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Ted Talks Daily / – How to make learning as addictive as social media | Luis von Ahn

Ted Talks Daily – How to make learning as addictive as social media | Luis von Ahn

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Luis von Ahn discusses how to make learning as addictive as social media. He shares his insights on using technology to provide equal access to education and explains how his language learning app, Duolingo, keeps users engaged with learning.

Main Takeaways

Equal Access to Education

  • Luis von Ahn believes screen time can be used for educational purposes
  • Education can bring inequality rather than equality, as those with money can buy a better education
  • Luis von Ahn wanted to create equal access to education for everyone

Language Learning and Income Potential

  • The best subject to start with was teaching foreign languages due to its large audience and potential to increase income
  • Knowledge of English can significantly increase income potential in most countries

Duolingo: Making Language Learning Accessible

  • Duolingo was created to make language learning accessible to everyone through smartphones
  • Duolingo uses a freemium model to support itself, with most revenue coming from subscriptions to turn off ads

Using Addictive Techniques for Learning

  • The addictive nature of smartphones presents a challenge in delivering education, but Duolingo uses techniques from addictive apps to keep users engaged with learning
  • One of the most powerful techniques is the notion of a streak, measuring the number of consecutive days a user has used the product
  • Duolingo uses sophisticated AI to send notifications to maximize the probability that users come back to learn
  • Notifications are sent 24 hours after a user last used the product
  • Duolingo stops sending notifications after seven days of inactivity and notifies users when this happens

Gamification and Repetition in Learning

  • Educational products do not need to be as engaging as social media apps, as the meaning behind learning provides internal motivation for users.
  • Repetition is key in learning meaningful subjects such as reading and elementary math
  • Gamification can be used to make repetition fun and engaging, as seen in Duolingo

Effective Explanations and Other Resources

  • Explanations may require good videos, as seen in Salman Khan’s work

Other Interesting Points

  • The green owl mascot used in Duolingo notifications has become a popular meme on the internet
  • Frances Frye and Man Morris host a new podcast from Ted called Fixable, where they help fix workplace problems in one session
  • Topics covered in Fixable include how to speak confidently and why organizations need a story for policy change.


Equal Access to Education

Luis von Ahn recognized the inequality in education and aimed to provide equal access to learning for everyone. He believes that screen time can be used for educational purposes, countering the argument that excessive screen time is detrimental. By creating technology-driven solutions, von Ahn aims to bridge the gap between those who can afford a better education and those who cannot.

Making Language Learning Accessible

Von Ahn chose to start with teaching foreign languages as it has a large audience and the potential to increase income. Knowledge of English, in particular, can significantly boost income potential in most countries. To make language learning accessible, he created Duolingo, a smartphone app that uses a freemium model. Users can subscribe to turn off ads, generating revenue to support the platform.

Using Addictive Techniques for Learning

Duolingo faces the challenge of keeping users engaged with learning despite the addictive nature of smartphones. To tackle this, von Ahn and his team incorporated techniques from addictive apps. One such technique is the concept of a streak, which measures the number of consecutive days a user has used the product. Duolingo utilizes sophisticated AI to send notifications, maximizing the probability of users returning to learn. Notifications are sent 24 hours after the last usage, and after seven days of inactivity, users are notified that notifications will stop.

Gamification and Repetition in Learning

Unlike social media apps, educational products do not need to be as engaging, as the intrinsic motivation to learn provides the driving force. However, repetition is key in learning meaningful subjects like reading and elementary math. Duolingo incorporates gamification to make repetition fun and engaging, encouraging users to continue their language learning journey.

Effective Explanations and Other Resources

When it comes to explanations, von Ahn highlights the importance of good videos. He references Salman Khan’s work in creating educational videos that effectively convey complex concepts. By utilizing videos and other resources, learners can grasp and retain information more effectively.


Luis von Ahn’s mission to make learning as addictive as social media has led to the creation of Duolingo, an innovative language learning app. By leveraging addictive techniques, gamification, and effective explanations, Duolingo provides equal access to education and keeps users engaged in their learning journey. Through these efforts, von Ahn aims to bridge the education gap and empower individuals worldwide.

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