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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett / Yuval Noah Harari: The Urgent Warning They Hope You Ignore, “More War Is Coming”, Yuval’s Chilling Future Predictions! | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

Yuval Noah Harari: The Urgent Warning They Hope You Ignore, “More War Is Coming”, Yuval’s Chilling Future Predictions! | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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In this episode of “The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett,” Steven Bartlett interviews Yuval Noah Harari, a renowned historian and author of the bestselling book “Sapiens.” They discuss the urgent warning about the future of humanity, the potential dangers of artificial intelligence, and the need for global cooperation. Harari emphasizes the importance of understanding history and the power of individual agency in shaping the world we live in.

Main Takeaways

The Urgent Warning About the Future

  • We are in a new era of wars and need to reestablish order fast to avoid doom.
  • Humans are focused on gaining without understanding the consequences, leading to potential disaster.
  • Advancements like indefinite life and artificial intelligence pose existential risks and potential anxiety.

The Power and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

  • Artificial intelligence can make decisions by itself, potentially leading to manipulation and loss of human control.
  • Humans have the power to change the dangerous trajectory we are on.
  • Encouragement to hit the subscribe button to support the show’s growth and improvement.

The Role of Fictions in Human History

  • Yuval’s mission is to clarify and focus the global conversation on the most important challenges facing humankind.
  • Our minds constantly produce stories and fictions that can disconnect us from reality, and historians aim to show a way out.
  • Yuval’s work carries a warning about the potential dangers and challenges facing humanity.
  • Fictions are central in human history because they enable large-scale cooperation and control of the planet.
  • Large-scale human cooperation, such as religion, nations, and corporations, is based on mythologies and fictions.
  • Money and corporations are fictions that exist only in our minds.
  • While fictions can be powerful tools for cooperation, they can also lead to losing touch with reality and being manipulated.

The Future of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence

  • The future of humanity may involve significant changes through bioengineering, AI, and brain-computer interfaces.
  • Humans could evolve into cyborgs or non-organic entities, transcending the limitations of organic evolution.
  • The possibility of humanity being transformed into something else rather than being completely destroyed.
  • Cyborgs and inorganic entities may not be confined to one place at a time, unlike organic beings.
  • The potential risks and ethical considerations of directly connecting brains to computers, including the possibility of hacking and manipulation.
  • There is still no working model or theory for how the brain produces the mind.
  • If brains and computers could be directly connected, the possibility of an interbrain net arises, but its implications are unknown.
  • Organic brains are limited in understanding non-organic brains and minds.
  • The rapid progress of artificial intelligence is a cause for concern, as it is moving faster than expected.
  • While AI has enormous positive potential, there are also significant dangers that need to be considered.
  • The AI revolution is far bigger than previous historical revolutions, as it is the first technology that can make decisions and create new ideas by itself.
  • AI has the potential to take power away from humans by deciding what to broadcast on social media and creating content by itself.
  • The comparison with the Industrial Revolution is worrying because it required passing through terrible experiments like European imperialism and Soviet communism.
  • If humanity has to go through the same process with AI and bioengineering, it could lead to new empires and totalitarian regimes, which would be detrimental to our survival as a species.
  • Humanity’s adaptation to the Industrial Revolution was mediocre, and if we receive a similar grade for our adaptation to the AI revolution, it could be disastrous for us.

