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Startalk Radio / – Cosmic Queries Science of Survival

Startalk Radio – Cosmic Queries – Science of Survival

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In this episode of Startalk Radio, host Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson explores the science of survival with guest Dr. Timagintan, a survival expert with experience in Arctic warfare and disaster response. Together, they delve into the importance of survival skills, the physiological aspects of survival, coping mechanisms for isolation, and the application of survival techniques in space travel and future colonies. Join them as they uncover the fascinating world of survival and its implications for humanity.

Main Takeaways

Survival Skills and Physiology

  • Survival skills played a crucial role in helping our species survive during the ice age.
  • Arctic warfare involves battling the elements and conducting assaults in cold environments.
  • Ancient humans who survived multiple winters were more formidable than modern individuals with advanced technologies.
  • Oxygen is often overlooked as a survival priority, but without it, one can only last three minutes.
  • The death sequence outlines the order of events that can lead to death if not addressed properly.

Coping with Isolation

  • Isolation can have a significant impact on mental health, varying from person to person.
  • Coping mechanisms, such as building relationships with one’s surroundings and self-filming, can alleviate the effects of isolation.
  • Connecting with spirits of the land and ancestors can provide guidance for survival in the wilderness.
  • Tapping into this mental force is prevalent among native peoples of prehistoric times.

The Physiology of Starvation

  • Starvation follows a predictable sequence of events, starting with denial and ending with acceptance.
  • The body utilizes glucose, proteins, and fat as energy sources during starvation.
  • The cold exacerbates energy expenditure as the body maintains body temperature.
  • Alternative food sources, such as reindeer moss, can provide sustenance in extreme conditions.

Lessons for Space Travel and Apocalyptic Scenarios

  • Lessons learned from survival situations on Earth can be applied to long-term space travel and future extraterrestrial colonies.
  • In an apocalyptic scenario, having a plan for food, water, communication, and basic survival skills is crucial.
  • Power control becomes a significant issue in such scenarios, as it determines the outcome.
  • Maintaining good hygiene and utilizing natural remedies can help prevent infections in the wild.


Survival Skills and Physiology

Dr. Timagintan emphasizes the importance of survival skills in our species’ history, particularly during the ice age. Arctic warfare provides insights into battling the elements and conducting assaults in cold environments. Understanding the physiological aspects of survival, such as the need for oxygen and addressing the death sequence, can significantly increase one’s chances of survival in extreme situations.

Coping with Isolation

Isolation can have profound effects on mental health, and Dr. Timagintan shares coping mechanisms to alleviate its impact. Building relationships with one’s surroundings and self-filming can provide a sense of connection. Connecting with spirits of the land and ancestors offers guidance, as observed in native cultures. These practices can help individuals navigate the challenges of isolation.

The Physiology of Starvation

Understanding the physiological response to starvation is essential for survival. The body follows a predictable sequence, utilizing glucose, proteins, and fat as energy sources. The cold further increases energy expenditure. Alternative food sources, like reindeer moss, can sustain individuals in extreme conditions. Dr. Timagintan provides insights into the body’s adaptation to starvation and the importance of maintaining body temperature.

Lessons for Space Travel and Apocalyptic Scenarios

Lessons learned from survival situations on Earth can be applied to long-term space travel and future extraterrestrial colonies. Having a plan for food, water, communication, and basic survival skills becomes crucial in apocalyptic scenarios. Power control becomes a significant factor in determining outcomes. Maintaining good hygiene and utilizing natural remedies can help prevent infections in the wild.


Survival skills are not only important for extreme situations but also have historical significance in our species’ survival. Understanding the physiological aspects of survival, coping with isolation, and preparing for scarcity are valuable skills for both Earth and potential space exploration. By learning from the past and applying these lessons, we can navigate challenging circumstances and increase our chances of survival.

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