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The Ben Shapiro Show / This Is How The West Ends | Facts Ep. 6 | The Ben Shapiro Show

This Is How The West Ends | Facts Ep. 6 | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben discusses the concept of multiculturalism and its impact on Western societies. He explores the idea that not all cultures are morally equivalent and highlights the dangers of pretending otherwise. Ben also delves into the negative effects of mass migration and the importance of shared values in creating cohesive communities.

Main Takeaways

The Dangers of Multiculturalism

  • Multiculturalism is a philosophy that suggests all cultures are equally worthy of respect and inclusion, and the best society is the most diverse society.
  • Not all cultures are morally equivalent, and some cultures value truth over others, while others value death over life.
  • The West tends to think that everyone thinks like us, but this is not true, and pretending otherwise is dangerous.
  • Importing people from cultures that act tribally with respect to the rule of law can lead to massive crime problems.
  • The media’s refusal to report on sexual abuse cases caused by immigrants was due to the fear of causing a spike in racism.

The Negative Effects of Mass Migration

  • Advocates of multiculturalism ignore the negative effects of mass migration and hide statistics, causing pushback from right-wing groups.
  • Multiculturalism causes taxation of public resources, and in a vast welfare state, immigration cannot be open.
  • The values of cultures may run counter to the values of the host society, and new constituencies may hold radical views.

The Importance of Shared Values

  • Diversity can be a strength when it serves a common purpose and societal goal.
  • Diversity in communities doesn’t necessarily lead to better, more cohesive, and more tolerant communities, according to Robert Putnam’s experiments.
  • Shared values are the key to having a trusting and safe community.
  • The West needs to rediscover its shared values to prevent being torn apart from the inside.
  • The book “Bolling Alone” highlights the importance of community and shared values.
  • “The only way to have a secure community is to have a homogenous community,” said Robert Putnam.


The Dangers of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism, the philosophy that promotes the equal respect and inclusion of all cultures, can be dangerous when it ignores the fact that not all cultures share the same values. Importing people from cultures that do not prioritize the rule of law can lead to significant crime problems. The media’s fear of causing racism has led to the underreporting of sexual abuse cases caused by immigrants. It is crucial to acknowledge the differences in cultural values and address them honestly.

The Negative Effects of Mass Migration

Advocates of multiculturalism often overlook the negative consequences of mass migration, such as the strain on public resources and the potential clash of values between the host society and new constituencies. In a vast welfare state, open immigration is not sustainable. It is essential to have an honest discussion about the impact of mass migration and consider the long-term implications on societal cohesion and stability.

The Importance of Shared Values

Diversity can be a strength when it serves a common purpose and societal goal. However, studies have shown that diversity in communities does not automatically lead to better, more cohesive, and more tolerant communities. Shared values are crucial in fostering trust and creating safe communities. The West needs to rediscover its shared values to prevent internal divisions and maintain social harmony.


The concept of multiculturalism raises important questions about the value we place on cultural diversity and the potential consequences of mass migration. It is essential to have open and honest discussions about these topics, considering both the benefits and challenges they present. By recognizing the importance of shared values and addressing cultural differences, we can strive for a more harmonious and secure society.

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