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Pivot / The Year in Pivot: AI, Unions, Taylor Swift, and Insults Galore | Pivot

The Year in Pivot: AI, Unions, Taylor Swift, and Insults Galore | Pivot

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In this episode of the “Pivot” podcast, hosts Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway discuss the major technological innovations, labor uprisings, and corporate shakeups that have defined 2023. They delve into the rapid growth of AI, the need for regulation and accountability in AI development, the impact of AI-generated misinformation on elections, and the changing dynamics in companies like Open AI and Microsoft. The hosts also touch on the power dynamics between Sam Altman and Sachin Adela at Microsoft, the decline of unions and the potential benefits of unionization, the box office success of movies like “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer,” and Taylor Swift’s business acumen and impact on the music industry. The episode concludes with a playful banter between Kara and Scott, showcasing their dynamic and ending on a positive note.

Main Takeaways

Technological Innovations and AI

  • 2023 has been a year of technological innovations, labor uprisings, and corporate shakeups.
  • Rapid growth of AI seen with new ideas, products, and fears.
  • Open AI focuses on AI’s potential to improve lives and manage risks.
  • AI language models can create tweets, poems, stories, and jokes.
  • AI’s power is evident in its ability to generate content in various voices and styles.

Regulation and Accountability in AI

  • George Karlin emphasizes the need for regulators to anticipate potential negative impacts of AI and implement guardrails to mitigate risks.
  • There is a concern about the lack of regulation in AI and the potential for inappropriate conversations, cheating, and misinformation.
  • The hope for AI to be more subscription-based than attention-based, and the necessity for regulatory bodies with real enforcement power to hold AI producers accountable.
  • Scott predicts a surge in AI-generated misinformation leading up to the presidential election, and the potential impact on big tech firms and the need for legislation to remove 230 protections for AI-generated content.
  • Anticipating and addressing the negative impacts of AI, implementing strong regulations, and holding AI producers accountable are essential to mitigate risks and prevent AI-generated misinformation.

Changes in Open AI and Microsoft

  • Open AI experienced a major upheaval with Sam Altman’s departure as CEO, followed by a robust rebound and his return as CEO, with a major overhaul of the board.
  • Open AI and Microsoft have a strong partnership, with Open AI being valued at $90 billion.
  • Open AI was initially meant to be a research institute or think tank studying AI possibilities and dangers, but it evolved into a highly valued company.
  • The tension between capital and humanity is evident as the economic value of AI overshadows concerns about its impact on humanity.
  • For-profit companies excel at generating profits but should not be trusted with other societal responsibilities.

The Decline of Unions and Potential Benefits of Unionization

  • The decline in the number of people in unions was highlighted, along with the fact that despite 330 Starbucks stores unionizing, not one of them had a collective bargaining agreement or increased compensation.
  • The conversation concluded with a call for a pro-union argument and an exploration of the potential benefits of unionization.
  • The writers’ union achieved a 12.5% increase in compensation over a three-year deal, but some argue that it is not enough to keep up with inflation.
  • The United Auto Workers (UAW) successfully negotiated sizeable pay raises, cost of living adjustments, and more from big three auto makers.
  • There have been over 350 labor actions in more than 600 locations throughout the country, indicating a growing movement for workers’ rights.

Box Office Success of “Barbie” and Taylor Swift’s Impact

  • The Barbie movie grossed around $1.4 billion globally, Beyonce’s tour boosted the US economy by $4.5 billion, and Taylor Swift generated about $5.7 billion domestically.
  • Taylor Swift is praised for her business acumen, independence, and refusal to take money from certain sources.
  • The movies “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” collectively brought in $244 million in ticket sales in the first three days, with “Barbie” accounting for $162 million, exceeding expectations.
  • The box office success of both movies is inspiring and a win for the industry, especially for movie theaters.
  • The text discusses a Taylor Swift concert experience, including the visuals, performance, and connection with the audience.


Technological Innovations and AI

2023 has been a year of remarkable technological innovations, with AI leading the way. Open AI, a prominent player in the field, focuses on harnessing AI’s potential to improve lives while managing the associated risks. AI language models have gained significant traction, demonstrating their ability to generate content in various forms, including tweets, poems, stories, and jokes. This rapid growth of AI showcases its power and versatility, raising both excitement and concerns.

Regulation and Accountability in AI

The conversation highlights the need for regulators to anticipate the potential negative impacts of AI and implement guardrails to mitigate risks. There is a growing concern about the lack of regulation in AI, which can lead to inappropriate conversations, cheating, and misinformation. The hope is for AI to become more subscription-based rather than attention-based, and the necessity for regulatory bodies with real enforcement power to hold AI producers accountable. The hosts predict a surge in AI-generated misinformation leading up to the presidential election, emphasizing the need for legislation to remove certain protections for AI-generated content.

Changes in Open AI and Microsoft

The episode delves into the significant changes happening within Open AI and its partnership with Microsoft. Open AI experienced a major upheaval with Sam Altman’s departure as CEO, followed by a robust rebound and his return as CEO, accompanied by a major overhaul of the board. The tension between capital and humanity is evident as the economic value of AI overshadows concerns about its impact on society. The hosts discuss the need for for-profit companies like Open AI to be held accountable for their societal responsibilities. The partnership between Open AI and Microsoft, with Open AI being valued at $90 billion, showcases the growing influence and importance of AI in the corporate world.

The Decline of Unions and Potential Benefits of Unionization

The decline of unions is a significant topic of discussion, with only 11% of the workforce being members of unions. The conversation explores the potential benefits of unionization and the challenges faced by unions in today’s economic landscape. Despite the decline, there have been numerous labor actions across the country, indicating a growing movement for workers’ rights. The episode highlights successful negotiations by unions such as the writers’ union and the United Auto Workers (UAW), showcasing the potential gains that can be achieved through collective bargaining.

Box Office Success of “Barbie” and Taylor Swift’s Impact

The box office success of the movie “Barbie,” grossing around $1.4 billion globally, and Taylor Swift’s impact on the music industry, generating about $5.7 billion domestically, are discussed. Taylor Swift is praised for her business acumen and refusal to compromise her values by accepting money from certain sources. The hosts also touch on the success of the movie “Oppenheimer” and the positive impact these movies have on the industry, particularly movie theaters. The text provides insights into a Taylor Swift concert experience, highlighting the visual spectacle, captivating performance, and strong connection with the audience.


The year 2023 has been marked by significant technological advancements, labor uprisings, and corporate shakeups. The rapid growth of AI has brought both excitement and concerns, emphasizing the need for regulation and accountability. Open AI and Microsoft have undergone significant changes, showcasing the evolving dynamics in the AI industry. The decline of unions and the potential benefits of unionization are explored, highlighting the growing movement for workers’ rights. The box office success of movies like “Barbie” and Taylor Swift’s impact on the music industry demonstrate the power of entertainment and the influence of talented individuals. Overall, the podcast episode provides valuable insights into the key developments and trends shaping the year in review.

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