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The Daily Stoic / You Can’t Deny This |10 Stoic Tips For Being A Better Leader | The Daily Stoic

You Can’t Deny This |10 Stoic Tips For Being A Better Leader | The Daily Stoic

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the focus is on Stoic philosophy and how it can improve leadership skills. The host discusses various Stoic principles and their practical applications in leadership roles. These insights have been utilized by leaders throughout history to enhance their decision-making, discipline, and adaptability. Join the conversation and discover how Stoicism can make you a better leader.

Main Takeaways

Understanding Others

  • Seneca thought he knew Nero, but other Stoics knew better
  • False friends should be avoided at all costs, and we need to understand the true character of those we’re dealing with

Discipline and Adaptability

  • The highest form of discipline is being strict about some things and flexible about others
  • The ability to adjust and adapt, even as you hold something sacred, is key to expanding discipline

Effective Communication

  • Your job as a leader is to make fast transitions from conversation to conversation to avoid carrying emotions or moods forward

Learning from Others

  • Reading is a way to not have to learn everything by trial and error and gain insights from those who have come before
  • Learning from others’ experiences is crucial and can save lives, as trial and error can result in fatal consequences

Focus and Productivity

  • Multitasking is a myth, and interruptions can significantly affect performance and productivity
  • Being present and focused on the task at hand is the killer advantage in the information age

Leadership in Crisis

  • Crisis can bring out the best in people and provide permission to fight like hell
  • Selling the palace furnishings during a crisis was a bold move that helped save the Roman Empire

Personal Development

  • Marcus Aurelius was a leader who lived by his philosophy, not just a philosopher
  • Personal development helps you professionally more than professional development transfers over personally

Discipline in Leadership

  • Managing tempers on a ship involves setting the tone as the leader, getting buy-in from senior personnel, and enforcing a culture of calm
  • Saying “no” is a key element of discipline in leadership

Self-Criticism and Accountability

  • Self-criticism and accountability are important for personal growth and success
  • The Stoic philosophy emphasizes self-discipline and self-accountability

Additional Mentions

  • The Daily Stoke, a collection of Stoic meditations, has gained a large following over the years
  • The Grinch has a new holiday talk show on Wondery, available for early and ad-free listening on Amazon Music and Wondery Plus


Understanding Others

One of the main takeaways from this episode is the importance of understanding others. Seneca’s experience with Nero serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the need to see beyond appearances and false friendships. By avoiding false friends and gaining a deeper understanding of people’s true character, leaders can make more informed decisions and build authentic relationships.

Discipline and Adaptability

The Stoic philosophy emphasizes discipline and adaptability. Leaders are encouraged to be strict about certain principles while remaining flexible in other areas. This balance allows for growth and expansion of discipline, enabling leaders to navigate various situations with resilience and effectiveness.

Effective Communication

Leadership requires effective communication skills. Making quick transitions from one conversation to another helps prevent the carryover of emotions or moods, ensuring clear and unbiased communication. By mastering this skill, leaders can foster productive and harmonious relationships within their teams.

Learning from Others

Reading and learning from others’ experiences is a valuable tool for leaders. It allows them to gain insights and avoid unnecessary trial and error. By leveraging the wisdom of those who have come before, leaders can make informed decisions and potentially save lives in high-stakes situations.

Focus and Productivity

Multitasking is debunked as a myth, as interruptions can significantly impact performance and productivity. Instead, leaders are encouraged to be fully present and focused on the task at hand. This ability to concentrate in the information age provides a competitive advantage and ensures high-quality output.

Leadership in Crisis

Crisis situations can bring out the best in leaders. It is during these challenging times that leaders have the opportunity to demonstrate their resilience and determination. The example of selling palace furnishings during a crisis showcases the bold moves leaders can make to save their organizations or communities.

Personal Development

Leadership and personal development go hand in hand. Marcus Aurelius serves as an example of a leader who not only espoused Stoic philosophy but lived by it. Personal growth has a direct impact on professional success, as leaders who continuously develop themselves bring valuable insights and wisdom to their roles.

Discipline in Leadership

Discipline plays a crucial role in effective leadership. Managing tempers and maintaining a culture of calm requires setting the tone as a leader and gaining buy-in from senior personnel. Saying “no” when necessary is an essential element of discipline, allowing leaders to make tough decisions and stay focused on their priorities.

Self-Criticism and Accountability

Self-criticism and accountability are important for personal growth and success. The Stoic philosophy emphasizes self-discipline and self-accountability, encouraging leaders to reflect on their actions and take responsibility for their mistakes. By embracing self-improvement and holding themselves accountable, leaders can continually strive for excellence.

Additional Mentions

Lastly, the episode mentions “The Daily Stoke,” a popular collection of Stoic meditations that has gained a large following. Additionally, it highlights the new holiday talk show featuring the Grinch, available for early and ad-free listening on Amazon Music and Wondery Plus.


By incorporating Stoic principles into leadership practices, individuals can become better leaders. Understanding others, maintaining discipline, effective communication, continuous learning, focus, and adaptability are key elements discussed in this episode. Embracing personal development, self-criticism, and accountability further enhance leadership skills. Leaders who embrace these principles can navigate crises, make informed decisions, and inspire their teams to achieve greatness.

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