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Ted Talks Daily / – How labor unions create worker power | How to Be a Better Human

Ted Talks Daily – How labor unions create worker power | How to Be a Better Human

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Margaret Levy discusses the importance of labor unions in creating worker power and building inclusive communities. She explores the history of unions, their impact on workers’ rights, and the need to reimagine unions for the present day.

Main Takeaways

Benefits of Union Membership

  • Being part of a union can provide benefits like minimum weekly rates, healthcare contributions, and potential pensions.

Diverse Industries and Communities

  • Unions are not just for traditional industries like garment, steel, and auto, but also include education, healthcare, and tech workers.
  • Unions create expanded and inclusive communities of fate where people recognize their destinies are entwined despite differences and distances.
  • Building solidarity through communities of fate that crosses geographies and differences is important for employees and citizens.

Reimagining Labor Unions

  • To build these communities, labor unions need to be re-imagined for the present day.
  • Margaret Levy’s interest in inequality and labor unions stems from her experiences marching in civil rights movements in the 1950s with her family.
  • Levy attempted to organize a labor union as a graduate student and learned a lot about collective action and power dynamics, even though the attempt failed.
  • The feeling of solidarity and self-respect are important takeaways from participating in collective action.

Historical Context of Labor Unions

  • Labor unions have a long history dating back to mutinies in the Navy and the rise of industrial and craft unions.
  • Craft unions originated in medieval guilds and developed in the 19th century in industrializing countries.
  • Industrial unions organized all workers in a particular industry and led to large-scale, militant actions.
  • Unions fought for societal issues such as social security, healthcare, and a weekend with a period of rest attached to it.

Challenges and Opportunities for Labor Unions

  • Union membership has declined due to high dues, corrupt leadership, and bureaucratic or racist unions.
  • Unions have had a complex history with some actions making them unpopular with members and the public.
  • Unions have faced campaigns against them by governments and corporations.
  • Legal structures in the US have been unfriendly to unions.
  • The public perception of unions has changed in recent years with more understanding of what they do.
  • The pandemic has brought attention to essential workers and amplified the need for change in power relations between employers and employees.


The Importance of Labor Unions and Building Communities

Labor unions play a crucial role in protecting workers’ rights and creating inclusive communities. They provide benefits such as minimum wages, healthcare contributions, and potential pensions. Unions are not limited to specific industries but encompass a diverse range of sectors, including education, healthcare, and technology. By building communities of fate, unions bring people together, recognizing their interconnected destinies despite differences and distances. However, to effectively create these communities, labor unions need to be reimagined for the present day.

The Historical Context and Challenges of Labor Unions

Labor unions have a rich history dating back to mutinies in the Navy and the rise of industrial and craft unions. Craft unions originated in medieval guilds and evolved during the industrialization period. Industrial unions organized workers across industries and led to significant collective actions. Unions fought for societal issues such as social security and healthcare. However, union membership has declined due to factors like high dues, corrupt leadership, and bureaucratic or racist practices. Unions have faced opposition from governments and corporations, and legal structures have been unfavorable. Nonetheless, the perception of unions is changing, and the pandemic has highlighted the importance of essential workers and the need for improved power relations between employers and employees.


Labor unions have played a vital role in advocating for workers’ rights and creating inclusive communities. While unions face challenges, there is a growing understanding of their importance and the need for reform. Reimagining labor unions for the present day and building solidarity among diverse industries and communities can lead to fairer treatment and improved working conditions. By recognizing the historical significance of unions and learning from past movements, we can work towards a more equitable future.

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