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The Ramsey Show / – Don’t Let Financial Drama Throw You off Track!

The Ramsey Show – Don’t Let Financial Drama Throw You off Track!

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey provides advice and guidance to callers on various financial topics. From buying a house with a large mortgage to dealing with debt and making smart investment decisions, Dave shares his insights to help listeners achieve financial peace.

Main Takeaways

Buying a House and Financial Planning

  • A caller asks for advice on whether to buy a house with a large mortgage in an expensive area
  • The caller is a lineman and makes a lot of money but is concerned about being away from home for work
  • The caller has followed the baby steps and has 20% down payment and a year’s worth of emergency fund
  • Dave Ramsey reassures the caller that he’s on track and can dial back at any time
  • The caller’s concern is the amount of time he’ll be away from home, but his plan is to pay off the mortgage within 5-7 years
  • 15-year fixed mortgages with payments no more than a fourth of your take-home pay create disposable income for margin
  • Lifestyle is a factor in choosing a house, not just needs
  • Needs vs wants: shelter is a need, while bigger and automated shelters are wants
  • Transportation is a want, not a need, and HGTV doesn’t determine our needs

Joint Budgeting and Financial Partnership

  • Joint budgeting requires joint effort and agreement, not control from one partner
  • A budget needs to have a “why” behind it, a bigger reason for doing it
  • Both partners need to have a vote and agree on the budget
  • Every Dollar is a free app for building a budget with your spouse or as a single

Credit Freezes and Financial Security

  • To unfreeze your credit with Experience, log in to your account and toggle the freeze status from unfrozen to scheduling a new freeze
  • Credit freezes can be unfrozen through a login process on Experience’s website
  • Bank accounts should not be affected by credit freezes
  • Some apartment complexes may require a credit check to rent, but frozen credit can be explained with job references and a deposit

Dealing with Debt and Financial Challenges

  • A caller on the Ramsey Show is struggling with $114,000 in consumer debt and needs to change their behavior to avoid going down a dangerous path
  • Borrowing money to pay off debt without changing habits is not a solution
  • Use financial tools like EveryDollar and Financial Peace University to create a game plan for financial success
  • Before making a major purchase or investment, consider all potential challenges and conflicts that may arise in the future

Property Ownership and Investments

  • When co-owning property, make sure to have a written agreement in place that outlines responsibilities and decision-making processes
  • It’s important to protect the value of your property and make smart investment decisions
  • If you make a bad deal, you may be left with limited options and face difficult decisions
  • In some cases, legal action may be necessary to regain control of a property or investment

Insurance and Financial Planning

  • Life insurance should only be used to replace income for dependents
  • High-cost life insurance policies that double as savings or investments should be avoided
  • Term life insurance is a smarter way to protect your family’s future

Education and Financial Growth

  • Grad school can increase income for teachers, with automatic pay bumps built into the system
  • Completing grad school can result in a pay bump of around $7,000 per year
  • Prioritizing grad school and retirement savings can be done simultaneously, with the option to pause retirement savings temporarily for house savings

Marriage and Financial Partnership

  • Joint effort and communication are crucial for successful financial partnerships
  • Working together as a team with your spouse is a key factor in building wealth
  • Combining finances reveals areas in the marriage that need improvement
  • Separate accounts can hinder the process of working together towards financial goals

Parenting and Financial Planning

  • Having children is a value-based decision and there’s no right or wrong answer
  • Children can bring positive outcomes such as a boost in income and personal fulfillment
  • Having children while in debt is a personal choice and not a wrong decision

Financial Planning and Retirement

  • Paying off a house and maximizing retirement savings are important financial goals
  • Bonuses can be added to a 401k, but it must be payroll withheld
  • Roth IRAs can be loaded on January 1st for the whole year


Buying a House and Financial Planning

A caller seeks advice on buying a house with a large mortgage in an expensive area. Dave Ramsey reassures the caller that he’s on track with a 20% down payment and a year’s worth of emergency fund. He emphasizes the importance of considering lifestyle factors and distinguishing between needs and wants when choosing a house. Dave also discusses the significance of budgeting and using tools like EveryDollar to align financial goals with a spouse.

Dealing with Debt and Financial Challenges

Dave Ramsey addresses a caller struggling with a significant amount of consumer debt. He emphasizes the need for behavioral changes and creating a game plan using tools like EveryDollar and Financial Peace University. Dave also highlights the importance of considering potential challenges and conflicts before making major purchases or investments.

Insurance and Financial Planning

Dave Ramsey provides insights on life insurance, emphasizing that it should only be used to replace income for dependents. He advises against high-cost life insurance policies that double as savings or investments and recommends term life insurance as a smarter option to protect one’s family’s future.

Marriage and Financial Partnership

Dave Ramsey emphasizes the importance of joint effort and communication in successful financial partnerships. He encourages couples to work together as a team and manage finances jointly to avoid relationship breakdowns. Dave also highlights the significance of trust, communication, and shared financial goals in building wealth.

Parenting and Financial Planning

Dave Ramsey discusses the personal choice of having children while in debt and emphasizes that there’s no right or wrong answer. He acknowledges that having children can bring positive outcomes such as a boost in income and personal fulfillment. Dave encourages couples to consider their values and priorities when making decisions about starting a family.

Financial Planning and Retirement

Dave Ramsey highlights the importance of paying off a house and maximizing retirement savings as key financial goals. He provides insights on adding bonuses to a 401k, loading Roth IRAs at the beginning of the year, and making strategic financial decisions to ensure a secure retirement.


On “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey offers valuable advice on various financial topics, including buying a house, dealing with debt, insurance, marriage, parenting, and retirement planning. By following his guidance and using tools like EveryDollar and Financial Peace University, listeners can achieve financial peace and make informed decisions to secure their financial future.

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