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Ted Talks Daily / What would it take for generosity to go viral? | Chris Anderson | Ted Talks Daily

What would it take for generosity to go viral? | Chris Anderson | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of the “Ted Talks Daily” podcast, Chris Anderson explores the concept of making generosity go viral and its potential to impact millions. He shares remarkable stories and introduces the people behind them as a playbook for a new way to think about generosity.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Infectious Generosity

  • Simple acts of generosity have the ability to spread and create a world-changing idea.
  • Generosity doesn’t need to be big to be powerful, it just needs to be infectious.
  • What would it take to make generosity infectious?

Stories of Infectious Generosity

  • Chris Anderson shares 10 remarkable stories and introduces the people behind them as a playbook for a new way to think about generosity.
  • These stories showcase the impact of generosity in various forms, including monetary gifts, time, attention, hospitality, and simple acts of kindness.
  • Examples include a viral act of generosity in Ireland, the power of positive emotions, creativity going viral, and courageous efforts to create change.

The Amplifying Effect of Kindness

  • Kindness and authentic human emotion have been amplified by creativity and courage, leading to powerful and inspiring initiatives.
  • Combining emotion, creativity, and courage can have a powerful impact, inspiring people worldwide.
  • Stories of generosity and kindness have the potential to create long-lasting impact and inspire others.

The Influence of Generosity in the Digital Age

  • In the connected era, the rules around what to hold on to and what to give away have fundamentally changed.
  • It is now easier to give away things at limitless scale, carrying the important currency of reputation.
  • Online platforms and social media have provided opportunities to spread generosity and inspire others.

The Call to Action

  • Chris Anderson encourages listeners to make eye contact with someone who feels invisible, amplify positive actions online, invite friends to dream about community initiatives, or join a giving circle.
  • He shares a message from his late mother about the journey of generosity leading to companions named meaning and happiness.
  • Unsung heroes are encouraged to embrace the power of generosity and shape the course of history.


Generosity Goes Viral: The Power of Infectious Giving

Chris Anderson explores the concept of making generosity go viral and highlights its potential to impact millions. He emphasizes that even simple acts of generosity have the power to spread and create a world-changing idea. Generosity doesn’t need to be grand; it just needs to be infectious. Anderson shares 10 remarkable stories that serve as a playbook for rethinking generosity.

Infectious Generosity: Stories that Inspire

Anderson introduces various stories of infectious generosity that showcase the impact of giving in different forms. From a viral act of generosity in Ireland to the power of positive emotions, creativity going viral, and courageous efforts to create change, these stories exemplify the potential of generosity to inspire and create a ripple effect.

Amplifying Kindness: The Power of Emotion, Creativity, and Courage

Kindness and authentic human emotion, when amplified by creativity and courage, can have a profound impact. Anderson highlights how the combination of emotion, creativity, and courage has led to powerful and inspiring initiatives. These stories demonstrate that acts of generosity, whether big or small, can create a lasting impact and inspire others.

Generosity in the Digital Age: The Changing Landscape

In the connected era, the rules around giving and sharing have fundamentally changed. Anderson discusses how online platforms and social media have provided opportunities to spread generosity at a limitless scale. The currency of reputation plays a crucial role, making it easier to give away things and inspire others.

The Call to Action: Embracing Generosity

Anderson encourages listeners to take action and embrace generosity in their own lives. He suggests simple acts such as making eye contact with someone who feels invisible, amplifying positive actions online, dreaming about community initiatives with friends, or joining a giving circle. He shares a heartfelt message from his late mother about the journey of generosity leading to companions named meaning and happiness.


Generosity has the power to go viral and create a meaningful impact. Through simple acts of kindness and infectious giving, individuals can inspire others and shape the course of history. In the digital age, the opportunities to spread generosity are limitless, and stories of generosity have the potential to create lasting change. Embracing generosity not only benefits others but also brings meaning and happiness to our own lives.

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