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The Daily Stoic / – In Spite Of Everything, We Must Do This | How Stoics Find And Build Deep Relationships

The Daily Stoic – In Spite Of Everything, We Must Do This | How Stoics Find And Build Deep Relationships

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In this episode of “The Daily Stoic,” the hosts explore the Stoic philosophy of finding and building deep relationships. They draw inspiration from the life and teachings of Marcus Aurelius, who faced numerous challenges and tragedies but never gave in to despair. Stoicism, contrary to popular belief, is not a pessimistic philosophy but a deeply optimistic and resilient belief system. It emphasizes the importance of relationships and navigating the ups and downs that come with them.

Main Takeaways

Building Meaningful Relationships

  • The Stoics believe that life is about relationships and other people, and navigating the good and bad of those relationships is essential.
  • The people you surround yourself with determine who you become.
  • The Stoics believed in the idea of sympathy and the common good.
  • Marcus Aurelius reminds us to care about other human beings, not just the ones nearest to us.
  • Marcus Aurelius emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and being strict with oneself while being tolerant and understanding of others.
  • We should cultivate forgiveness and tolerance of others, not just ourselves.

Interconnectedness and Self-Control

  • Marcus Aurelius reminds us to meditate on the interconnectedness of everything in the world, including imagining ourselves running alongside the stars.
  • Humanity is one giant whole, and we are all connected, part of one enormous organism.
  • Stoicism is about being realistic, having your eyes all the way open, and doing your best.
  • The stoic dichotomy of control teaches us that while we can control our own actions and decisions, we cannot make others do anything. Leadership is about convincing and creating a culture, not forcing or commanding.
  • Ultimately, all we can control as stoics is ourselves, our own actions, decisions, and emotions.


Building Meaningful Relationships

The Stoics believe that relationships are at the core of a meaningful life. They emphasize the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who inspire and uplift us. The people we choose to spend our time with have a significant impact on our character and the way we navigate the world. Stoicism teaches us to care about others beyond our immediate circle, cultivating empathy and understanding. It encourages self-discipline while being tolerant and forgiving of others, recognizing that everyone is on their own journey.

Interconnectedness and Self-Control

Marcus Aurelius, a prominent Stoic philosopher, urges us to contemplate the interconnectedness of all things. By recognizing our place in the vast universe, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the present moment and the relationships we have. Stoicism teaches us that while we cannot control external events or the actions of others, we have full control over ourselves. This self-control allows us to navigate relationships with wisdom and grace, focusing on our own actions and decisions rather than trying to manipulate or control others.


Stoicism offers valuable insights into building and nurturing deep relationships. By prioritizing empathy, self-discipline, and understanding, we can create meaningful connections that enrich our lives. Remembering our interconnectedness and focusing on what we can control allows us to approach relationships with a stoic mindset, finding joy and fulfillment in the midst of life’s challenges.

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