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The Daily Stoic / – Consider The Cost Of Those Perks | No Pain, No Gain

The Daily Stoic – Consider The Cost Of Those Perks | No Pain, No Gain

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast, the hosts explore the concept of sacrifice and the importance of doing the right thing, even when it comes at great cost. They draw inspiration from historical figures like George Washington and Marcus Aurelius, as well as discuss the role of challenges and competition in cultivating virtues and preparing for life’s obstacles.

Main Takeaways

George Washington’s Integrity

  • George Washington refused special treatment, even if it meant sacrificing his own home.
  • Washington saw it as the right thing to do and did not want to profit from his position.

Marcus Aurelius and Doing the Right Thing

  • Marcus Aurelius believed that doing the right thing is all that matters.
  • Stoics, like Marcus Aurelius, prioritize fairness and doing the right thing even if it comes at great cost.

The Role of Challenges and Competition

  • Difficulties show a person’s character, and challenges should be seen as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Sports and physical activities can cultivate virtues and prepare us for life’s challenges.
  • General Douglas MacArthur believed that friendly competition is a way to cultivate the seeds of victory in all aspects of life.
  • The greats seek out challenges and do not shy away from tests of their abilities.
  • We should seek out challenges and rivals in life to become better.
  • Adversity is chosen for us by a trainer or coach who wants to get the best out of us.
  • Competition and resistance make us stronger and better.
  • Cultivating a strong body and mind through challenges and competition prepares us to bring our best and win in the real fight.


George Washington’s Integrity

George Washington’s unwavering integrity and refusal to accept special treatment, even at the cost of his own home, exemplify the Stoic principle of doing the right thing. He saw it as his moral duty not to profit from his position and prioritized fairness above personal gain.

Marcus Aurelius and Doing the Right Thing

Marcus Aurelius, a prominent Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor, emphasized the importance of doing the right thing in all aspects of life. Stoics believe in prioritizing fairness and integrity, even if it means sacrificing personal benefits. This commitment to moral principles is what truly matters.

The Role of Challenges and Competition

Challenges and competition serve as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. They reveal a person’s character and provide valuable lessons. Engaging in sports and physical activities cultivates virtues such as resilience, discipline, and perseverance, which are essential for overcoming life’s obstacles. General Douglas MacArthur believed that friendly competition is a way to foster a winning mindset in all areas of life. The greats, like Washington and Aurelius, actively seek out challenges and rivals to continuously push their abilities and become better versions of themselves.


By considering the cost of perks and embracing challenges, we can develop our character and become stronger individuals. Just like George Washington and Marcus Aurelius, prioritizing integrity and doing the right thing, even when it comes at great cost, is a key aspect of Stoic philosophy. Embracing challenges and competition allows us to cultivate virtues that prepare us for life’s obstacles and enable us to bring our best selves to every situation.

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