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Radiolab / – The Secret to a Long Life

Radiolab – The Secret to a Long Life

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In this episode of Radiolab titled “The Secret to a Long Life,” the hosts explore the concept of time perception and how it affects our experience of life. They discuss the importance of novelty, reflection, and paying attention to create a sense of a longer and more fulfilling life. Join them on this journey to uncover the secrets to living a rich and memorable life.

Main Takeaways

Confronting Mortality and Time Perception

  • Cindy has a life calendar poster with 52 boxes for each year and 90 columns for 90 years of life.
  • She marks off a box each week to confront her own mortality and notice time passing.
  • Time perception researchers suggest that doing something super boring can make time feel longer, but retrospective thinking can make life feel longer when looking back.
  • Retrospective thinking involves reflecting on the past and focusing on memorable experiences.
  • The goal is to have a longer feeling life when looking back on it.

Novelty and Memory

  • Memory is how our brain measures time.
  • Novelty and change in life will imprint more deeply in memory, making time seem longer.
  • Avoid routine and seek novelty in life to stretch time apart completely.
  • Living a novel life can be achieved by making small changes to daily routines.
  • Trying new things can lead to exciting experiences, like volunteering at a soup kitchen or attending a dating app mixer.

Challenges and Opportunities of Novelty-seeking

  • Novelty-seeking can also lead to challenges, such as difficulty finding new food to eat or feeling tired from constantly seeking out new experiences.
  • Despite these challenges, trying new things can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities.
  • Constant novelty can be found in a child’s world.
  • Traveling to new places and meeting new people can be exciting and eye-opening.
  • Trying new things, like clam digging, can be a rewarding experience.

Paying Attention and Creating Memories

  • Control-saving moments can make memories more vivid and impactful.
  • Living life on autopilot can lead to fewer memorable moments.
  • Paying attention to familiar things can make them feel new and memorable.
  • There is power in unexpected surprises and things not going as expected.
  • Appreciating the little moments that often get lost in our daily routines is important.


Confronting Mortality and Time Perception

Cindy’s life calendar serves as a reminder of the passage of time and the importance of living a meaningful life. By confronting her own mortality and marking off each week, she becomes more aware of time passing. Time perception researchers suggest that retrospective thinking, focusing on memorable experiences, can make life feel longer when looking back. By reflecting on the past and cherishing meaningful moments, we can create a sense of a longer and more fulfilling life.

Novelty and Memory

Memory is closely linked to our perception of time. Novelty and change in life imprint more deeply in memory, making time seem longer. Avoiding routine and seeking novelty in daily life can stretch time apart completely. Making small changes to daily routines and trying new things can lead to exciting experiences and personal growth. Whether it’s volunteering at a soup kitchen or attending a dating app mixer, embracing novelty can make life more vibrant and memorable.

Challenges and Opportunities of Novelty-seeking

While seeking novelty can be exhilarating, it also comes with challenges. Finding new food to eat or constantly seeking out new experiences can be difficult. However, these challenges can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities. Children naturally experience constant novelty in their world, and adults can find it through traveling to new places and meeting new people. Trying new things, like clam digging, can provide a sense of reward and excitement.

Paying Attention and Creating Memories

Paying attention and creating lasting memories are key to making life feel longer and more fulfilling. Control-saving moments, where we intentionally pause and savor experiences, make memories more vivid and impactful. Living life on autopilot can lead to fewer memorable moments, so it’s important to break free from routine and appreciate the little moments that often go unnoticed. By paying attention to familiar things, we can make them feel new and memorable. There is power in unexpected surprises and embracing the unexpected.


By confronting our mortality, embracing novelty, and paying attention to the present moment, we can create a sense of a longer and more fulfilling life. Reflecting on memorable experiences, trying new things, and appreciating the little moments can make time feel richer and more meaningful. So go out, seek novelty, and make each moment count.

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