and analysis can be used to address drug epidemics by analyzing sewage samples.
  • Leveraging wastewater epidemiology can help in understanding and preparing for various health issues beyond COVID-19.


Sewage Analysis for Health and Well-being

Newsha Ghaeli highlights the wealth of information that can be obtained from sewage analysis. Sewage contains valuable insights into infectious diseases, chemical markers for drugs, and the bacteria present in our microbiomes. By collecting and analyzing sewage data, researchers can gain a better understanding of community health and develop strategies to improve health outcomes. Wastewater epidemiology, which utilizes aggregated and anonymized sewage data, has the potential to bring about significant improvements in health outcomes in cities worldwide.

Big Data and its Impact on Policy

Ghaeli emphasizes the power of big data in informing social policy, environmental management, and health equity. By collecting and analyzing data from various sources such as phone calls, package deliveries, and healthcare systems, cities can make real-time improvements in these areas. The era of big data presents opportunities for creative solutions to address pressing issues like climate change, pandemics, and inequality. By harnessing the potential of big data, cities can develop innovative strategies to tackle these challenges and create more sustainable and equitable urban environments.

Sewage as an Indicator for COVID-19

Ghaeli discusses how sewage analysis can serve as a valuable tool in monitoring and managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Sewage accurately represents COVID-19 activity in communities and can be used as a leading indicator of new clinical cases. For example, Boston Children’s Hospital used sewage data to proactively postpone medical procedures during a COVID-19 surge, ensuring the safety of patients and healthcare providers. By leveraging sewage data, communities can gain valuable insights into the spread of the virus and make informed decisions to protect public health.

Wastewater Epidemiology for Addressing Drug Epidemics

Ghaeli explains how wastewater epidemiology can be utilized to address drug epidemics. By analyzing sewage samples, researchers can gather information about drug usage patterns in communities. This data can inform targeted interventions and strategies to combat drug addiction and improve public health. Wastewater monitoring and analysis can be a powerful tool in understanding and preparing for various health issues beyond COVID-19, providing valuable insights for policymakers and healthcare professionals.


Sewage analysis and wastewater epidemiology offer a wealth of valuable information that can inform public health strategies, social policy, and environmental management. By harnessing the power of big data and utilizing sewage as a data source, cities can make significant strides in improving health outcomes and addressing pressing challenges. The era of big data presents unprecedented opportunities for creative and innovative solutions to create more sustainable, equitable, and resilient urban environments.

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