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Modern Wisdom / #700 – Dr Andrew Huberman – The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain | Modern Wisdom

#700 – Dr Andrew Huberman – The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain | Modern Wisdom

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Tim Ferriss speaks with Dr. Andrew Huberman about the secret tools to hack your brain. They cover a wide range of topics including mouth breathing, willpower, resistance training, blood plasma therapy, the benefits of morning sunlight, and much more. Dr. Huberman shares valuable insights and practical tips on how to optimize brain function, improve health, and enhance productivity.

Main Takeaways

Mouth and Face Development

  • Mouth breathing can change the structure of the face and make people unattractive.
  • Chewing hard foods is essential for mouth and face development.
  • Nasal breathing is better than mouth breathing for craniofacial development.
  • Oral development and tooth health are correlated with overall health.
  • Many children and adults eat like babies and do not chew their food properly.

Willpower and Tenacity

  • Willpower is not unlimited and can be affected by glucose levels.
  • Believing that willpower is a limited resource can be self-fulfilling.
  • The anterior mid-singulate cortex (AMCC) is a hub for many inputs and outputs related to willpower and tenacity.
  • Successful dieters have increased size and activity in their AMCC over time.
  • Individuals with anorexia nervosa have significantly greater size in their AMCC due to a loop of reward.

Brain Function and Cognitive Abilities

  • Exercise creates a cocktail that enriches the brain and improves cognitive abilities.
  • Super-agers offset shrinkage of brain structures by constantly trying difficult things and pressuring themselves.
  • Effort is required to improve brain function, there’s no way to recapitulate learning and effort.
  • Young blood experiments show improvements in cognitive function in aged or demented rodents.
  • Clinics outside the US show improvements in cognitive function and offsetting of Alzheimer’s through blood or plasma from exercised animals.

Health and Lifestyle

  • Drinking has health risks, especially for women with elevated risks for breast cancer and other types of cancers.
  • There are many ways to have fun without alcohol.
  • Getting morning sunlight is associated with better mental health outcomes.
  • Taking kids outside and getting morning sunlight is beneficial for both adults and children.
  • Spending two hours or more outdoors per day can lower the incidence of myopia.

Creativity and Productivity

  • Successful people like Rick, Carl Diceroth, Elon Musk, Richard Feynman, and Einstein practice stillness and deliberate thinking.
  • Body still, mind active is a powerful state of mind for creativity and problem-solving.
  • Rhythmic movement like running, swimming, or cycling can also stimulate creativity.
  • Productivity can be enhanced by establishing a structured routine that includes physical exercise, deliberate rest, and deliberate thinking.
  • Deliberate cold exposure has many benefits, but it’s not necessary for everyone.


Mouth and Face Development

Dr. Huberman emphasizes the importance of proper mouth and face development for overall health and attractiveness. Mouth breathing can negatively impact facial structure, while chewing hard foods promotes healthy development. Nasal breathing is preferred to avoid negative changes in facial structure. Oral development and tooth health are closely linked to overall health. Many individuals, including children and adults, do not chew their food properly, which can have detrimental effects on dental health and appearance.

Willpower and Tenacity

Dr. Huberman discusses the concept of willpower and its limitations. Willpower can be affected by glucose levels, and believing it is a limited resource can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The anterior mid-singulate cortex (AMCC) plays a crucial role in willpower and tenacity. Successful dieters show increased size and activity in their AMCC over time. Individuals with anorexia nervosa have significantly greater size in their AMCC due to a loop of reward.

Brain Function and Cognitive Abilities

Exercise plays a vital role in enriching the brain and improving cognitive abilities. Super-agers offset the shrinkage of brain structures by constantly challenging themselves. Effort is required to enhance brain function, and there is no shortcut to learning and effort. Young blood experiments and clinics outside the US have shown promising results in improving cognitive function through blood or plasma from exercised animals.

Health and Lifestyle

Drinking alcohol poses health risks, particularly for women with elevated risks for breast cancer and other types of cancers. Dr. Huberman highlights the importance of finding alternative ways to have fun without alcohol. Getting morning sunlight has been associated with better mental health outcomes. Spending time outdoors, especially in the morning, can benefit both adults and children, reducing the incidence of myopia.

Creativity and Productivity

Dr. Huberman shares insights on enhancing creativity and productivity. Stillness and deliberate thinking are practices followed by successful individuals. Rhythmic movement, such as running or swimming, can stimulate creativity. Establishing a structured routine that includes physical exercise, deliberate rest, and deliberate thinking can enhance productivity. Deliberate cold exposure has numerous benefits, but it may not be suitable for everyone.


Dr. Andrew Huberman’s interview with Tim Ferriss provides valuable insights into optimizing brain function, improving health, and enhancing productivity. From the importance of proper mouth and face development to the role of willpower and tenacity, listeners gain practical tips for leading a healthier and more fulfilling life. The discussion on brain function and cognitive abilities sheds light on the benefits of exercise and the potential of blood plasma therapy. Additionally, Dr. Huberman highlights the significance of lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption and exposure to morning sunlight. Overall, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge for listeners looking to optimize their brain and improve their overall well-being.

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