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Ted Talks Daily / – The magic of a creative career | Michael Sheen

Ted Talks Daily – The magic of a creative career | Michael Sheen

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Michael Sheen, a renowned actor, shares his insights on the magic of a creative career. He discusses the importance of role models, representation, and creating opportunities for young people from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in the arts and creative industries.

Main Takeaways

Role Models and Representation

  • Role models and representation are important for individuals to see what’s possible for themselves.
  • Richard Burton and Anthony Hopkins, both from the same town as Michael Sheen, served as role models for him and others from their hometown.
  • Seeing people from similar backgrounds succeed can give hope and inspire individuals to pursue their dreams.
  • It’s crucial to have diverse voices and representation in the media and on platforms to inspire and empower individuals from all backgrounds.

Family Support and Youth Arts Infrastructure

  • Family support played a crucial role in the guest’s career opportunities.
  • Growing up in a working-class community did not hinder support for the arts, with notable actors from the area.
  • A powerful youth arts infrastructure was present in the guest’s area, thanks to a teacher’s progressive theater program.
  • The infrastructure included a diverse array of arts, all funded through the education system.
  • Joining the youth theater led to everyone auditioning for drama schools and pursuing careers in the profession.

Challenges for Working-Class Backgrounds

  • Pathway into the arts for working-class backgrounds has disappeared over time.
  • Lack of infrastructure and support for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue careers in the arts.
  • Overrepresentation of independent school and Oxbridge graduates in the arts and creative industries.
  • Importance of creating pathways and opportunities for young people early on.
  • Need for structural change to ensure equal opportunities for all in the arts and creative industries.

Supporting Underrepresented Backgrounds in Storytelling

  • Common People project inspired the idea of supporting underrepresented backgrounds in storytelling.
  • Project aimed to give people the opportunity to get involved and receive mentorship from industry professionals.
  • Writing Chance program was created with 11 people in the first cohort receiving financial and mentoring support.
  • Writing from marginalized voices such as Grace Kuntok and Stephen Tuffin’s piece about caring for his mother were extraordinary and moving.
  • The program has allowed for their writing to be published in national newspapers, performed live on stage, and broadcast on BBC sounds, giving a platform for unheard voices and experiences.


Importance of Role Models and Representation

Michael Sheen highlights the significance of role models and representation in inspiring individuals to pursue their creative dreams. He shares how seeing successful actors from his hometown gave him hope and motivated him to pursue a career in acting. Sheen emphasizes the need for diverse voices and representation in the media and on platforms to empower individuals from all backgrounds.

Family Support and Youth Arts Infrastructure

Sheen acknowledges the crucial role of family support in his career opportunities. He also discusses the presence of a vibrant youth arts infrastructure in his community, thanks to a progressive theater program initiated by a teacher. This infrastructure, funded through the education system, provided opportunities for young people to explore various arts and pursue careers in the profession.

Challenges for Working-Class Backgrounds

Sheen highlights the challenges faced by individuals from working-class backgrounds in pursuing careers in the arts. He discusses the disappearance of pathways into the arts for these backgrounds and the overrepresentation of independent school and Oxbridge graduates in the creative industries. Sheen emphasizes the need for structural change to ensure equal opportunities for all in the arts and creative industries.

Supporting Underrepresented Backgrounds in Storytelling

Sheen shares his experience with the Common People project, which inspired him to support underrepresented backgrounds in storytelling. He explains the Writing Chance program, which provides financial and mentoring support to aspiring writers from marginalized backgrounds. Sheen highlights the exceptional writing produced by participants, which has been published in national newspapers, performed live on stage, and broadcast on BBC sounds, giving a platform to unheard voices and experiences.


Michael Sheen’s insights shed light on the magic of a creative career and the importance of role models, representation, and creating opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds. His experiences and initiatives inspire us to support and empower underrepresented voices in the arts and creative industries, ensuring a more inclusive and vibrant future.

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