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The History of Rome / Update One Year Later | The History of Rome

Update- One Year Later | The History of Rome

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In this episode of “The History of Rome” podcast, host Mike Duncan provides an update on the show’s progress one year after it concluded. He discusses the plans for the next podcast and shares details about an upcoming Ask Me Anything session on Reddit.

Main Takeaways

Plans for the Next Podcast

  • Due to a move to Madison, Wisconsin, the plans to start the next podcast in 2014 have been changed.
  • The new plan involves working on the next show, with a debut in early September 2013.

Ask Me Anything on Reddit

  • The host will be doing an Ask Me Anything on Reddit, specifically the History Subreddit, on May 31st at 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time.
  • Listeners and fans of “The History of Rome” can participate in the session and ask the host any questions they have.

For More Details

  • Listeners can visit for more details about the podcast and updates from the host.


Plans for the Next Podcast

Due to a move to Madison, Wisconsin, the host had to change the plans for starting the next podcast in 2014. However, the new plan involved working on the show and aiming for a debut in early September 2013. This update shows the commitment of the host to continue providing historical content to the audience.

Ask Me Anything on Reddit

As a way to engage with the listeners and fans of “The History of Rome,” the host has scheduled an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. This session will take place on May 31st at 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time. It provides an opportunity for the audience to ask the host any questions they have about the podcast, historical topics, or any other related subjects. It’s an exciting chance for fans to interact directly with the host and gain further insights into the podcast’s content.

For More Details

To stay updated on the progress of the next podcast and other news from the host, listeners can visit This website serves as a hub for additional information, announcements, and further engagement with the podcast’s community. It’s a valuable resource for anyone interested in the historical content provided by the host.


With plans underway for the next podcast and an upcoming Ask Me Anything session on Reddit, “The History of Rome” continues to captivate and educate its audience. The host’s dedication to delivering historical content and engaging with listeners demonstrates the enduring appeal of this podcast. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and enriching episodes in the future.

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