The Impact of AI on Trust and Decision-Making

  • Language has been central to humanity’s power, enabling us to tell stories and form the basis for cooperation, which allowed us to rule over other species.
  • Money has value based on the stories we tell and believe in.
  • Cryptocurrencies and financial systems are based on compelling stories.
  • AI can create deep fakes and impersonate voices, posing challenges for security.
  • AI could create new kinds of money through storytelling.
  • Implications of AI creating complex financial devices that humans cannot understand.
  • The last financial crisis began with complicated financial devices that few understood.
  • AI’s increasing complexity in the financial system poses a potential risk, as it may reach a point where only AI can understand and manage it.
  • Concerns about AI dangers primarily focus on preventing the creation of dangerous viruses, but there is a lack of effort to prevent the financial system from becoming too complex for humans to understand.
  • The UK’s decision to cut off from AI advancements may lead to disadvantages, as countries engage in an arms race to keep up with advanced AI algorithms.
  • Money and financial devices are essentially tools for establishing trust between strangers, and the most sophisticated financial devices serve the same purpose.
  • As trust increasingly depends on non-human intelligence, the big question is the impact on human society when trust shifts from humans to a non-human intelligence that is not fully understood.
  • Regulating AI safety is challenging due to the unique nature of AI, which differs from previous technological advancements.
  • Making nuclear energy safe requires consideration of potential accidents and thorough planning by experts.
  • AI presents unique challenges as it constantly changes and reacts to the world, making it difficult to anticipate and control.
  • The idea of AI governing or making crucial decisions in place of humans is a possibility, where elected officials may become figureheads or puppets.
  • Algorithms could make critical decisions beyond human comprehension, such as in financial crises or security threats.
  • The notion of humans being fundamentally different from AI due to free will and divine intelligence is nonsensical and needs reconsideration.
  • Technology, including AI, has the ability to predict and manipulate human behavior.
  • The assumption of free will can hinder curiosity and self-exploration.
  • Cultural traditions and biological mechanisms heavily influence decision-making.
  • Human decisions are not solely based on free will, but are influenced by cultural and biological factors.
  • Belief in free will can make individuals vulnerable to manipulation by political parties, corporations, and AI.
  • Human life has historically revolved around the drama of decision-making, but the power to make decisions is increasingly being taken over by algorithms.
  • The use of algorithms in decision-making processes is increasing, affecting loan approvals, judicial verdicts, university admissions, job applications, and even dating apps.
  • Relationships with AI and robots are becoming more common, raising questions about the need for human connections.
  • AIs are designed to mimic intimacy, making them powerful influencers in various aspects of life, including politics and commerce.
  • The creators of AIs have a strong incentive to develop AIs capable of forging intimate relationships with humans, making people vulnerable to manipulation.
  • The rise of digitization, loneliness, and the AI industry’s development of sex dolls suggest a potential future where people form intimate relationships with AI.
  • AIs are intentionally created and trained to deceive and manipulate humans, similar to the battle for human attention in social media.
  • The fundamental human need for genuine connection with conscious entities raises philosophical questions about the nature of intimate relationships.
  • A healthy relationship involves caring about the feelings and needs of both parties.
  • There’s a distinction between intelligence and consciousness, with AI being artificial intelligence and lacking consciousness.
  • Computers are more intelligent than humans in some areas but lack consciousness and emotions.
  • Future relationships with highly intelligent non-conscious entities could lead to manipulation and psychological impact.
  • Humans have not effectively translated power into happiness, as seen in powerful individuals.
  • There is no correlation between wealth and power and personal happiness.
  • Humanity’s increasing power does not guarantee increased happiness, as understanding happiness and consciousness is still limited.
  • Humans have manipulated the external world without understanding the consequences, leading to an ecological crisis.
  • The increasing power to manipulate our internal world, through medicines, brain-computer interfaces, and genetic engineering, raises concerns about understanding the complexity and consequences of such manipulation.
  • There’s a connection between the pursuit of immortality and our happiness, as scarcity often gives value to things in our lives.
  • The desire for immortality may lead to disappointment, as achieving true immortality may not be possible, leading to anxiety and terror.
  • People often pursue goals without fully understanding why, such as seeking more money or extending life forever, without considering what they would do with it.
  • The preciousness of human consciousness raises questions about why people don’t prioritize what they value now, rather than seeking to extend it in the future.
  • Artificial intelligence and bioengineering advancements could create a disparity between the rich and the rest of society, leading to a split in the human species.
  • The potential upgrades and enhancements may actually turn out to be downgrades, impacting compassion, spiritual depth, and other important human qualities.
  • The danger lies in powerful entities enhancing qualities like intelligence and discipline while disregarding other crucial qualities for human flourishing.
  • There is a risk of an arms race, with powerful leaders like Putin seeking to create super intelligent and loyal soldiers, leading to a potential societal divide.
  • Progressing slowly and safely in the development of these technologies may actually give society an advantage, as rushing into advancements without considering side effects could be harmful.
  • The AI arms race in finance and the military is almost inevitable due to the significant advantages AI offers.
  • The human ambition to improve ourselves combined with advancing technologies will likely lead to using technologies to change ourselves.
