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The History of Rome / – 543 In Proximity: Ryan Coogler and Roman Mars

The History of Rome – 543- In Proximity: Ryan Coogler and Roman Mars

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In this episode of “The History of Rome” podcast, Roman Mars and Ryan Coogler have a conversation about creativity, collaboration, and their work on the Judas and the Black Messiah podcast. They discuss their love for podcasting, their respective journeys in the industry, and the process of creating impactful audio storytelling. Join them as they delve into the behind-the-scenes of their collaboration and the importance of understanding the process behind the final product.

Main Takeaways

Creative Collaboration

  • Roman Mars had a weekly Zoom call with Ryan Coogler during the COVID pandemic
  • Roman Mars and Ryan Coogler discuss creativity and collaboration in their conversation
  • They collaborated on the Judas and the Black Messiah podcast, which tells the true story behind the events portrayed in the film
  • Roman Mars and Ryan Coogler hit it off talking about podcasting
  • They had weekly meetings during the pandemic to discuss podcasting and life
  • Ryan admired how Roman demystified the podcast business
  • Roman Mars fell into radio by doing various jobs for free
  • Mars transitioned from working on different public radio shows to creating his own show, 99% Invisible
  • Mars enjoys the challenge of constantly changing his job as a producer and building something from scratch, but also struggles with letting go of some tasks as his team grows
  • As a filmmaker, Mars used to be good at editing, cinematography, and mixing, but now feels like those skills have atrophied
  • Directing can feel insignificant on a well-functioning set with good actors
  • Mars had to let go of understanding the busing and processing done by the sound engineer, but their relationship grew stronger as a result
  • Collaborating with a team of editors and writers allows for more creativity
  • Having a team that brings new ideas can be heaven as a creator
  • The podcast process can be fascinating and rewarding
  • The podcast process has similarities to filmmaking but also requires another form of thinking
  • Audio storytelling has its own language, and is a great resource for learning it

Judas and the Black Messiah Podcast

  • The Judas and Black Messiah podcast was a moving experience for Mars, produced by the team at 99% Invisible and narrated by Elvis Mitchell, it went into the making of the film through the eyes of Chairman Fred Hampton Jr.
  • The podcast explores the making of the film through the eyes of Chairman Fred Hampton Jr.
  • The podcast was created as a campaign piece to help protect Chairman Fred Hampton Sr.’s legacy
  • The podcast was a companion piece to the film, allowing Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. to share his insights and criticisms
  • The podcast was a cool problem to solve, finding a way to make it genuine and interesting while also being critical of the film’s missteps.
  • The read tapes process is like a table read where all the clips are out and every little word and phrase is gone over for three hours
  • Inviting others to experience the process is important to feel the slow parts and parts that embarrass you
  • You can’t appreciate something until you understand what went into it
  • Seeing the care and deep consideration put into the podcast was enjoyable and made sense
  • Understanding the behind-the-scenes process of how things are made is important and helps to appreciate the final product
  • Doing live recordings brings out the best in the moment
  • There are a million ways to make a good radio story or movie

Podcast Recommendations

  • The book “The World According to Sound” contains a lot of great work of journalism in art
  • The book is a great addition to a coffee table or bookshelf
  • Listening to a variety of things is recommended for improving audio storytelling skills
  • In Proximity is a production of Proximity Media
  • Follow, rate, and review the show on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app
  • Check out Judas in the Black Messiah, the film, and podcast, and 99% invisible at
  • Follow Proximity on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok
  • The show is produced by Palomato and executive produced by Ryan Kugler, Zindzi Kugler, Seville Hanyan, and Palomato


Creative Collaboration and Podcasting Journeys

Roman Mars and Ryan Coogler’s conversation revolves around their shared love for podcasting and the creative collaboration they embarked on for the Judas and the Black Messiah podcast. They discuss their respective journeys in the industry, from Roman Mars falling into radio by doing various jobs for free to creating his own show, 99% Invisible, and Ryan Coogler’s success as a filmmaker. They highlight the challenges and rewards of the podcasting process, the importance of collaborating with a team of editors and writers, and the constant evolution of their roles as producers. Mars also reflects on the transition from his filmmaking skills to focusing on audio storytelling and the unique language of audio storytelling.

The Judas and the Black Messiah Podcast

The Judas and the Black Messiah podcast, produced by the team at 99% Invisible and narrated by Elvis Mitchell, serves as a companion piece to the film. It delves into the making of the film through the eyes of Chairman Fred Hampton Jr., sharing his insights and criticisms. Mars emphasizes the significance of understanding the behind-the-scenes process and the care put into creating the podcast. The read tapes process, where every word and phrase is meticulously reviewed, allows for a genuine and interesting exploration of the film’s creation. Mars highlights the importance of experiencing the slow parts and moments of embarrassment to truly appreciate the final product.

Podcast Recommendations and Conclusion

In addition to their conversation, Mars and Coogler recommend resources for improving audio storytelling skills, such as the book “The World According to Sound” and They also encourage listeners to explore the Proximity Media productions, including the Judas in the Black Messiah film and podcast, as well as 99% Invisible. The episode concludes with a reminder to follow, rate, and review the show, and to engage with Proximity Media on social media platforms. The collaborative and insightful nature of the podcasting process is emphasized, along with the endless possibilities for creating impactful radio stories and movies.


In this episode of “The History of Rome” podcast, Roman Mars and Ryan Coogler provide listeners with a glimpse into their creative collaboration and the process behind the Judas and the Black Messiah podcast. They share their passion for podcasting, discuss their respective journeys in the industry, and highlight the importance of understanding the behind-the-scenes process. Mars and Coogler’s conversation serves as an inspiration for aspiring podcasters and filmmakers, emphasizing the power of collaboration and the art of storytelling through audio.

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