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The Daily / The Many Missed Warnings Before Maine’s Mass Shooting | The Daily

The Many Missed Warnings Before Maine’s Mass Shooting | The Daily

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In this episode of “The Daily,” the host explores the tragic mass shooting that took place in Maine, highlighting the missed warnings and the potential for prevention. The suspected gunman, Robert Card, exhibited numerous signs of deteriorating mental health and increasing anger and paranoia. Despite multiple reports and concerns raised by his ex-wife, teenage son, and colleagues at the Army Reserves, the local police failed to take appropriate action. This episode delves into the various warning signs and the shortcomings of the system that could have prevented this devastating event.

Main Takeaways

Missed Warning Signs

  • The mass shooting in Maine was the deadliest of the year and could have been avoided.
  • Robert Card, the suspected gunman, had multiple warning signs about his deteriorating mental health and rising paranoia and anger.
  • The warnings came from various sources, including his ex-wife and teenage son, and even the Army Reserves where he worked.
  • Despite these warnings, the local police left the matter in the hands of the Army Reserves.

Inadequate Response

  • Card had a concerning incident in July where he accused his reserve unit of calling him a pedophile and became physically aggressive.
  • After a concerning incident in July, Card is taken to a hospital and then moved to a psychiatric center for 14 days.
  • After being released from the psychiatric center, Card tries to pick up a silencer for a gun he bought, but is denied due to admitting to having mental health treatment.
  • In mid-September, Card talks about carrying out a mass shooting while riding in a car with a friend and punches him when told to stop.

Law Enforcement’s Decision

  • The friend contacts the reserves, who reach out to the Sheriff’s Office for a welfare check on Card.
  • Despite indications that Card may be home and armed, the Sheriff’s Office decides to leave him alone, but reaches out to his family and reserve base for more information.
  • Maine has a yellow flag law that requires police to get a person evaluated by a medical practitioner before going to a court to take away their weapons.
  • The yellow flag law is a compromise and more cumbersome than red flag laws in other states.

Political Response and Calls for Change

  • Maine senior senator Susan Collins believes the yellow flag law should have been used in the case of the recent shooting.
  • State lawmakers and the governor are discussing possible changes to gun laws in the wake of the attack.
  • Representative Jared Golden, a Democrat and gun rights supporter, has called for a ban on assault rifles after the shooting.
  • Republicans in Congress have shown little interest in restricting access to guns.


The Missed Warnings and Inadequate Response

The tragic mass shooting in Maine could have been prevented if the numerous warning signs about Robert Card’s deteriorating mental health and increasing anger had been taken seriously. His ex-wife, teenage son, and colleagues at the Army Reserves all raised concerns, but the local police failed to intervene effectively. Despite a concerning incident in July and Card’s admission of mental health treatment, the response from law enforcement was insufficient.

The Sheriff’s Office Decision and Yellow Flag Law

When Card’s friend contacted the reserves about his plans for a mass shooting, the Sheriff’s Office decided not to confront him directly, but rather reached out to his family and reserve base for more information. This decision raised questions about the effectiveness of the yellow flag law in Maine, which requires evaluation by a medical practitioner before taking away someone’s weapons. The yellow flag law, although a compromise, is considered more cumbersome than red flag laws in other states.

Political Response and Calls for Change

Following the mass shooting, Maine senior senator Susan Collins expressed her belief that the yellow flag law should have been utilized in Card’s case. State lawmakers and the governor are now engaged in discussions about potential changes to gun laws in order to prevent similar incidents. Representative Jared Golden, a Democrat and gun rights supporter, has called for a ban on assault rifles, while Republicans in Congress have shown little interest in restricting access to guns.


The tragic mass shooting in Maine highlights the importance of heeding warning signs and taking appropriate action to prevent such incidents. The missed opportunities to intervene in Robert Card’s case raise concerns about the effectiveness of existing laws and the response of law enforcement. As discussions about gun control continue, it is crucial for lawmakers to prioritize public safety and find effective measures to prevent future tragedies.

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