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Ted Talks Daily / What happens when we deny people abortions? | Diana Greene Foster | Ted Talks Daily

What happens when we deny people abortions? | Diana Greene Foster | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of “Ted Talks Daily,” demographer Diana Greene Foster discusses her research on the health and wellness outcomes of women who have had abortions or were denied the procedure. She shares the stories of her grandmothers, who had experienced unwanted pregnancies, as the inspiration for her work. Foster’s research challenges the allegations that abortion harms women and highlights the importance of women’s autonomy in decision-making.

Main Takeaways

Impact on Mental Health and Well-being

  • Foster’s research team studied the outcomes of women who received abortions and those who were turned away, finding that the two groups were similar at the start.
  • The study revealed no mental health harm from abortion, but higher anxiety, lower self-esteem, and lower life satisfaction for those who were denied the procedure.

Physical Health and Economic Hardships

  • Women who carried the pregnancy to term and gave birth had worse physical health compared to those who had abortions, with higher rates of chronic pain, hypertension, and overall worse physical health.
  • Women denied abortions faced more economic hardships, including increased debt, lower credit scores, and a greater chance of eviction and bankruptcy.

Aspirational Plans and Autonomy

  • Those who received abortions were more likely to set and achieve aspirational plans for their future, such as breaking ties with abusive partners, finding high-quality relationships, and pursuing advanced education.
  • Over 95% of those who received their abortion said it was the right decision for them, highlighting the importance of women’s autonomy in decision-making.

Adoption and Trusting Women

  • The assumption that women could easily place their children for adoption was proven wrong, as very few women chose this option, and those who did faced difficulties coping with the experience.
  • Dr. George Tiller emphasized trusting women and the importance of access to safe legal abortion for all.

Global Perspective and Support

  • Unintended pregnancy is common and affects families globally.
  • The international trend is towards liberalizing abortion laws.
  • Support for pregnant people, regardless of their decision, is crucial, including income support, healthcare coverage, childcare, and parental leave.
  • People need information and resources to end pregnancies safely.


Impact on Mental Health and Well-being

Diana Greene Foster’s research focused on studying the outcomes of women who had abortions and those who were denied the procedure. The study found that there was no mental health harm from abortion, but women who were denied abortions experienced higher anxiety, lower self-esteem, and lower life satisfaction. This challenges the allegations that abortion harms women and emphasizes the importance of women’s autonomy in decision-making.

Physical Health and Economic Hardships

Women who carried the pregnancy to term and gave birth had worse physical health compared to those who had abortions. They experienced higher rates of chronic pain, hypertension, and overall worse physical health. Additionally, women who were denied abortions faced more economic hardships, including increased debt, lower credit scores, and a greater chance of eviction and bankruptcy. These findings highlight the importance of accessible and safe abortion services for women’s overall well-being.

Aspirational Plans and Autonomy

Women who received abortions were more likely to set and achieve aspirational plans for their future. They were able to break ties with abusive partners, find high-quality relationships, and pursue advanced education. This showcases the positive impact of abortion on women’s lives and emphasizes the importance of women having autonomy over their reproductive choices. Over 95% of those who received their abortion stated that it was the right decision for them, highlighting the significance of women being able to make their own decisions regarding their bodies and futures.

Adoption and Trusting Women

The assumption that women could easily place their children for adoption was proven wrong, as very few women chose this option, and those who did faced difficulties coping with the experience. This challenges the notion that adoption is a simple alternative to abortion and emphasizes the importance of trusting women to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. Dr. George Tiller’s emphasis on trusting women and ensuring access to safe legal abortion for all further supports the need for reproductive autonomy.

Global Perspective and Support

Unintended pregnancy is a common issue that affects families globally. The international trend is moving towards liberalizing abortion laws, recognizing the importance of reproductive rights and choices. It is crucial to provide support for pregnant people, regardless of their decision, including income support, healthcare coverage, childcare, and parental leave. Access to information and resources for safe abortion procedures is essential to ensure the well-being of individuals seeking to end their pregnancies.


Diana Greene Foster’s research sheds light on the impact of denying abortions and the importance of women’s autonomy in decision-making. It debunks the notion that abortion harms women and highlights the positive outcomes for those who have access to safe and legal abortions. The findings emphasize the need for accessible and supportive reproductive healthcare services, including abortion, to ensure the overall well-being and autonomy of women.

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