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The Rich Roll Podcast / Against All Hope: Former NBA Star Chris Herren on Addiction, Sobriety & Service | The Rich Roll Podcast

Against All Hope: Former NBA Star Chris Herren on Addiction, Sobriety & Service | The Rich Roll Podcast

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In this episode of “The Rich Roll Podcast,” former NBA star Chris Herren opens up about his journey of addiction, sobriety, and service. He shares his experiences and insights, highlighting the power of recovery and the importance of addressing addiction at an early stage. Through his story, Chris aims to inspire and educate others, especially young people, about the dangers of addiction and the path to recovery.

Main Takeaways

Chris Herren’s Journey of Addiction and Recovery

  • Chris Herren, a former NBA player, shares his journey of addiction, sobriety, and service.
  • Recovery is the greatest accomplishment of Chris Herren’s life.
  • Addiction can decimate everything in its path, but recovery can lead to purpose, service, and redemption.
  • Understanding the connection between early childhood trauma and addiction is crucial in catching and addressing issues earlier on.
  • There are other avenues for addiction recovery besides the traditional 12-step program.

The Impact of Addiction on Chris Herren’s Basketball Career

  • Chris Herren’s success in basketball and hometown hero status contributed to his addiction.
  • Playing in front of thousands of people at a young age put pressure and expectations on him.
  • Basketball became a source of escape and refuge from a tough town.
  • Emotional intensity didn’t work in the NBA; real talent and discipline were required.
  • Chris Herren’s addiction led to the collapse of his basketball career and financial struggles.

The Power of Sharing Personal Stories and Helping Others

  • Chris Herren’s mission is to help others in their recovery process by sharing his story and reaching out to young people.
  • Sharing personal stories can help others feel less alone and create powerful connections.
  • Recovery centers should offer holistic treatments and personalized care.
  • The recovery community is full of huggers, and hugs help people feel heard and understood.
  • Language and stigma around addiction need to be softened for a more empathetic approach.


Chris Herren’s Journey of Addiction and Recovery

Chris Herren, a former NBA player, shares his personal journey of addiction, sobriety, and service. He emphasizes that recovery is the greatest accomplishment of his life and highlights the destructive power of addiction. Chris also discusses the importance of addressing addiction at an early stage, especially among young people. He advocates for understanding the connection between early childhood trauma and addiction, as well as exploring alternative avenues for recovery beyond the traditional 12-step program.

The Impact of Addiction on Chris Herren’s Basketball Career

Chris Herren’s success in basketball and his status as a hometown hero contributed to his addiction. He shares the pressure and expectations he faced while playing in front of thousands of people at a young age. Chris reflects on the role basketball played in his life, both as an escape from a tough town and as a source of pride for his community. However, he also acknowledges that emotional intensity didn’t work in the NBA, emphasizing the importance of real talent and discipline. Chris discusses how his addiction ultimately led to the collapse of his basketball career and financial struggles.

The Power of Sharing Personal Stories and Helping Others

Chris Herren’s mission is to help others in their recovery process by sharing his story and reaching out to young people. He believes that sharing personal stories can create powerful connections and help individuals feel less alone. Chris emphasizes the need for holistic treatments and personalized care in recovery centers. He also advocates for using compassionate language to soften the stigma around addiction and create a more empathetic approach. Chris highlights the importance of providing mental health support for athletes and seeking professional help for parents with children struggling with addiction.


Chris Herren’s story of addiction, sobriety, and service serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of recovery. Through his experiences, he aims to inspire and educate others about the dangers of addiction and the path to recovery. Chris emphasizes the need for early intervention, personalized care, and compassionate language in addressing addiction. His mission to help others and create a more empathetic approach to addiction treatment and recovery is truly commendable.

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