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Radiolab / Bliss | Radiolab

Bliss | Radiolab

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In this episode of Radiolab titled “Bliss,” the hosts explore different forms of bliss, from perfect moments to perfect worlds. They delve into the stories of individuals who found bliss in unique ways, including a Norwegian adventurer, a man who created a universal language, and a photographer fascinated by snowflakes. Join Radiolab as they uncover the fascinating and diverse experiences of bliss.

Main Takeaways

Adventures in the South Pole

  • Alexander Gamma, a Norwegian adventurer, embarked on a three-month trek to the South Pole and back by himself
  • To lighten his load, Gamma buried fuel and gear in the snow every couple of days
  • On day 86, he discovered his last cache and found a bag of trash, but also stumbled upon a stash of candy, creating a moment of absolute bliss

The Language of Bliss

  • Carl Blitz, inspired by a lecture about the Austen Polar Expedition, created a universal language called Blissymbolics
  • Blissymbolics uses symbols to represent words and ideas, aiding communication for people with difficulties
  • Blitz believed that words were dangerous instruments and envisioned a symbol system that would eliminate language barriers
  • Despite facing challenges and conflicts, Blissymbolics continues to be used today

The Beauty of Snowflakes

  • Wilson Bentley, a photographer, dedicated his life to documenting snowflakes
  • He captured the intricate and fleeting beauty of snowflakes, considering them “miracles of beauty”
  • Bentley’s photographs were highly regarded and sold to various institutions
  • The ideal snowflake does not exist in nature, and each one is unique and constantly changing

Finding Bliss in Different Experiences

  • Bliss can be found in various forms, such as laughing uncontrollably, experiencing zero gravity, or savoring the taste of hot pastrami
  • People have different sources of bliss, ranging from sensory pleasures to profound moments


Adventures in the South Pole

Alexander Gamma, a Norwegian adventurer, embarked on a challenging solo trek to the South Pole. Throughout his journey, he buried fuel and gear in the snow to lighten his load. On day 86, he stumbled upon his last cache, finding a bag of trash but also discovering a stash of candy. This unexpected encounter brought him a moment of pure bliss amidst the harsh Antarctic environment.

The Language of Bliss

Carl Blitz, inspired by a lecture about the Austen Polar Expedition, embarked on a mission to create a universal language. His language, Blissymbolics, used symbols to represent words and ideas, aiming to promote communication and understanding across different cultures and languages. Blitz believed that words were dangerous instruments and envisioned a symbol system that would eliminate language barriers. Despite facing challenges and conflicts, Blissymbolics continues to be used today, helping individuals with communication difficulties.

The Beauty of Snowflakes

Wilson Bentley, a passionate photographer, dedicated his life to capturing the beauty of snowflakes. He believed that snowflakes were “miracles of beauty” and documented their intricate and unique forms. Bentley’s photographs became highly regarded, surpassing those of famous scientists. While the ideal snowflake does not exist in nature, Bentley’s work showcased the ephemeral and captivating nature of these delicate ice crystals.

Finding Bliss in Different Experiences

Bliss can be found in various experiences and moments. It can range from the joy of laughing uncontrollably to the exhilaration of experiencing zero gravity. Each individual has their own sources of bliss, whether it be a sensory pleasure or a profound moment of connection. Radiolab explores the diverse ways in which people find and experience bliss.


“Bliss” takes listeners on a journey through different forms of bliss, from the adventures of a solo trek in the South Pole to the creation of a universal language and the beauty of snowflakes. It highlights the unique experiences and perspectives that bring moments of pure joy and happiness to individuals. Whether it’s finding bliss in the unexpected or capturing the fleeting beauty of nature, this episode showcases the diverse ways in which bliss can be found and appreciated.

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