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Radiolab / – Rumble Strip: Finn and the Bell

Radiolab – Rumble Strip: Finn and the Bell

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“Rumble Strip: Finn and the Bell” is a powerful and award-winning episode from the podcast Radiolab. It tells the story of Finn Rooney, a beloved member of the Vermont community who tragically took his own life in 2020. However, the focus of the episode is not on his suicide, but rather on Finn’s life and his idea for a bell that would unite the community. Through intimate interviews and personal anecdotes, the episode captures the essence of Finn’s unique personality and the impact he had on those around him.

Main Takeaways

Finn’s Life and Impact

  • Finn Rooney was a boy who loved fishing, baseball, and playing the euphonium.
  • He was described by his mother, Tara, as someone who recognized the importance of little things to make day-to-day life better.
  • Finn was a unique combination of a hippie and a redneck, loved by everyone in his community.
  • He was involved in many different activities and was always willing to help others.
  • Finn had a strong work ethic and love for baseball, even wearing duct-taped cleats to practice.

Finn’s Dream for a Bell

  • Finn heard about an old bell that used to ring when Hardwick teams won away games, and he wanted to bring it back to unite the community.
  • His dream was to have a bell that would ring not just for sports events, but also for spelling bees and other special occasions.
  • The passing of Finn Rooney shook the community and sparked a desire to fulfill his dream of bringing a bell to Hazen.
  • The community initially considered using the bell from Hardwick Academy, but eventually received a donation of the old Greensboro School bell.
  • The bell was hauled to Hazen on a rainy day in the spring, with many members of the community coming together to make it happen.

The Bell as a Symbol of Unity and Healing

  • The bell will be used to bring the school together for all of its high points, and will be restored to its former glory.
  • The bell will be welcomed as part of the community, to inform, celebrate, unify, and heal, in honor of the legacy of the beloved Finn.
  • The sound of the bell brought a moment of intense realization and reflection for Finn’s mother, Tara, as she saw all of life’s moments flash before her eyes.
  • Anytime Tara hears the bell, she feels joy and sorrow all mixed together, like a hug from Finn.


Finn Rooney: A Life Celebrated

“Rumble Strip: Finn and the Bell” is a moving episode that celebrates the life of Finn Rooney, a young boy who left a lasting impact on his community. Through interviews with his mother, Tara, and other community members, the episode paints a vivid picture of Finn’s unique personality and his love for fishing, baseball, and playing the euphonium. Finn’s tragic death in 2020 serves as the backdrop for the episode, but the focus remains on his life and his dream of bringing a bell to unite the community.

A Dream Fulfilled

Finn’s dream of a bell becomes a rallying point for the community after his passing. The episode chronicles the journey of finding a bell, from considering the bell from Hardwick Academy to receiving a donation of the old Greensboro School bell. With the bell now in Hazen, the community comes together to restore it and ensure it becomes a symbol of unity and healing. The sound of the bell evokes powerful emotions for Finn’s mother, Tara, and serves as a reminder of her son’s presence and the impact he had on the community.


“Rumble Strip: Finn and the Bell” is a poignant and heartfelt episode that captures the essence of Finn Rooney’s life and the impact he had on his community. Through personal anecdotes and intimate interviews, the episode celebrates Finn’s unique personality and his dream of bringing a bell to unite the community. It serves as a reminder of the power of small gestures and the lasting impact one person can have on those around them.

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