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Freakonomics / Why Does the Most Monotonous Job in the World Pay $1 Million? (Ep. 493 Update) | Freakonomics

Why Does the Most Monotonous Job in the World Pay $1 Million? (Ep. 493 Update) | Freakonomics

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In this episode of Freakonomics, the focus is on the highly specialized position of long snappers in American football. The episode explores the importance of specialization in both the sports world and the labor market, highlighting the unique role of long snappers and the impact they have on the success of their teams. It also delves into the evolution of the long snapper position, the rule changes implemented to protect them, and the training camps that have emerged to develop this specialized skill. Additionally, it discusses the racial dynamics within the long snapping community and the career prospects and challenges faced by long snappers.

Main Takeaways

Specialization in the Labor Market

  • Specialization in the labor market is what makes us rich, according to economist Victor Matheson.
  • Specialization allows individuals to excel in a specific area, leading to prosperity.
  • Being a jack of all trades is not beneficial; specialization is key.

The Importance of Long Snappers

  • The long snapper is a highly specialized position in American football.
  • They perform the crucial task of snapping the ball on punts, field goals, and extra points.
  • Every NFL team dedicates a roster spot to a long snapper despite their limited playing time.
  • The absence of a dedicated long snapper can lead to game-changing mistakes.

Evolution of the Long Snapper Position

  • Long snappers were initially backup guards who were not skilled at snapping.
  • In recent years, the position has been filled by more specialized tight ends.
  • Rule changes were implemented to protect long snappers from injury.
  • Specialization has led to the emergence of long snapper agents and the use of draft picks for the position.

Training and Development of Long Snappers

  • Private coach Chris Rubio conducts training camps to teach long snapping.
  • Long snapping camps focus solely on perfecting the technique.
  • Early training in long snapping can lead to college scholarships and potential NFL opportunities.
  • Rubio’s network and rankings are relied upon by college coaches for recruiting long snappers.

Racial Dynamics in Long Snapping

  • Chris Rubio’s network of connections in long snapping is predominantly white.
  • Black long snappers are significantly underrepresented in the community.
  • Perceptions of the position as a default for players with limited skills may contribute to this disparity.

The Role and Impact of Long Snappers

  • Long snappers ensure a clean operation for the kicker, affecting the success of field goals and extra points.
  • Their specialization has improved the accuracy and overall performance of the kicking game.
  • Accuracy, technique, and adaptability to different conditions are crucial for long snappers.
  • Their role is often overlooked but can be the difference between winning and losing a game.


The Importance of Specialization in the Labor Market and Sports World

Specialization is a key factor in both the labor market and the sports world. Victor Matheson emphasizes that specialization is what drives prosperity. The example of long snappers in American football demonstrates how specialization in a specific position can be crucial to a team’s success.

The Evolution of the Long Snapper Position and Rule Changes

The long snapper position has evolved from backup guards to more specialized tight ends. Rule changes have been implemented to protect long snappers from injury, such as requiring defensive players to line up outside their shoulder pads. These changes have led to a shift in body type for long snappers and the emergence of long snapper agents.

The Training and Development of Long Snappers

Private coach Chris Rubio plays a significant role in training and developing long snappers. His training camps focus solely on perfecting the technique of long snapping, starting from a young age. This specialized training can lead to college scholarships and potential opportunities in the NFL.

Racial Dynamics in Long Snapping

The long snapping community, as represented by Chris Rubio’s network, is predominantly white. Black long snappers are significantly underrepresented, possibly due to perceptions of the position as a default for players with limited skills. This highlights the need for greater diversity and inclusion in the long snapping community.

The Role and Impact of Long Snappers

Long snappers play a crucial role in the success of field goals and extra points. Their specialization and accuracy improve the overall performance of the kicking game. Despite being often overlooked, their role can be the difference between winning and losing a game.


The highly specialized position of long snappers in American football exemplifies the importance of specialization in both the labor market and the sports world. The evolution of the long snapper position, rule changes to protect them, and the training camps dedicated to developing this specialized skill highlight the impact and significance of long snappers in the game. However, there are still challenges to address, such as racial disparities within the long snapping community. Overall, long snappers play a vital role in ensuring the success of field goals and extra points, contributing to the overall performance of the team.

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