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Making Sense with Sam Harris / #334 — The LowTrust Society | Making Sense with Sam Harris

#334 — The Low-Trust Society | Making Sense with Sam Harris

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In this episode of “Making Sense with Sam Harris,” Sam Harris engages in a thought-provoking conversation with David Brooks, a contributing writer at the Atlantic and columnist for The New York Times. They delve into the state of American democracy, the erosion of social trust, the perils of identity politics, and much more.

Main Takeaways

The Low-Trust Society

  • David Brooks discusses the breakdown of social trust in America and the dangers it poses.
  • Surges of populism and the rise of conspiracy thinking are symptoms of a society in distrust.
  • The pandemic has further highlighted the lack of cultural cohesion and failure to come together as a society.
  • Low social trust is linked to a failure of fact-based discussion, diversity, and identity politics.
  • Personal integrity is not enough; cultural contexts, institutions, norms, and systems are needed to support good behavior.

The Roots of Liberalism

  • David Brooks reflects on the origins of liberalism and the importance of institutions.
  • Our commitments to family, nation, and community play a crucial role in shaping our behavior.
  • Politics should focus on recognition rather than distribution.
  • Over-politicization and under-moralization have led to a breakdown in societal values.

Economic Inequality and Meritocracy

  • Brooks explores the enduring problems with economic inequality and the meritocratic system.
  • The rise of the meritocratic class has led to a concentration of wealth and cultural power.
  • Populism is a response to the perceived excesses of the meritocratic class.
  • The Republican Party has undergone a moral inversion, with some attributing it to hidden racism.

The Trump Phenomenon

  • Brooks delves into the reasons behind the support for Donald Trump.
  • Trump’s movement tapped into a sentiment of fighting against educated elites.
  • Many educated elites support Trump for reasons such as cynicism and rationalizations.
  • Republicans initially split between supporting Trump or the Republican Party, but recent events have consolidated support for the party.

The Politics of Recognition

  • The conversation explores the challenges of defending the liberal order and moral norms in a world where power is prioritized.
  • The importance of a universal moral order and the difficulty of building and maintaining moral communities.
  • The impasse in political conversations with Trump supporters who refuse to acknowledge the problem of a non-peaceful transfer of power.


The Low-Trust Society

David Brooks and Sam Harris delve into the breakdown of social trust in America, which has led to surges of populism and conspiracy thinking. The pandemic has further highlighted the lack of cultural cohesion and the failure to come together as a society. Low social trust is linked to a failure of fact-based discussion, diversity, and identity politics. They emphasize the importance of personal integrity, but also the need for cultural contexts, institutions, norms, and systems that support and enable good behavior.

The Roots of Liberalism

David Brooks reflects on the origins of liberalism and the role of institutions in shaping our behavior. He highlights the importance of our commitments to family, nation, and community. They discuss the need for politics to focus on recognition rather than distribution, as well as the dangers of over-politicization and under-moralization in society.

Economic Inequality and Meritocracy

Brooks explores the enduring problems with economic inequality and the meritocratic system. The rise of the meritocratic class has concentrated wealth and cultural power, leading to a backlash in the form of populism. They discuss the moral inversion within the Republican Party and the complexities of addressing issues of race and class.

The Trump Phenomenon

The conversation delves into the reasons behind the support for Donald Trump, including a sentiment of fighting against educated elites. Many educated elites themselves support Trump for various reasons, such as cynicism and rationalizations. They discuss the dynamics within the Republican Party and the challenges of finding alternatives to Trump.

The Politics of Recognition

The challenges of defending the liberal order and moral norms in a world where power is prioritized are explored. The conversation highlights the importance of a universal moral order and the difficulty of building and maintaining moral communities. They discuss the impasse in political conversations with Trump supporters who refuse to acknowledge the problem of a non-peaceful transfer of power.


In this episode, Sam Harris and David Brooks engage in a deep and insightful conversation about the state of American democracy and the erosion of social trust. They explore various topics, including economic inequality, the dangers of identity politics, and the challenges of defending the liberal order. Through their discussion, they shed light on the complexities of our current political landscape and the need for greater moral reflection and societal cohesion.

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