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Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu / World’s Strongest Body Builder Shows You How to Build Muscle, Lose Fat & Fight Chronic Disease (Replay) | Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

World’s Strongest Body Builder Shows You How to Build Muscle, Lose Fat & Fight Chronic Disease (Replay) | Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

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In this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, the world’s strongest bodybuilder, Stan Efferding, shares his insights on building muscle, losing fat, and fighting chronic disease. Efferding emphasizes the importance of mindset, coordination, and balance in achieving athletic success. He also discusses the significance of sleep, nutrition, and consistency in both fitness and business. This replay episode provides valuable information for individuals looking to transform their bodies and improve their overall health.

Main Takeaways

Weight Loss and Diet

  • Only 6 out of 7 people who go on a diet lose weight, and 90% of them gain it back within 3 years.
  • Overweight individuals can benefit from weight loss, regardless of the diet they follow.
  • Proper nutrition and sleep are crucial for bodybuilding and growth.
  • Eating more protein can help with weight loss by increasing satiety and controlling blood sugar levels.
  • The amount of weight you lift is not nearly as important as a host of other factors, such as volume load and range of motion.

Athletic Success

  • Starting with a good foundation of coordination movements (dips, chin-ups, sprinting) is important for athletics.
  • Sprinting is the single best exercise for youth as it improves neural adaptation, recruitment, coordination, and builds stronger joints and muscles.
  • Coordination and balance can be developed through skateboarding and snowboarding.
  • Consistency and building habits are crucial for progress.
  • Making sports fun and avoiding specialization can prevent repetitive strain injuries.

Business and Entrepreneurship

  • Channeling behavior from sports into business can lead to success.
  • Being specific and breaking down goals can help overcome procrastination and fear.
  • Having a strategy based on goals is important for successful investing.

The Vertical Diet and Nutrition

  • The Vertical Diet includes sleep optimization, hydration, nutrition, injury prevention, blood testing, and cardiovascular training.
  • Glycemic control is the most important factor in long-term disease prevention.
  • A high-protein diet is effective for controlling blood sugars and retaining lean body mass.
  • Beef and other ruminant animals are more nutrient-dense than chicken and turkey.
  • The cholesterol in your diet does not necessarily affect the cholesterol in your bloodstream for the majority of people.

Health and Disease Prevention

  • Lowering fructose intake can be a quick fix for high blood pressure.
  • Resistance training releases nitric oxide, which helps with blood vessel elasticity and impacts blood pressure.
  • Sleep apnea can be fixed immediately with a CPAP, which is a 99% fix.
  • Improvement in metabolic markers and blood tests can be seen with various diets associated with weight loss.
  • Experimentation with diet is key to finding what works for you.


Weight Loss and Diet

Stan Efferding highlights the challenges of weight loss and the importance of maintaining a healthy diet. He emphasizes that weight loss can benefit overweight individuals, regardless of the specific diet they follow. Efferding also emphasizes the significance of proper nutrition and sleep in achieving bodybuilding goals. Additionally, he explains how consuming more protein can aid in weight loss by increasing satiety and controlling blood sugar levels. Lastly, Efferding stresses that the amount of weight lifted is not the sole determinant of progress; other factors such as volume load and range of motion play crucial roles.

Athletic Success

Efferding provides valuable insights into achieving athletic success. He emphasizes the importance of starting with a solid foundation of coordination movements, such as dips, chin-ups, and sprinting. According to Efferding, sprinting is the most effective exercise for youth, as it improves neural adaptation, coordination, and builds stronger joints and muscles. He also suggests that coordination and balance can be developed through activities like skateboarding and snowboarding. Consistency and building habits are crucial for progress, and avoiding specialization can prevent repetitive strain injuries.

Business and Entrepreneurship

Efferding draws parallels between sports and business, highlighting how behavior and mindset from sports can lead to success in entrepreneurship. He emphasizes the importance of being specific and breaking down goals to overcome procrastination and fear. Having a strategy based on goals is crucial for successful investing. Efferding’s insights provide valuable guidance for individuals looking to excel in both fitness and business.

The Vertical Diet and Nutrition

The Vertical Diet, as explained by Efferding, encompasses various aspects of health and nutrition. It includes sleep optimization, hydration, nutrition, injury prevention, blood testing, and cardiovascular training. Efferding emphasizes the importance of glycemic control in long-term disease prevention. He recommends a high-protein diet for controlling blood sugars and retaining lean body mass. Efferding suggests that beef and other ruminant animals are more nutrient-dense than chicken and turkey. He also challenges the notion that dietary cholesterol negatively impacts blood cholesterol levels for most people.

Health and Disease Prevention

Efferding shares insights on health and disease prevention, particularly in relation to high blood pressure. He suggests that lowering fructose intake can be a quick fix for high blood pressure. Resistance training is highlighted as a means to release nitric oxide, which improves blood vessel elasticity and impacts blood pressure. Efferding also emphasizes the significance of addressing sleep apnea, as it can significantly impact blood pressure. Additionally, he mentions the importance of consuming sufficient amounts of potassium, calcium, and magnesium for blood pressure regulation. Efferding’s insights provide valuable guidance for individuals looking to improve their overall health and prevent chronic diseases.


Stan Efferding’s expertise in bodybuilding, nutrition, and health provides valuable insights for individuals looking to transform their bodies and improve their overall well-being. His emphasis on mindset, coordination, and balance in achieving athletic success, along with his recommendations for proper nutrition and sleep, offer practical guidance for those striving for fitness goals. Efferding’s insights on business and entrepreneurship highlight the importance of consistency, structure, and goal-setting for success in various domains. Overall, this episode provides a comprehensive overview of building muscle, losing fat, and fighting chronic disease, making it a must-listen for anyone seeking to optimize their physical and mental well-being.

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