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The Rich Roll Podcast / Ken Rideout’s WinOrDie Mindset: Controlling The Variables, Winning His First Ultra, & Why Discomfort is the Price of Admission To Greatness | The Rich Roll Podcast

Ken Rideout’s Win-Or-Die Mindset: Controlling The Variables, Winning His First Ultra, & Why Discomfort is the Price of Admission To Greatness | The Rich Roll Podcast

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In this episode of “The Rich Roll Podcast,” Rich Roll interviews Ken Rideout, an authentic and preeminent master athlete. Ken shares his journey of winning the Gobey March, a brutal 155-mile race across the Mongolian desert, and the mindset that drives him to do epic things. He emphasizes the importance of embracing discomfort and learning from failures in order to achieve greatness.

Main Takeaways

Embracing Discomfort for Success

  • You can’t be afraid to fail if you want to do epic things.
  • Putting oneself in uncomfortable positions is necessary for growth and success.
  • Believing in oneself and having a level of self-confidence is important in winning races.
  • Being willing to stink initially is necessary for growth and success.
  • Perseverance is key in achieving important goals.

Ken Rideout’s Winning Mindset

  • Ken Rideout is authentic and a preeminent master athlete.
  • Ken’s discipline, consistency, and humility keep him getting better and faster into his 50s.
  • Ken’s approach to the race was to “get uncomfortable” and figure it out on the fly.
  • Ken’s first ultra-experience was the Gobey March, which he finished despite never having run with a backpack or slept in a tent before.
  • Ken’s friend initially told him that getting top five in the Gobey March would be impressive, but Ken was determined to win.

The Gobey March: A Brutal Race

  • The Gobi March is a 7-day, 155-mile race with 7 stages, including a rest day.
  • The race is extremely dangerous and would not be allowed in the United States.
  • Ken cycled through multiple backpacks before finding one that didn’t cause unbearable chafing.
  • Participants were allowed to send a supplemental backpack due to COVID, which Ken strategized to potentially win the race.
  • Ken’s backpack weighed 21 pounds without water, while his main competitor’s backpack weighed only 14 pounds.

Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Greatness

  • Despite the difficult conditions, Ken’s body adapted and he got stronger as the week went on.
  • Ken brought a small one-man tent to the race, not realizing others had larger tents.
  • Ken experienced anxiety and felt like an outsider during the first night of the race.
  • Ken decided to stay with the leaders during the race, even though they were taking it out super hard.
  • Ken tested out multiple pairs of shoes before settling on a pair sent to him by Hoka.


Embracing Discomfort for Success

Ken Rideout’s journey to winning the Gobey March highlights the importance of embracing discomfort for success. He emphasizes that being willing to fail and putting oneself in uncomfortable positions is necessary for growth and achieving greatness. Ken’s mindset of perseverance and belief in oneself plays a crucial role in his ability to win races and overcome challenges.

Ken Rideout’s Winning Mindset

Ken Rideout’s authentic and preeminent master athlete status is a result of his discipline, consistency, and humility. His approach to races, like the Gobey March, involves getting uncomfortable and figuring things out on the fly. Despite never having run with a backpack or slept in a tent before, Ken’s determination to win drives him to push his limits and achieve remarkable results.

The Gobey March: A Brutal Race

The Gobey March is a 7-day, 155-mile race across the Mongolian desert, known for its extreme danger and challenging conditions. Ken Rideout’s experience in the race highlights the importance of strategic planning and adaptation. From finding the right backpack to strategizing with supplemental backpacks, Ken’s attention to detail and willingness to innovate contribute to his success in the race.

Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Greatness

Ken Rideout’s ability to overcome challenges and achieve greatness is evident in his experience during the Gobey March. Despite initial anxiety and feeling like an outsider, Ken stayed with the leaders and pushed through difficult conditions. His adaptability, including testing multiple pairs of shoes and finding the right equipment, demonstrates the importance of preparation and resilience in endurance races.


Ken Rideout’s journey in winning the Gobey March showcases the power of embracing discomfort, having a winning mindset, and overcoming challenges to achieve greatness. His story serves as an inspiration for anyone striving to push their limits and pursue epic achievements. By believing in oneself, being willing to fail, and embracing discomfort, individuals can unlock their full potential and accomplish remarkable feats.

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