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Rich Habits Podcast / Q&A: Dead Money, $400K in Savings, and ESPPs | Rich Habits Podcast

Q&A: Dead Money, $400K in Savings, and ESPPs | Rich Habits Podcast

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In this episode of the Rich Habits Podcast, the hosts answer listener questions on various financial topics. They provide valuable insights and advice on investing, retirement planning, real estate, and more. The episode is sponsored by, an online brokerage platform that offers a range of investment opportunities.

Main Takeaways

Investing in Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs)

  • Consider the potential upside and opportunity cost before investing in an ESPP.
  • Avoid investing in an ESPP if you have high-interest debt.
  • Invest a percentage of your salary (5-10%) in the program, but not exceeding 5% during periods of volatility.

Maximizing Retirement Savings

  • Convert a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA to build wealth over time.
  • Paying taxes on a Roth IRA now can help avoid a large tax liability in the future.
  • Consider moving investments from target date funds to ETFs like VOO and QQQ for better returns and stability.

Building Wealth and Reaching Financial Milestones

  • Focus on reaching the first $100k as a key milestone for wealth building.
  • Prioritize saving and investing before considering real estate or business ventures.
  • Create a budget, find extra income opportunities, and start investing early.

Financial Planning for Divorce and Retirement

  • Consider selling a home to unlock equity and explore investment opportunities.
  • Downsize your home and utilize a HELOC to access equity for other investments.
  • Explore mortgage programs like Fannie Mae’s 5% down payment program for property purchases.

Investing $400,000 for Early Retirement

  • Focus on building passive income streams through dividends, ETFs, and covered calls.
  • Diversify investments into cryptocurrency, index funds, real estate, and venture investments.
  • Consider purchasing a rental property and leveraging a 5% Fannie Mae down payment program.


Investing in Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPPs)

The hosts discuss the considerations for investing in an ESPP, emphasizing the need to weigh the potential upside and opportunity cost. They advise against investing in an ESPP while having high-interest debt and recommend investing a percentage of your salary (5-10%) in the program, but not exceeding 5% during periods of volatility.

Maximizing Retirement Savings

The hosts recommend converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA, especially for those under 45 or 50, to build wealth over time. They highlight the importance of paying taxes on a Roth IRA now to avoid a large tax liability in the future. Additionally, they suggest moving investments from target date funds to ETFs like VOO and QQQ for better long-term returns and stability.

Building Wealth and Reaching Financial Milestones

The hosts emphasize the importance of reaching the first $100k as a key milestone for wealth building. They advise prioritizing saving and investing before considering real estate or business ventures. They recommend creating a budget, finding extra income opportunities, and starting investing early to achieve financial goals.

Financial Planning for Divorce and Retirement

For individuals going through a divorce and planning for retirement, the hosts suggest considering selling a home to unlock equity and explore investment opportunities. They recommend downsizing your home and utilizing a HELOC to access equity for other investments. They also mention the Fannie Mae 5% down payment program as a potential option for property purchases.

Investing $400,000 for Early Retirement

The hosts commend a listener with $400,000 in cash for their discipline in saving and discuss strategies for early retirement. They recommend focusing on building passive income streams through dividends, ETFs, and covered calls. They suggest diversifying investments into cryptocurrency, index funds, real estate, and venture investments. They also mention the potential benefits of purchasing a rental property and leveraging a 5% Fannie Mae down payment program.


The Q&A episode of the Rich Habits Podcast provides valuable insights and advice on investing, retirement planning, real estate, and more. Listeners gain valuable knowledge on managing money, maximizing savings, and building wealth for a secure financial future. The hosts encourage taking small, actionable steps and making strategic financial decisions to achieve financial goals.

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