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Radiolab / – Driverless Dilemma

Radiolab – Driverless Dilemma

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In this episode of Radiolab, titled “Driverless Dilemma,” the hosts explore the ethical and societal implications of automation and artificial intelligence, specifically in the context of driverless cars. They delve into the trolley problem, a moral dilemma, and how it relates to decision-making in self-driving cars. The episode raises thought-provoking questions about the future of transportation and the impact of rapid technological change on society.

Main Takeaways

Impact of Automation on Society

  • Automation and AI, particularly driverless cars, will have a larger effect on society than any technology in history.
  • In the next 10 years, 20 to 50 million jobs will vanish due to automation.
  • Entire industries built around cars, such as insurance and rest stops, will be affected.
  • The concept of what a car is will change, with the possibility of different cars for different purposes.
  • These changes will not happen in a vacuum, and we need to consider the ethical and societal implications of such rapid technological change.

The Trolley Problem and Moral Judgments

  • The trolley problem is a moral problem that is about to get reimagined.
  • The trolley problem involves choosing between killing five workers or one worker.
  • Philosopher and neuroscientist Josh Green studies the brain to understand why people make these moral judgments.
  • People are asked screening questions before entering the brain scan room to ensure no metal is present.
  • When people answer “yes” to the lever question, specific parts of the brain light up, and a different part lights up for “no” answers.

Morality and the Brain

  • The human brain is not a unified system, but rather multiple little subgroups that give different answers and duke it out to form morality.
  • Basic primate morality is deeply biological and inherited from our primate ancestors.
  • Basic human morality is not invented by humans but inherited from other people.
  • Different moral positions can come into conflict in our brains.
  • The crying baby dilemma poses a tough ethical question: would you smother your own baby to save a village from enemy troops?

Moral Dilemmas in Self-Driving Cars

  • The trolley problem is a thought experiment that presents a moral dilemma.
  • Self-driving cars are becoming a reality, and they will face similar moral dilemmas as the trolley problem.
  • People are more likely to say that a car should do the most good or avoid the most harm in theory, but they would not buy a car that would potentially sacrifice them to save others.
  • The development of self-driving cars requires a new approach to moral reasoning and decision-making.
  • Trade-offs and tricky situations arise with the use of sensors in self-driving cars.


Impact of Automation on Society

Automation and AI, particularly in the form of driverless cars, will have a profound impact on society. With the potential loss of millions of jobs, entire industries built around cars will be affected. The concept of what a car is will also change, as there may be different cars designed for specific purposes. However, as these changes occur, it is crucial to consider the ethical and societal implications of such rapid technological change.

The Trolley Problem and Moral Judgments

The trolley problem, a moral dilemma involving choosing between killing a group of people or sacrificing one person, raises important ethical questions. Philosopher and neuroscientist Josh Green studies the brain to understand why people make these moral judgments. Through brain scans, it is observed that specific parts of the brain light up when people make decisions related to the trolley problem.

Morality and the Brain

Our brains are not unified systems but consist of multiple subgroups that contribute to forming morality. Basic primate morality is deeply biological and inherited from our primate ancestors. Similarly, basic human morality is not invented by humans but inherited from others. This can lead to conflicts between different moral positions in our brains, as seen in brain scans of individuals grappling with ethical dilemmas such as the crying baby dilemma.

Moral Dilemmas in Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars present moral dilemmas similar to the trolley problem. While people may agree in theory that cars should prioritize doing the most good or avoiding the most harm, they may not be willing to buy a car that would potentially sacrifice them to save others. The development of self-driving cars requires a new approach to moral reasoning and decision-making, especially considering the trade-offs and complex situations that arise with the use of sensors in these vehicles.


The advent of automation and AI, particularly in the form of driverless cars, brings about significant changes to society. The ethical and societal implications of these changes must be carefully considered. The trolley problem serves as a thought-provoking example of the moral dilemmas that self-driving cars may face. Understanding the brain’s role in moral judgments and the conflicts that arise within it provides insights into human morality. As we navigate the development of self-driving cars, it is essential to strike a balance between the greater good and individual preferences, while addressing the ethical concerns raised by these technological advancements.

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