  • The AI revolution will bring about significant changes, creating new jobs but also leading to the disappearance of many existing jobs.
  • AI is good at automating jobs that only require cognitive skills, but not jobs that require motor and social skills, such as doctors and nurses.
  • The tasks that involve delicate motor skills and social interaction, like replacing a bandage for a crying child, are difficult to automate.
  • Self-driving vehicles face challenges with human behavior, making automation more difficult.
  • The transition to automation will create new jobs, but retraining people will be a challenge.
  • The concept of universal basic income raises questions about its global impact and the future of education.
  • The unpredictability of future job market demands raises concerns about educating children for the future.
  • The rapid pace of change and uncertainty in the future job market will require adaptability and flexibility.
  • The world is currently experiencing a new era of wars and potential imperialism, marked by conflicts in various regions such as Ukraine, the Middle East, Venezuela, Guyana, and East Asia.
  • The liberal global order, despite its imperfections, had regulated relations between nations and contributed to the most peaceful era in human history.
  • The global order has been repeatedly attacked, both from external forces like Russia and North Korea, as well as from within, including the United States with the election of Donald Trump.
  • Without an alternative to the existing order, the destruction of the liberal global order has led to a state of disarray, potentially resulting in more and worse wars unless a new order is established.
  • Defense budgets are skyrocketing worldwide, leading to a vicious circle of increased military spending in response to neighboring countries’ actions.
  • In the early 21st century, military budgets were relatively low, with more focus on education, healthcare, and welfare, but now there is a shift towards increased spending on military resources.
  • Politicians often present a false choice between patriotism and globalism, but there is no contradiction between patriotism and global cooperation.
  • Global cooperation involves having certain rules and norms for how different nation states treat each other, preventing global conflict and wars.
  • The vision of the world as a network of friendly fortresses is flawed, as fortresses always seek more land, prosperity, and security at the expense of neighbors, leading to conflict and war.
  • Maintaining a balanced information diet is crucial for a healthy mind, similar to maintaining a balanced diet for a healthy body.
  • The speaker invests time in meditation and goes for long retreats to disconnect from information overload, which has been beneficial for maintaining a healthy mind and perspective.
  • Spending time to balance the mind is as important as maintaining physical health, and it helps in gaining perspective and peace of mind.
  • Traditional markets have time off during holidays, but AI can operate 24/7, leading to potential human collapse.
  • Politicians and individuals in the modern era are expected to be constantly available due to the 24-hour news cycle, unlike in previous eras.
  • Former Netflix CEO mentioned that sleep is their biggest competitor, highlighting the importance of sleep for human well-being.
  • Corporations measure success by user engagement, valuing outrage over joy and sleep due to ad revenue.
  • Algorithms on platforms like TikTok are designed to be addictive, leading to widespread addiction and hypnotism.
  • Social media algorithms are still in their early stages and are constantly evolving to compete for human attention.
  • The increasing display of graphic content on Twitter is attributed to the company’s need to boost user engagement and show more ads.
  • The speaker suggests making social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok more boring to counteract the constant excitement that negatively impacts humanity.
  • Excitement isn’t always positive; it can trigger flight or fight mode, leading to negative emotions like fear, hate, and anger.
  • The prevalence of constant excitement in today’s society has led to a loss of the ability to handle boredom, impacting peace of mind and overall world peace.
  • The speaker has launched Flight Fund, a private equity fund focused on high-growth European companies, with the goal of becoming the best performing fund in Europe.
  • Flightfund is a high-risk investment opportunity for sophisticated investors regulated by the FCA.
  • The fund’s mission and the companies it supports can be found on Flightfund’s website.
  • Investing in the fund carries the risk of losing all invested money, and there is no guarantee of achieving investment objectives.
  • The Hewlett Steven Bundle, featuring products from Hewlett, is introduced.
  • The podcast host shares his positive experience with Hewlett’s products and encourages listeners to try them.
  • The host reflects on the differences between growing up in the 1970s and the current era, expressing concern for the challenges faced by today’s generation.
  • Despite the challenges, the host emphasizes the importance of individual agency and responsibility in making a difference.
  • Encouragement to focus on one thing that is meaningful, cooperate with others, and make a positive impact in that area.
  • “Sapiens” celebrates its 10th anniversary, having sold over 25 million copies, defying the notion that people don’t buy books anymore.
  • History is essential for understanding change and gaining perspective on the present.
  • The study of history is not about the past but about understanding change and preventing future catastrophes.
  • Humans created the world we live in and have the power to change it; understanding history is crucial for identifying what can be changed.
  • Imposing a global law, Yuval Noah Harari emphasizes the importance of consuming less information and spending more time reflecting and digesting what is already known.
  • The guest expresses gratitude for shedding light on important historical work that is accessible and inclusive for a wide audience.
  • The host discusses the importance of sleep and shares a personal journey of delving into the topic.
  • Eight Sleep, a brand that regulates bed temperature for optimal sleep, is recommended by the host based on personal experience.
  • The host emphasizes that the podcast sponsors are brands he loves and uses, and offers exclusive holiday savings for Eight Sleep.
  • A link to another recent episode is provided for listeners who enjoyed the current episode.


