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My First Million / How We Got Our First 100 Customers (No Bulls**t, Specific Details) | My First Million

How We Got Our First 100 Customers (No Bulls**t, Specific Details) | My First Million

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In this episode of the “My First Million” podcast, the hosts dive into the strategies and experiences they used to acquire their first 100 customers for their businesses. They share specific details and insights on how they kickstarted their ventures and offer valuable advice for entrepreneurs looking to grow their customer base. From leveraging platforms like Craigslist to creating engaging events and content, they discuss the importance of adaptability, creativity, and storytelling in entrepreneurship.

Main Takeaways

Acquiring Customers through Piggybacking and Hosting Events

  • The hosts utilized platforms like Craigslist to attract users to their roommate matching app, Bunk, by hosting events and creating individual ads for different apartment sizes.
  • They held unique events like “pizza and forties,” creating a marketable and engaging environment to attract users.
  • By piggybacking off platforms where people already were, they were able to tap into existing traffic sources and generate interest in their business.

Adapting and Pivoting in Business

  • The hosts share their experiences with ventures that required adaptability and pivoting, such as transitioning from a sushi restaurant chain to a diverse food delivery service.
  • They emphasize the importance of recognizing when a business idea is not working and being open to exploring different opportunities.
  • Learning from mistakes, delegating, and hiring help are crucial aspects of adapting and growing a business.

Creative Marketing Strategies

  • Utilizing methods like piggybacking off platforms and creating selective filters can be effective in building a customer base.
  • The hosts discuss the success of their app, Roommates, by creating humorous and relatable content, such as infographics depicting typical roommates of different neighborhoods.
  • They highlight the importance of storytelling and providing value to attract and engage customers, citing examples of successful entrepreneurs who shared personal stories to connect with their audience.

Building an Audience and Launching Products

  • The hosts share their experiences in building an audience through content marketing, social media platforms, and engaging pop-ups to attract website visitors.
  • They discuss the power of storytelling and personal engagement in marketing and growth, citing examples of successful product launches through reputation, audience outreach, and attention-grabbing tactics.
  • Creating a launch pad with an existing audience and leveraging their reach can be beneficial for launching new products.

Importance of Copywriting and Engaging with Communities

  • The hosts emphasize the value of copywriting and share techniques like copy work to improve writing skills.
  • They discuss the effectiveness of engaging with small, hyper-focused communities to tell brand stories and gain customers.
  • Building a loyal customer base and creating a sense of community are crucial for long-term business success.


Acquiring Customers through Piggybacking and Hosting Events

The hosts highlight their experiences with acquiring customers for their roommate matching app, Bunk. They leveraged platforms like Craigslist to attract users by hosting events at different apartment sizes and creating individual ads. By piggybacking off existing traffic sources and creating engaging events like “pizza and forties,” they were able to generate interest and grow their customer base.

Adapting and Pivoting in Business

The hosts share stories of ventures that required adaptability and pivoting. They discuss transitioning from a sushi restaurant chain to a diverse food delivery service, recognizing when a business idea is not working, and exploring new opportunities. They emphasize the importance of learning from mistakes, delegating, and hiring help to adapt and grow a business.

Creative Marketing Strategies

The hosts discuss the success of their app, Roommates, by creating humorous and relatable content, such as infographics depicting typical roommates of different neighborhoods. They highlight the power of storytelling and providing value to attract and engage customers, citing examples of successful entrepreneurs who shared personal stories to connect with their audience. They emphasize the importance of niche marketing and creating filters to attract like-minded individuals.

Building an Audience and Launching Products

The hosts share their experiences in building an audience through content marketing, social media platforms, and engaging pop-ups. They discuss the power of storytelling and personal engagement in marketing and growth, citing examples of successful product launches through reputation, audience outreach, and attention-grabbing tactics. They emphasize the importance of leveraging existing audiences and creating a launch pad for new products.

Importance of Copywriting and Engaging with Communities

The hosts emphasize the value of copywriting and share techniques like copy work to improve writing skills. They discuss the effectiveness of engaging with small, hyper-focused communities to tell brand stories and gain customers. They highlight the importance of building a loyal customer base and creating a sense of community through engaging content and personal connections.


Acquiring the first 100 customers for a business requires creativity, adaptability, and effective marketing strategies. The hosts of the “My First Million” podcast share their experiences and insights on leveraging existing platforms, hosting engaging events, and creating relatable content to attract and engage customers. They emphasize the importance of adapting and pivoting in business, building an audience, and telling compelling stories to connect with customers. By implementing these strategies, entrepreneurs can kickstart their businesses and pave the way for long-term success.

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