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The Ben Shapiro Show / – Mailbag Sunday

The Ben Shapiro Show – Mailbag Sunday

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show” titled “Mailbag Sunday,” Ben Shapiro answers questions from his audience on a wide range of topics including discrimination laws, presidential debates, military issues, maternity leave, racial diversity in police departments, and the upcoming election.

Main Takeaways

Discrimination Laws and Protected Classes

  • The trans community is referred to as a protected class, which means they are legally protected from discrimination based on their sexual orientation.
  • Discrimination based on protected classes such as race, sex, and sexual orientation is illegal in Colorado.
  • The court case of 303 Creative was about whether discriminating against the activity of a protected class (a gay wedding) is the same as discriminating against the protected class itself (being gay).
  • Ben Shapiro is not a fan of anti-discrimination laws because he believes they violate freedom of association.

Presidential Debates

  • If given the chance to moderate a presidential debate, Ben Shapiro would ask about preventing leftist infiltration of government institutions and how candidates plan to prevent election fraud.
  • Ben Shapiro would ask Ron Sances about the proper role of federal vs. state power in regulating life, such as drag queen story hour.
  • Shapiro would ask Nikki Haley about her policy prescription on Ukraine and what winning looks like.
  • Shapiro explains that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate, and that the other justices don’t vote on who becomes Chief Justice.

Military Issues

  • Shapiro suggests that wiping out the top level of leadership, destroying DEI inside the military, and changing rules and engagement can be done by a Republican president to address political issues within the military, but it would require focus.

Maternity Leave and Society

  • Shapiro believes that paid maternity leave after the birth of a child is worth the state’s initial investment because of the overall benefit to society of having kids.

Racial Diversity in Police Departments

  • Racial diversity in police departments is often argued for by cities to generate trust and reflect the population where crime is happening.
  • Separating prison gangs by race may be necessary for public safety, but there must be a strong rationale for doing so.
  • The idea that police departments become better if staffed by more people of minority status is not necessarily true, as many majority-minority police departments still have issues.

The Upcoming Election

  • The Sants can still make up ground in the election, but aggressive moves are needed, such as going on a show like George Stephanopoulos and fighting the media on their own ground.
  • Trump’s uncertainty about participating in debates may be his attempt to crown himself.


Discrimination Laws and Protected Classes

Ben Shapiro discusses the concept of protected classes and the legal protections for the trans community. He also explores the case of 303 Creative and the debate surrounding discrimination against the activity of a protected class versus the protected class itself. Shapiro expresses his skepticism towards anti-discrimination laws, arguing that they infringe upon freedom of association.

Presidential Debates

Shapiro shares his thoughts on what questions he would ask if given the opportunity to moderate a presidential debate. He highlights the importance of preventing leftist infiltration of government institutions and addressing election fraud. Additionally, Shapiro mentions specific questions he would pose to Ron Sances and Nikki Haley regarding federal vs. state power and their policy prescriptions on Ukraine.

Military Issues

Shapiro discusses potential actions a Republican president could take to address political issues within the military, such as wiping out top-level leadership, dismantling DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives, and implementing rule changes. He emphasizes the need for focus and strategic planning in order to achieve these goals.

Maternity Leave and Society

Shapiro shares his perspective on paid maternity leave and its societal benefits. He argues that the initial investment by the state is justified due to the overall positive impact of having children on society as a whole.

Racial Diversity in Police Departments

Shapiro explores the rationale behind advocating for racial diversity in police departments, highlighting the goal of generating trust and reflecting the demographics of the communities they serve. He also discusses the complexities of separating prison gangs by race, emphasizing the need for strong justifications based on public safety concerns. Additionally, he challenges the notion that simply increasing the number of minority officers automatically improves police departments, citing examples of majority-minority departments still facing issues.

The Upcoming Election

Shapiro analyzes the potential strategies for candidates in the upcoming election. He suggests that the Sants can make up ground by taking aggressive actions, such as engaging with the media on platforms like George Stephanopoulos’ show. Shapiro also speculates on President Trump’s uncertainty about participating in debates, suggesting it may be a strategic move to establish himself as the dominant figure.


In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Ben Shapiro addresses various topics including discrimination laws, presidential debates, military issues, maternity leave, racial diversity in police departments, and the upcoming election. Through his insightful analysis and thought-provoking questions, Shapiro provides listeners with a deeper understanding of these important issues.

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