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Ted Talks Daily / Let curiosity lead | Yara Shahidi | Ted Talks Daily

Let curiosity lead | Yara Shahidi | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Yara Shahidi takes the stage to discuss the importance of curiosity and imagination. She shares personal anecdotes and experiences to highlight the power of curiosity in shaping our lives and creating a more expansive future.

Main Takeaways

The Power of Curiosity

  • Yara Shahidi emphasizes the need for imagination and curiosity in today’s world to envision what could be different.
  • Curiosity has been a lifeline for the speaker, helping to navigate the flaws and fissures of the world and find joy in discovering what was previously unknown.
  • Chasing curiosity leads to a constantly unfolding purpose and acknowledging infinite possibilities.

Embracing Multiple Passions

  • Yara shares her experience of balancing her acting career with her education at Harvard, emphasizing the pivotal role of education in fulfilling her curiosity.
  • Despite being told that there was no symbiotic relationship between academia and entertainment, the speaker pursued both passions.
  • Many people juggle multiple interests, passions, and jobs, facing pressure to find and stick to one thing.

Curiosity as a Catalyst for Change

  • Leaders of social change movements were driven by their curiosity and interests.
  • Curiosity leads to new ways of thinking and possibilities outside of presented options.
  • Lessons from classes and experiences ignite imagination and lead to valuable discoveries.

Rejecting Limitations and Embracing Possibility

  • The world often tries to convince us that it is finite, but we should refuse to let our world get smaller.
  • Embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility can lead to a more fulfilling and expansive life.
  • By rejecting the idea of limitations, we can create opportunities for growth and innovation.


The Power of Curiosity

Yara Shahidi emphasizes the importance of curiosity and imagination in today’s world. She believes that curiosity is a lifeline that helps us navigate the flaws and fissures of the world and discover the unknown. By chasing curiosity, we can find joy and purpose in constantly unfolding possibilities. It is through curiosity that we can envision a different future and challenge the limitations imposed on us.

Embracing Multiple Passions

Yara shares her personal experience of balancing her acting career with her education at Harvard. Despite being told that academia and entertainment do not go hand in hand, she pursued both passions. She believes that many people have multiple interests and passions, and it is important not to limit ourselves to just one thing. By embracing our various passions, we can lead a more fulfilling and expansive life.

Curiosity as a Catalyst for Change

Yara highlights how curiosity has played a crucial role in driving leaders of social change movements. Curiosity leads to new ways of thinking and exploring possibilities beyond what is presented to us. Yara shares her own experiences of taking classes and engaging in different experiences, which ignited her imagination and led to valuable discoveries. She believes that curiosity is the key to challenging societal norms and creating a better future.

Rejecting Limitations and Embracing Possibility

Yara challenges the notion of a finite world and encourages us to embrace a mindset of abundance and possibility. She believes that the world often tries to convince us of its limitations, but we should refuse to let our world get smaller. By rejecting these limitations, we can create opportunities for growth, innovation, and a more expansive life. Yara urges us to build new futures together and work towards a more limitless future.


Yara Shahidi’s talk on the power of curiosity reminds us of the importance of embracing our curiosity and imagination. By prioritizing curiosity, we can navigate the complexities of the world, pursue multiple passions, drive social change, and reject limitations. Let us challenge the notion of a finite world and work towards building a future filled with infinite possibilities.

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