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How to Talk to People / – #37 – Emily Farley: Leading with Empathy, the Power of Thoughtful Communication

How to Talk to People – #37 – Emily Farley: Leading with Empathy, the Power of Thoughtful Communication

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In this episode of the “How to Talk to People” podcast, host Emily Farley explores the power of thoughtful communication and leading with empathy. She shares her own experiences and insights while engaging in a conversation about the importance of social connection and effective storytelling. Join Emily as she delves into various topics, including mental health, community engagement, and personal growth.

Main Takeaways

The Healing Power of Social Connection

  • Social connection has the power to heal and enhance our lives.
  • Recovery, hope, and healing often involve social connection.
  • Belongingness is as crucial of a need as hunger and thirst.
  • Being alone can be good for self-reflection and emotional clarity.
  • The healthy amount of connection in your life is when you can go be by yourself and feel okay about it.

The Art of Thoughtful Communication

  • Asking questions with empathy is key to meaningful conversations.
  • Active listening is crucial to effective storytelling.
  • Creating a safe space for people to share their experiences without shame is essential in storytelling.
  • Trauma-informed interviewing helps create a safe and comfortable environment for interviewees.
  • Pausing and letting there be silence can be helpful in conversations about mental health.

Community Engagement and Personal Growth

  • Community management involves being mindful of how the organization is perceived by others.
  • Curiosity is an important trait for personal and professional growth.
  • Being true to oneself is important in balancing personal and professional identities.
  • Good leadership involves being humble and acknowledging the strengths of others.
  • Reflecting on values and intangibles can be helpful in navigating unexpected situations.


The Healing Power of Social Connection

Social connection is a fundamental aspect of our well-being. It has the ability to heal and enhance our lives. The importance of belongingness is as crucial as our basic needs for hunger and thirst. While being alone can be beneficial for self-reflection and emotional clarity, having a healthy balance of social connection allows us to feel comfortable and content in our own company. Building meaningful relationships and fostering connections can contribute to recovery, hope, and healing.

The Art of Thoughtful Communication

Effective communication goes beyond surface-level conversations. Asking questions with empathy and active listening are key components of thoughtful communication. Creating a safe space for individuals to share their experiences without shame is essential in storytelling. Employing trauma-informed interviewing techniques helps establish a comfortable environment for interviewees. Sometimes, pausing and allowing silence can be powerful in conversations about mental health. These practices enable us to engage in meaningful and impactful discussions.

Community Engagement and Personal Growth

Engaging with our communities requires mindfulness and an understanding of how our actions and organizations are perceived by others. Curiosity is a valuable trait that promotes personal and professional growth. Balancing personal and professional identities can be challenging, but being true to oneself is essential. Good leadership involves humility and recognizing the strengths of others. Reflecting on values and intangibles helps navigate unexpected situations and fosters growth and development.


In this episode, Emily Farley emphasizes the healing power of social connection and the importance of thoughtful communication. Through engaging conversations about mental health, community engagement, and personal growth, she highlights the significance of empathy, active listening, and creating safe spaces for storytelling. By embracing curiosity, being true to oneself, and reflecting on values, we can foster personal and professional growth. Remember, social connection, thoughtful communication, and community engagement are integral to our well-being and the positive changes we can bring to the world.

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