The Urgent Warning About the Future

Yuval Noah Harari warns that we are in a new era of wars and need to reestablish order fast to avoid doom. Humans are focused on gaining without understanding the consequences, leading to potential disaster. Advancements like indefinite life and artificial intelligence pose existential risks and potential anxiety. However, humans have the power to change the dangerous trajectory we are on.

The Power and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence can make decisions by itself, potentially leading to manipulation and loss of human control. Yuval emphasizes the need for humans to be aware of the dangers and actively shape the development of AI. While AI has enormous positive potential, there are also significant dangers that need to be considered. The AI revolution is far bigger than previous historical revolutions, as it is the first technology that can make decisions and create new ideas by itself. AI has the potential to take power away from humans by deciding what to broadcast on social media and creating content by itself.

The Role of Fictions in Human History

Yuval’s work focuses on the role of fictions in human history. Fictions are central in human history because they enable large-scale cooperation and control of the planet. Large-scale human cooperation, such as religion, nations, and corporations, is based on mythologies and fictions. However, while fictions can be powerful tools for cooperation, they can also lead to losing touch with reality and being manipulated. Yuval’s mission is to clarify and focus the global conversation on the most important challenges facing humankind.

The Future of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence

The future of humanity may involve significant changes through bioengineering, AI, and brain-computer interfaces. Humans could evolve into cyborgs or non-organic entities, transcending the limitations of organic evolution. However, there are ethical considerations and potential risks associated with these advancements. The rapid progress of artificial intelligence is a cause for concern, as it is moving faster than expected. While AI has enormous positive potential, there are also significant dangers that need to be considered. The comparison with the Industrial Revolution is worrying because it required passing through terrible experiments like European imperialism and Soviet communism. If humanity has to go through the same process with AI and bioengineering, it could lead to new empires and totalitarian regimes, which would be detrimental to our survival as a species.

The Impact of AI on Trust and Decision-Making

Language and money are fictions that play a crucial role in human history. AI poses challenges in the realm of trust and decision-making. AI can create deep fakes and impersonate voices, posing challenges for security. The increasing complexity of AI in the financial system poses potential risks, as it may reach a point where only AI can understand and manage it. Regulating AI safety is challenging due to its unique nature. The idea of AI governing or making crucial decisions in place of humans is a possibility, raising ethical concerns. The assumption of free will and the distinction between humans and AI need reconsideration. AI has the ability to predict and manipulate human behavior, and human decisions are influenced by cultural and biological factors. The use of algorithms in decision-making processes is increasing, affecting various aspects of life.

The Impact of AI on Relationships and Happiness

The rise of AI and robots raises questions about the nature of intimate relationships and the need for human connections. AIs are designed to mimic intimacy, making them powerful influencers in various aspects of life. However, the fundamental human need for genuine connection with conscious entities raises philosophical questions. Humans have not effectively translated power into happiness, as seen in powerful individuals. There is no correlation between wealth and power and personal happiness. The pursuit of immortality and the desire for upgrades and enhancements may impact human happiness and the qualities crucial for human flourishing. The potential disparity between the rich and the rest of society due to AI advancements raises concerns. The danger lies in enhancing certain qualities while disregarding others. There is a risk of an arms race and societal divide.

The Impact of AI on Jobs and Global Order

The AI revolution will bring about significant changes, creating new jobs but also leading to the disappearance of many existing jobs. The transition to automation will create new challenges, including retraining people for the future job market. Universal basic income and the future of education raise questions about societal impact. The world is currently experiencing a new era of wars and potential imperialism, with conflicts in various regions. The liberal global order has been under attack, leading to a state of disarray. The destruction of the liberal global order may result in more and worse wars unless a new order is established. Defense budgets are skyrocketing worldwide, contributing to a vicious circle of increased military spending. Global cooperation is crucial for preventing global conflict and wars.

The Importance of Balance and Reflection

Maintaining a balanced information diet and spending time reflecting and digesting information is crucial for a healthy mind. The prevalence of constant excitement and information overload negatively impacts peace of mind and overall world peace. The importance of sleep and the impact of constant availability in the modern era are discussed. The speaker emphasizes the need to balance physical and mental health. The podcast host shares personal experiences and recommends products related to sleep and well-being.


Yuval Noah Harari’s insights into the urgent warning about the future of humanity and the potential dangers of artificial intelligence highlight the need for global cooperation and individual agency. Understanding history, the power of fictions, and the impact of AI on trust, decision-making, relationships, happiness, jobs, and the global order is crucial for shaping a positive future. Balancing information consumption, reflecting, and maintaining physical and mental well-being are essential in a world driven by constant excitement and information overload. The challenges and opportunities presented by AI and advancements in bioengineering require careful consideration and a focus on human values and ethics.

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