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The Daily / Two Superpowers Walk Into a Garden | The Daily

Two Superpowers Walk Into a Garden | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” President Biden and Xi Jinping of China meet to repair their country’s relations, marking the first time they have even talked in a year. The US and China are becoming military rivals, with the military dimension of the relationship overshadowing the economic ties. The relationship between the two superpowers is seen as the one in the world that could affect the economies and even the military development of other countries. This podcast explores the challenges and potential for cooperation between the US and China.

Main Takeaways

The US-China Relationship

  • The relationship had reached an all-time low due to the downward spiral during the Trump era and Biden’s confrontational approach towards China.
  • China sees Taiwan as a part of China, not as an independent government, and took aggressive military actions to retaliate against Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.
  • The US and China have weak military-to-military ties, which is concerning as they come into closer contact in Asia.
  • President Biden announced a restriction on exports of advanced microchips to China, seen as a provocation by China.

Diplomatic Efforts and Communication

  • President Biden and President Xi had their first in-person meeting in Bali to discuss the need for stability in the US-China relationship.
  • Both leaders emphasized the importance of clear communication and understanding each other’s intentions.
  • The two countries agreed to reestablish high-level talks between their military commanders and discussed the possibility of arms control talks.

China’s Perspective

  • China accuses the US of dangerous behavior in the Asia Pacific region, pushing boundaries and not respecting China’s limits.
  • Chinese President Xi Jinping presents himself as a peacemaker and wants to keep the relationship with the US stable.
  • China wants to be seen as the main diplomatic force countering US aggression, similar to conflicts in Ukraine and the Israel-Gaza war.

Challenges and Unresolved Issues

  • The relationship was tested when a Chinese spy balloon floated over Montana in February, causing tensions to rise.
  • The US attempts to keep other countries down through the rules-based international order, which Chinese officials see as US dominance.
  • Biden still thinks Xi Jinping is a dictator, but the Chinese leader presented himself as a willing partner at a dinner with business executives.


The US-China Relationship

The relationship between the US and China has reached an all-time low due to the confrontational approach of the Trump era and President Biden’s continued tough stance towards China. China’s actions in Taiwan, such as aggressive military actions in response to Nancy Pelosi’s visit, have further strained the relationship. Weak military-to-military ties between the US and China are concerning as they come into closer contact in Asia. President Biden’s restriction on microchip exports to China has been seen as a provocation. These challenges highlight the need for both countries to find a way to stabilize their relationship.

Diplomatic Efforts and Communication

President Biden and President Xi recently had their first in-person meeting in Bali, where they discussed the need for stability in the US-China relationship. Both leaders emphasized the importance of clear communication and understanding each other’s intentions. They agreed to reestablish high-level talks between their military commanders and discussed the possibility of arms control talks. These diplomatic efforts and improved communication channels are crucial in preventing misunderstandings that can lead to dangerous situations.

China’s Perspective

China accuses the US of dangerous behavior in the Asia Pacific region, pushing boundaries and not respecting China’s limits. Chinese President Xi Jinping presents himself as a peacemaker and wants to keep the relationship with the US stable. China aims to be seen as the main diplomatic force countering US aggression, similar to conflicts in Ukraine and the Israel-Gaza war. However, unresolved issues such as the US’s perception of Xi Jinping as a dictator and China’s desire to set its own rules pose challenges to the relationship.

Challenges and Unresolved Issues

The relationship between the US and China faces challenges and unresolved issues. Tensions rose when a Chinese spy balloon floated over Montana, testing the relationship. The US’s attempts to maintain its dominance through the rules-based international order are seen by China as an attempt to keep other countries down. Despite this, President Xi Jinping presented himself as a willing partner at a dinner with business executives, indicating potential areas of cooperation. However, significant issues like Taiwan and military dominance remain unresolved, indicating a likely further decline in the relationship.


The US-China relationship is complex and faces numerous challenges. Repairing the relationship and finding common ground is crucial for both countries and the stability of the global economy and security. Clear communication, diplomatic efforts, and addressing unresolved issues are essential in preventing misunderstandings and dangerous situations. The future of the US-China relationship remains uncertain, but maintaining open lines of communication is vital to avoid further deterioration.

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