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PBD Podcast / – Cenk Uygur | PBD Podcast | Ep. 292

PBD Podcast – Cenk Uygur | PBD Podcast | Ep. 292

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Patrick Bet-David sits down with Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks for an engaging conversation covering a wide range of topics. From politics and current events to media bias and the state of democracy, this episode offers thought-provoking insights and discussions.

Main Takeaways

Politics and Current Events

  • Jank from The Young Turks is back for another conversation
  • Playoffs season is coming up for basketball fans
  • Video to be released about Putin, featuring a Four-Star General
  • Devon Archer’s recent actions have people divided on whether or not he should go to jail
  • Elon Musk refutes claims that his logo causes light pollution
  • Wall Street Journal claims that climate change obsession is a mental disorder
  • Bill Barr says he’ll jump off a bridge if Trump is the 2024 nominee
  • DOJ clarifies it does not want to jail Hunter Business Partner
  • Oliver Stone fears World War III could start
  • Zalinsky’s war is returning to Russia after Moscow drone attacks.

Media Bias and Democracy

  • The movie “Get Out” delivers an important message about diversity winning the war
  • America’s vision of diversity and democracy is correct
  • The development of nuclear weapons was fearsome but necessary
  • The movie “Oppenheimer” is an amazing and powerful film
  • The possibility of World War III is real and scary
  • Pushing NATO too close to Russia is a legitimate Russian interest
  • Putin was always going to invade Ukraine
  • The real danger is Putin
  • Helping Ukraine is important, but pushing NATO into Ukraine is not
  • Fear of Trump starting a war did not happen in his first term, but he is a complicated character when it comes to war.

Money, Politics, and Mainstream Media

  • Trump claims to be anti-war, but greatly increased drone strikes and played with fire in several situations.
  • Biden deserves credit for withdrawing from Afghanistan, despite criticism from mainstream media.
  • Trump started the withdrawal and Biden finished it, both deserve credit.
  • The credibility of fears regarding Trump and Biden’s policies should be evaluated based on past actions.
  • The media tends to focus on the negative aspects of policies and actions.
  • Mainstream media did not want Biden to withdraw from Afghanistan.
  • Trump would have faced the same criticism if he had withdrawn from Afghanistan.
  • The withdrawal could have been done better, but it was time to get out.
  • The military industrial complex benefits from leaving equipment behind.
  • Russia may use tactical nukes if they feel cornered

Corporate Influence and Political Motivations

  • Money drives decisions in politics, especially in the Middle East and Russia
  • Trump may have allowed Putin to take as much of Ukraine as he wanted
  • North Korea developed 8 nukes while Trump was president, but Trump did not take action
  • Flattery can be used as a form of selling or persuasion in politics
  • Trump has his own way of selling in politics
  • Putin has given a nuclear threat more than five times
  • JFK saved the world during the Cuban missile crisis by dismantling missiles in Italy and Turkey
  • Republicans were once known as the party of military industrial complex, but now Democrats are seen as such
  • Follow the money to understand political motivations
  • Democrats and Republicans both take donor money, leading to corruption

The Trump Phenomenon and Generational Wealth

  • Trump’s appeal to voters is his anti-establishment stance
  • Mainstream media is a factory of lies and people hate it
  • Corporate rule is great for billionaires and millionaires, not for the average worker
  • Presidential campaign financing has drastically increased in recent years, with $4 billion spent on the 2016 election
  • Lobbying is the dirtiest thing out there, but both sides do it
  • It’s no longer about Democrat vs. Republican, but about establishment vs. anti-establishment
  • Trump is not an establishment candidate, but he is corrupt.
  • The establishment hates Trump because he is unstable and cannot be controlled.
  • Bribery was legalized by activist judges on the Supreme Court, allowing corporations to outspend everyone.
  • Money corrupts both Trump and Biden, and mainstream media is biased against Trump.

Progressives, Elections, and Media Bias

  • Nancy Pelosi took a billion dollars from the same donors as Mitch McConnell, but is not called corrupt
  • Corporations invest in 90-year-old politicians for a great return on investment
  • Some people suddenly flip their positions and it’s unclear why
  • Trump has used girls, attention, fame, and money to win people over, but now some of the most powerful people in the world hate him
  • Trump is great at marketing and being entertaining, but he’s also a natural-born loser and has lost everything except for the presidency and his marketing skills.
  • Trump has an insatiable greed and has never had enough.
  • Trump looks authentic because he doesn’t go off a prompter, but he’s actually a con man.
  • Trump’s biggest strength is that he doesn’t look fake, unlike other politicians who look like robots.
  • Trump’s top assistant says he just likes his name and lights, bankrupted all three casinos in Atlantic City.
  • Trump has taken his business to certain levels that others haven’t.

