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The Ramsey Show / – Find Freedom from Student Loans And Anxiety

The Ramsey Show – Find Freedom from Student Loans And Anxiety

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey and his team discuss the student loan crisis and strategies for finding freedom from debt and anxiety. They also introduce Dr. John Deloney’s new book, “Building a Non-Anxious Life,” which offers practical advice for managing anxiety and making daily choices that lead to peace and financial freedom.

Main Takeaways

Student Loan Crisis and Debt Freedom

  • 44 million Americans owe 1.7 trillion dollars in student loan debt
  • Choosing reality is one of the first steps towards getting out of debt and achieving financial freedom
  • Freedom includes being debt-free and having a sense of peace
  • Making daily choices in health, spirituality, and finances can limit anxiety
  • Regularly practicing anxiety-reducing habits can lead to a non-anxious life

Addressing the Student Loan Crisis

  • Colleges and universities are colluding to raise prices, and cutting off student loans would force them to lower prices
  • Parents also share responsibility for student loan debt as they often take out loans for their children without fully understanding the consequences
  • The government has a role in creating problems such as healthcare, transportation, and student loans
  • Congress could limit the number of dollars per student and require universities to put in a certain percentage to slow the increase in tuition costs

Personal Debt-Free Journeys

  • Graduating from Financial Peace University (FPU) before getting married kicked off John and Rachel’s financial journey
  • Financial planning advice: Pay off debts early to avoid heartbreak down the road
  • Eric and Madison paid off $66,026 of debt in two and a half years, following Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps program


Addressing the Student Loan Crisis and Debt Freedom

The student loan crisis in America is a significant issue, with 44 million Americans owing a staggering 1.7 trillion dollars in student loan debt. To achieve financial freedom and peace, it is crucial to choose reality and confront the debt head-on. By making daily choices in health, spirituality, and finances, individuals can limit anxiety and work towards a non-anxious life. Additionally, colleges and universities colluding to raise prices contribute to the problem, and cutting off student loans could force them to lower tuition costs. Parents also play a role in student loan debt, often taking out loans without fully understanding the consequences. It is essential to address the student loan crisis upfront and seek solutions.

Personal Debt-Free Journeys

Personal stories of debt-free journeys provide inspiration and practical advice for others facing financial struggles. Graduating from Financial Peace University (FPU) before getting married kickstarted John and Rachel’s financial journey, enabling them to pay off their debt and achieve financial peace. The key is to prioritize paying off debts early to avoid future heartbreak. Eric and Madison’s story demonstrates the effectiveness of following Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps program, as they paid off over $66,000 of debt in just two and a half years. By making sacrifices, working multiple jobs, and adhering to a strict budget, they were able to achieve their financial goals and become debt-free.


The student loan crisis is a significant problem affecting millions of Americans. However, by choosing reality, making daily choices towards financial freedom, and addressing the root causes of anxiety, individuals can find a path to peace and debt freedom. Personal stories of debt-free journeys provide inspiration and practical strategies for others facing similar challenges. It is crucial to take proactive steps, educate oneself on financial literacy, and seek support from resources like Financial Peace University and Dave Ramsey’s teachings. With determination and a clear plan, anyone can overcome debt and achieve financial freedom.

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