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The Daily Stoic / – Embracing Alive Time And Stoic Wisdom with Arnold Schwarzenegger And Robert Greene

The Daily Stoic – Embracing Alive Time And Stoic Wisdom with Arnold Schwarzenegger And Robert Greene

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast, the host takes a deeper dive into various ancient topics. The episode features a conversation with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Greene, where they discuss embracing “Alive Time” and the wisdom of Stoicism. The host also shares personal experiences and reflections on family, speaking engagements, and the importance of being present in transitions.

Main Takeaways

Lessons from “Alive Time”

  • Embracing “Alive Time” means making the most of every moment and learning from experiences.
  • Don’t delay important actions or decisions because we never know what could happen.
  • Maintain gratitude for the beauty of life and put problems in perspective.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and “Be Useful”

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger has released a new book called “Be Useful,” which explores his life philosophy.
  • The host shares personal memories of Schwarzenegger as the governor of California.
  • Connections to Schwarzenegger’s chief of staff and speech writer add depth to the conversation.

Personal Experiences and Reflections

  • The host had a surreal experience interviewing and meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger in person.
  • Reflects on the destructive nature of human beings while driving from Santa Monica to Malibu.
  • Importance of prioritizing time with family, inspired by a dinner with comedian Pete Holmes.
  • Speaks at Mastermind Talks, a full circle moment after speaking there 10 years ago.
  • Receives a thoughtful gift, a rare book, from the co-founder of Mastermind Talks.
  • Gives a talk at Mastermind Talks and engages in a 75-minute Q&A session.
  • Participates in a live talk with Robert Greene at the Evil Theater, another surreal experience.
  • Highlights the importance of being additive when returning home from work travel and reconnecting with family life.
  • Shares a recommendation for “The Cat and the Hat Cast,” a fun and lively podcast for families.
  • Shares a busy week balancing family obligations and a speaking engagement in Seattle.
  • Emphasizes the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations and having backup plans.
  • Visits a favorite indie bookstore and reads a new book on Elon Musk during a trip.
  • Reflects on the importance of reducing ego and being present in transitions.


Embracing “Alive Time” and Stoic Wisdom

In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the host explores the concept of “Alive Time” and its connection to Stoic wisdom. Embracing “Alive Time” means making the most of every moment and learning from experiences. It involves not delaying important actions or decisions because we never know what could happen. Maintaining gratitude for the beauty of life and putting problems in perspective are key components of this philosophy. The conversation with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Greene sheds light on the practical application of these principles.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and “Be Useful”

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new book, “Be Useful,” serves as a guide to his life philosophy. The host shares personal memories of Schwarzenegger as the governor of California and highlights connections to Schwarzenegger’s chief of staff and speech writer. This adds depth to the conversation and provides insights into Schwarzenegger’s mindset and approach to life.

Personal Experiences and Reflections

The host shares personal experiences and reflections throughout the episode. Meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger in person and conducting an interview with him was a surreal experience. Reflecting on the drive from Santa Monica to Malibu, the host contemplates the destructive nature of human beings. A dinner with comedian Pete Holmes reminds the host of the importance of prioritizing time with family. Speaking engagements at Mastermind Talks and the Evil Theater provide opportunities for growth and connection. The host emphasizes the importance of being additive when returning home from work travel and reconnecting with family life. Personal anecdotes and recommendations add a personal touch to the episode.


This episode of “The Daily Stoic” podcast delves into the concept of “Alive Time” and Stoic wisdom through a conversation with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Greene. The host’s personal experiences and reflections provide valuable insights and relatable anecdotes. Embracing “Alive Time” and adopting a Stoic mindset can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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