Cenk Uygur, Politics, and Democracy

  • There’s something about Trump that makes people say he’s going to make it.
  • Trump’s book and show crushed it, he’s done well with women, his kids, and became president.
  • Trump is a complicated and misunderstood individual
  • Trump’s appeal is partly due to his anti-establishment stance and marketing skills
  • Trump received an enormous advantage from his father’s wealth
  • The pressure and scrutiny on children of famous individuals is immense
  • Generational wealth usually lasts for two generations
  • Giving money to people can make them spoiled and entitled, as seen with some billionaire families and their children.
  • The speaker interviewed a man who managed billionaire families and his biggest job was to prevent their children from becoming drug addicts.
  • Trump has had six bankruptcies and has never had a successful business.

Election Integrity, Media Bias, and LGBTQ+ Issues

  • Trump attempted to rob America of its democracy and is a wannabe dictator who hates freedom.
  • Hillary Clinton did not physically steal the election, while Trump had a scheme of fake electors to do a coup.
  • There is no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election, despite Trump’s claims and numerous court cases.
  • Progressives have been asking to verify elections for decades, but evidence of rigged elections must be presented.
  • America is about elections and democracy, and attempts to steal elections or hate America go against these values.
  • Mainstream media hates progress and destroyed our movement
  • Republicans should buy media companies and compete directly
  • Election fraud has been going on for a long time
  • YouTube changed their guidelines to allow false claims about past US presidential elections
  • Every Republican believes election fraud claims

COVID-19, Vaccines, and Science

  • Debate over COVID-19 origin continues, some suspect lab leak theory
  • YouTube removed the thumbs down feature due to mental health reasons and political correctness, but some speculate it was to protect Biden’s videos from negative feedback.
  • Some believe that YouTube may have been afraid of additional damaging information coming out about communication with Biden.
  • The current administration is accused of cheating with the Department of Justice, but there are many factors that go into an election.
  • YouTube may have removed the feature for kids’ mental health, but it was mainly due to a huge part of their audience being upset over receiving a thumbs down.
  • The ratio of likes to dislikes on Biden’s campaign videos was very low, with some videos having 28,000 likes and 600,000 dislikes.
  • The low ratio of likes to dislikes on Biden’s campaign videos is due to him being seen as a fake politician and the Republican troll army being active on YouTube.
  • The lab leak theory is likely as it makes logical sense, even though evidence is lacking.
  • Statements denying the lab leak theory do damage to science, as it causes scientists to lose credibility.
  • It’s important to follow actual science and leave ideology behind.

Progressives, LGBTQ+ Issues, and Politics

  • Gender can be thought of on a spectrum
  • Pushing gender identity onto children can be harmful
  • Senior high school boys are trending more conservative
  • Democrats may be losing a big part of their base
  • The LGBTQ agenda is being attacked by some parents who want it removed from schools
  • The oldest line of attack against gay people is that they are coming after children
  • The focus is on spreading hate against the LGBTQ community
  • There are more straight pedophiles and groomers than LGBTQ ones, but this is not discussed
  • The use of puberty blockers is a tough issue and should be left up to the families and parents to decide
  • Puberty blockers are a controversial issue that should be left up to families and parents to decide

Politics, Media Bias, and Progressive Movement

  • The National Education Association recommends a controversial book, Gender Queer, on their summer reading list
  • The book contains explicit content, such as instructions on sexual acts, which is concerning for parents
  • Liberal policies, such as teaching controversial topics in schools, are causing people to leave states like California
  • Governor Newsom lost people during his term as governor due to his policies
  • Some policies, such as COVID protocols, are reasonable, but others, like indoctrinating kids, cross a line
  • The conversation about LGBTQ rights has gone too far in some cases, but removing books about gay penguins is not necessary
  • Crime was a bigger issue than LGBTQ rights in California
  • California schools censored LGBTQ content from yearbooks and stories due to fear of being sued
  • Coming out as LGBTQ was more difficult in the past, but now culture gives people permission to do so
  • LGBTQ identity is not a choice, but a religion for some people

