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Pivot / – Meta’s Threads, and A Major First Amendment Ruling

Pivot – Meta’s Threads, and A Major First Amendment Ruling

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In this episode of the “Pivot” podcast, hosts Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway discuss a range of topics including Apple’s record-breaking valuation, the launch of Twitter’s competitor Threads, a major First Amendment ruling, and the ongoing battle over social media moderation. They also touch on the trade war between the US and China, media takedowns of executives, Elon Musk’s lawsuits against social media platforms, and the future of Twitter. Join Kara and Scott as they break down all things tech and business.

Main Takeaways

Apple’s Valuation and Supply Chain Dominance

  • Apple hits $3 trillion valuation, becoming the most valuable company ever
  • Apple creates the illusion of scarcity by having demand much greater than supply
  • Apple has the strongest supply chain in the world
  • Apple’s iOS is the operating system for the wealthiest billion people in the world
  • Apple’s valuation does not look crazy expensive and is not solely due to Apple Vision Pro

China’s Export Restrictions and Geopolitics

  • China announces export restrictions on two minerals used in the production of semiconductors, solar cells, and missile systems to protect national security interests
  • The key mineral, gallium, which China controls about 80% of the world’s supply, is a key component to many products
  • Rare earth minerals are the new oil and geopolitics will be dictated by the flow of semiconductors and these minerals
  • The trade war between the US and China is now full-blown and it would be an incredible unlock for global prosperity if they settle and figure out a way to cooperate

Media Takedowns and Decline of Traditional Media

  • Media is going after executives with career-making articles, which can have negative consequences for the company and the individual
  • Broadcast supported media or ad supported broadcast media and cable are in massive structural decline.
  • Premier magazine and New York magazine are famous for takedowns, but also good stories.
  • David Zazlov is way out over his skis and lives in his own world.
  • Bob Iger doesn’t peacock and is not subject to ridicule like David Zazlov.

Twitter’s Threads and Lawsuits

  • Threads, Twitter’s competitor, launches after 24 hours of the saga
  • Twitter is threatening to sue Meta for poaching former employees to create a copycat app, Threads, but some argue that Twitter has borrowed ideas from other platforms in the past.
  • Lawsuits over intellectual property rights can be emotional reactions, and it may be difficult to protect the look and feel of social media platforms.
  • Facebook’s new Threads app is receiving good press, but there are privacy concerns and data permissions requested.

Elon Musk’s Lawsuits and Twitter’s Issues

  • Elon Musk is suing Twitter and other social media platforms for being unfair and stealing his ideas.
  • The legal team and lobbying team for these social media platforms are bigger than Twitter itself.
  • Musk may be using one platform to leverage the other and Congress could be interested in this.
  • This lawsuit comes after a chaotic week at Twitter, including locking out people without accounts and abrupt limits being placed.
  • Twitter placed limits on how many tweets users could view, causing confusion and frustration among users

First Amendment Ruling and Social Media Moderation

  • A Trump-appointed federal judge issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting certain communications between the Biden administration and social media sites, sparking an ongoing battle over social media moderation and the First Amendment.
  • There is an ongoing battle over social media moderation and the First Amendment
  • The right is attacking people like Alex Stamos at the Stanford Internet Observatory with lawsuits to chill the situation of studying misinformation
  • The ruling prohibiting certain communications between the Biden administration and social media sites is based on inaccurate and dishonest claims of government interference
  • Social media companies don’t have to listen to the government’s right to free speech like everybody else


Apple’s Valuation and Supply Chain Dominance

Apple’s recent achievement of a $3 trillion valuation has solidified its position as the most valuable company ever. This valuation is not solely due to the success of Apple Vision Pro, but rather a result of various factors, including the company’s ability to create the illusion of scarcity by having demand much greater than supply. Additionally, Apple boasts the strongest supply chain in the world and its iOS is the operating system for the wealthiest billion people globally. Despite concerns about concentration of wealth, Apple’s valuation does not appear to be overly expensive.

China’s Export Restrictions and Geopolitics

China’s announcement of export restrictions on minerals used in the production of semiconductors, solar cells, and missile systems has raised concerns about the flow of these crucial components. China’s control over key minerals, such as gallium, which accounts for 80% of the world’s supply, gives the country significant leverage in geopolitics. The trade war between the US and China has escalated, and a resolution could unlock global prosperity. The flow of semiconductors and rare earth minerals has become a crucial aspect of international relations.

Media Takedowns and Decline of Traditional Media

The media landscape is undergoing significant changes, with traditional media outlets facing structural decline. Executives are increasingly becoming targets of career-making articles, which can have both negative consequences for the individuals involved and the companies they represent. Premier magazine and New York magazine are known for their takedowns, but they also produce compelling stories. The contrast between executives like David Zazlov, who seems out of touch, and Bob Iger, who avoids ridicule, highlights the challenges faced by media personalities in the digital age.

Twitter’s Threads and Lawsuits

Threads, a new app from Instagram, has entered the competitive social media landscape. While Twitter threatens to sue Meta for allegedly copying its app, Threads, some argue that Twitter itself has borrowed ideas from other platforms in the past. Lawsuits over intellectual property rights can be emotionally charged, and protecting the look and feel of social media platforms can be challenging. Facebook’s Threads app has received positive press, but concerns about privacy and data permissions have been raised. The bundling of new features by big players may stifle innovation in the long term.

Elon Musk’s Lawsuits and Twitter’s Issues

Elon Musk’s lawsuits against social media platforms, including Twitter, highlight the ongoing debates surrounding fairness and idea theft. The legal and lobbying teams of these platforms often outweigh the actual company, indicating the complexity of these legal battles. Musk’s leveraging of one platform against another has caught the attention of Congress. Recent issues at Twitter, such as locking out users without accounts and implementing tweet limits, have caused confusion and frustration. Twitter’s financial situation may not be great, but the personal wealth of CEO Jack Dorsey is likely to keep the platform afloat.

First Amendment Ruling and Social Media Moderation

A recent First Amendment ruling by a Trump-appointed federal judge has ignited a battle over social media moderation and government interference. The ruling prohibits certain communications between the Biden administration and social media sites, leading to accusations of attempts to chill the study of misinformation. While social media companies have the right to free speech like everyone else, they are also more powerful than the government in many cases. The lack of dialogue between the government and social media firms could have negative societal impacts, including worsened teen depression. Balancing free speech and misinformation remains a significant challenge.


As technology and social media continue to shape our world, the battles over valuation, intellectual property, and free speech intensify. Apple’s record-breaking valuation, China’s export restrictions, media takedowns, and the ongoing legal disputes involving Elon Musk and social media platforms are just a few examples of the complex issues at play. The First Amendment ruling and the debate over social media moderation further highlight the challenges of navigating the digital landscape. With the future of traditional media uncertain and the power dynamics between governments and tech giants evolving, the tech and business world remains a fascinating and ever-changing space.

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