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My First Million / We Got 100M Views In 12 Months, Here’s What We Learned | My First Million

We Got 100M Views In 12 Months, Here’s What We Learned | My First Million

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In this episode of the “My First Million” podcast, Sam and the speaker reflect on their incredible achievement of reaching over 100 million views for their podcast in just one year. They share key takeaways and lessons learned from their success, discussing the numbers behind their podcast’s growth, the importance of consistency, and the value of tailoring content for different platforms. They also delve into topics such as negotiation, real estate investment, and the balance between seeking popularity and pursuing genuine happiness. Join them as they explore various paths to success and provide inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Main Takeaways

Achieving 100 Million Views

  • Sam and the speaker achieved over 100 million views for their podcast in a year through hard work and dedication.
  • Consistency is key: Even on days when not feeling motivated, the satisfaction of creating content is similar to the feeling of exercising.
  • The top three most popular episodes on the podcast are different from the top three on YouTube, highlighting the importance of tailoring content to different platforms.
  • Titles matter: The success of episodes on YouTube is often determined by the title, but delivering on the promise is equally important.

Lessons in Growth and Success

  • Consistency in communication and maintaining a “gentleman’s agreement” is crucial for sustained success and growth.
  • Learning the right lessons from failures is important for personal and professional growth.
  • Tom Billio’s podcast “Impact Theory” provides valuable insights from successful entrepreneurs.
  • Seeking popularity on social media may not lead to genuine happiness; pursuing what brings fulfillment is more important.
  • Negotiation skills and tax planning are crucial for financial success.

Content Creation and Audience Targeting

  • Creating upmarket content can attract the right audience and lead to long-term success.
  • Copy work and studying effective writing can improve one’s own writing skills.
  • Success can be achieved through various paths, and it’s not necessary to follow the traditional Silicon Valley route.
  • Choosing happiness and practicing emotional control can lead to a more fulfilling life.


Achieving 100 Million Views

Sam and the speaker share their journey of achieving over 100 million views for their podcast in just one year. Through consistency and hard work, they were able to create content that resonated with their audience. They emphasize the importance of staying consistent, even on days when motivation is lacking. They also highlight the significance of tailoring content for different platforms, as the top episodes on the podcast may differ from the top episodes on YouTube. Additionally, they discuss the impact of titles in attracting viewers and the importance of delivering on the promises made in those titles.

Lessons in Growth and Success

Consistency in communication and maintaining a “gentleman’s agreement” are key factors in achieving sustained success and growth. Learning from failures and seeking wisdom from successful entrepreneurs, such as Tom Billio on his podcast “Impact Theory,” can provide valuable insights. The hosts also discuss the balance between seeking popularity on social media and pursuing genuine happiness. They emphasize the importance of negotiation skills and tax planning in achieving financial success.

Content Creation and Audience Targeting

The hosts delve into the importance of creating upmarket content that attracts the right audience. They share their experience of studying effective writing through copy work and emphasize the value of quality over quantity. They challenge the notion that success can only be achieved through the traditional Silicon Valley route, showcasing various paths to success. Lastly, they discuss the significance of choosing happiness, practicing emotional control, and finding fulfillment in life.


Sam and the speaker’s incredible achievement of reaching over 100 million views for their podcast in just one year serves as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs. Their journey highlights the importance of consistency, tailoring content for different platforms, and delivering on promises made to viewers. They also provide valuable insights on growth and success, emphasizing the value of learning from failures, seeking wisdom from successful entrepreneurs, and pursuing genuine happiness. By sharing their experiences and lessons learned, they encourage listeners to explore different paths to success and find fulfillment in their chosen endeavors.

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