Conference and Other Announcements

  • Attend the Vault Conference in Miami with Tom Brady and other speakers to learn from obsessed people who see opportunities in the current economy.
  • Best lineup ever for the conference with speakers like Tom Brady and Mike Tyson.
  • Regular restaurant turned into the number one restaurant in the world
  • Speaker will discuss how to treat customers
  • Attending conferences with a partner or business associate can provide different perspectives and insights
  • Conference is from August 30th to September 2nd at the diplomat resort in Miami
  • Speaker invites listeners to attend the conference with their partner or running mate


Politics and Current Events

In this episode, Patrick Bet-David and Cenk Uygur discuss various political and current events topics, including the playoffs season for basketball fans, a video to be released about Putin featuring a Four-Star General, the controversy surrounding Devon Archer’s recent actions, Elon Musk refuting claims about his logo causing light pollution, and the Wall Street Journal’s claim that climate change obsession is a mental disorder.

Media Bias and Democracy

The conversation also delves into the movie “Get Out” and its message about diversity winning the war, America’s vision of diversity and democracy, the development of nuclear weapons, the movie “Oppenheimer,” and the real and scary possibility of World War III. The discussion also touches on the legitimate Russian interest in pushing NATO too close, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and the importance of helping Ukraine without pushing NATO into the country.

Money, Politics, and Mainstream Media

Money’s influence on politics is explored, including Trump’s anti-war claims and increased drone strikes, Biden’s credit for withdrawing from Afghanistan, the criticisms faced by both Trump and Biden, and the benefits the military industrial complex gains from leaving equipment behind. The possibility of Russia using tactical nukes, the speculation of US policy aiming for regime change in Russia, and the paranoia of Turkey and Armenia due to their history are also discussed. The conversation also covers suspicious statements about being prepared for a pandemic and the speaker’s own experiences with paranoia.

Corporate Influence and Political Motivations

The discussion on corporate influence and political motivations includes Trump’s allowance of Putin’s actions, North Korea’s nuclear development during Trump’s presidency, the use of flattery in politics, and the different ways Trump and Putin have given nuclear threats. The speaker also highlights JFK’s role in the Cuban missile crisis, the shift in perception of the parties regarding the military-industrial complex, and the importance of following the money to understand political motivations.

The Trump Phenomenon and Generational Wealth

Trump’s appeal, his marketing skills, and his complicated nature are explored, along with the influence of generational wealth on individuals and families. The speaker emphasizes the challenges faced by children of famous individuals and the potential negative effects of giving money to people. The discussion also touches on Trump’s business ventures and his insatiable greed.

Election Integrity, Media Bias, and LGBTQ+ Issues

Topics related to election integrity, media bias, and LGBTQ+ issues are covered, including Trump’s alleged attempt to rob America of its democracy, the lack of evidence for election fraud in the 2020 election, the mainstream media’s bias against progress, and the attacks on the LGBTQ+ community. The conversation also delves into the controversy surrounding puberty blockers, the inclusion of explicit content in recommended books, and the impact of liberal policies on states like California.

COVID-19, Vaccines, and Science

The discussion on COVID-19, vaccines, and science includes the ongoing debate over the origin of the virus, YouTube’s removal of the thumbs down feature, the credibility of claims against the current administration, and the importance of following actual science. The speaker also highlights RFK Jr.’s call for vaccine debates, the overwhelming support for vaccines among doctors and scientists, and the personal freedom aspect of not taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

Progressives, LGBTQ+ Issues, and Politics

Topics related to progressives, LGBTQ+ issues, and politics are explored, including the push for gender identity and its potential harm, the trending conservatism among senior high school boys, the potential loss of a big part of the Democratic base, and the attacks on the LGBTQ+ agenda in schools. The conversation also touches on the prevalence of straight pedophiles and groomers, the controversy surrounding puberty blockers, and the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community.

Politics, Media Bias, and Progressive Movement

The discussion on politics, media bias, and the progressive movement includes the influence of media bias on progressive politicians, the appeal and marketing skills of Trump, the corrupting influence of money on politicians, and the bias of mainstream media against Trump. The speaker emphasizes the need for progress and the destruction caused by mainstream media. The conversation also delves into the potential of Nina Turner becoming president and the challenges faced by non-establishment candidates.

Conference and Other Announcements

The episode concludes with announcements about the Vault Conference in Miami, the importance of treating customers, attending conferences with partners or business associates, and the opportunity to learn from obsessed individuals in the current economy.


This episode of the PBD Podcast covers a wide range of topics, from politics and current events to media bias and the progressive movement. The conversation provides valuable insights and perspectives on various issues, sparking thought-provoking discussions. Listeners are encouraged to engage with the topics, challenge their own beliefs, and stay informed about the ever-changing political landscape.

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