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The Ramsey Show / – Nothing Will Change Till You’re Ready To Change

The Ramsey Show – Nothing Will Change Till You’re Ready To Change

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In this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” Dave Ramsey and his co-hosts discuss a wide range of topics, including personal finance, relationships, and personal growth. They provide practical advice and insights to help listeners achieve financial success and live a fulfilled life.

Main Takeaways

Building a Non-Anxious Life

  • Dr. John Deloney’s book, “Building a Non-Anxious Life,” is the number one bestselling book in the United States of America.
  • Pre-purchasing the book helped to accomplish the goal of becoming a bestseller.
  • The book is a great marketing help for John and for the book itself.
  • John has two number one bestselling books and two PhDs.
  • The book is for anyone who has anxiety and can be found at or anywhere great books are sold.

Buying a House and Relationship Dynamics

  • Buying a house before marriage can cause potential problems.
  • Owning a house with someone you’re not married to can lead to an ugly breakup.
  • A man owned a house with his fiance’s mother after she passed away in a car wreck.
  • Don’t rush into buying a house, you have plenty of time.
  • Consider getting legally married before closing on a home with someone.
  • Don’t buy a house with someone you’re just “shacking up” with, it can be complicated.

Real Estate and Stock Market

  • Real estate interest rates have risen and the market has slowed down.
  • Real estate market has slowed down due to rising interest rates and lack of incentive for sellers to sell with low mortgages.
  • Many investors are choosing to wait on the sidelines or invest in treasuries instead of real estate.
  • Majority of mortgages are locked in at 4% or less.
  • Stock market has performed well, with S&P up 16-18% in the last 12 months.
  • Long-term investing in the stock market is a better option than speculating for a quick return.

Managing Finances and Achieving Financial Success

  • Combining finances in marriage can be a concern, but communication and balance are key.
  • Enjoying experiences and spending money for time-saving conveniences can be worth the investment.
  • Save as much as you can, spend less than what you make for financial success.
  • Finding work that you truly love and doesn’t feel like work is your unfair advantage.
  • Therapy can help you figure out what’s holding you back from doing what you know you should do.

Delaying Social Security Benefits and Financial Planning

  • Delaying Social Security benefits can result in higher monthly payments, but it depends on how long you live.
  • The longer you live, the better off you are to get the bigger check.
  • The present value of money means it is more valuable to get Social Security at 62, even though it is less money.
  • If you invest all the money between 62 and 65, it probably would make up the difference throughout your life.
  • If you are not going to need that money, invest it, even just 10 years of growth at 10%, you’d have 436 grand.
  • Dave suggests investing money instead of letting Uncle Sam hold onto it for too long.

Managing Savings and Paying Off Debt

  • Caller from North Carolina has $70k in savings and is looking for guidance on what to do with it.
  • Dave recommends putting $10k in a 529 for each child and using the rest towards the mortgage.
  • Dave emphasizes the importance of starting college funds early and using compound interest to grow savings.
  • Dave acknowledges that there is no exact formula for how much to put towards college funds versus the mortgage, as it depends on various factors such as age of children and mortgage balance.
  • Focusing on college funds and dealing with college debt is crucial for financial success, according to Dave Ramsey.

Debt Management and Financial Freedom

  • Couple paid off $208,000 of debt in just over four years.
  • Debt included student loans, car, apartment repair, credit card, and house.
  • Couple’s income ranged from $30,000 to $140,000 during that time.
  • They were able to pay off debt due to good paychecks and military disability.
  • Making a budget and setting goals as a couple helped them keep momentum going.

Managing Finances and Family Dynamics

  • Caller seeks advice on managing father’s finances, with siblings accusing him of manipulation.
  • Caller’s father has mild dementia, lives with caller’s family, and has paid $15,000 for two years of care.
  • Father has about $4,000 left in his checking account after paying for college tuition and a law tractor.
  • The speaker wants online access to track dad’s expenses, but dad is saying no.
  • The siblings are pressuring the speaker for transparency into dad’s finances, but it’s not their problem or their money.
  • The speaker’s co-host recommends getting power of attorney for dad’s sake and setting boundaries with the siblings while dad is still of sound mind.

Financial Planning and Investing

  • Combining finances forces partners to communicate and work together, creating unity.
  • Trying out combined finances for a year is worth it, and it can be changed if it doesn’t work out.
  • The ultimate way to financial peace is to walk daily with the Prince of Peace.


Building a Non-Anxious Life and Managing Finances

Dr. John Deloney’s book, “Building a Non-Anxious Life,” has become a bestseller, offering practical solutions for managing anxiety. Buying a house before marriage can lead to relationship problems, and it’s important to consider the potential complications. The real estate market has slowed down due to rising interest rates, while the stock market has performed well. Combining finances in marriage requires communication and balance. Delaying Social Security benefits can result in higher monthly payments, but it depends on individual circumstances. Managing savings and paying off debt require careful planning and prioritization. Debt management and financial freedom are achievable through budgeting and setting goals. Managing finances within family dynamics can be challenging, but setting boundaries and seeking legal advice can help. Finally, financial planning and investing should be approached with a long-term perspective and a focus on personal values.


By following the advice and insights shared in this episode of “The Ramsey Show,” listeners can gain control over their finances, reduce stress, and work towards achieving their financial goals. Whether it’s managing anxiety, navigating relationship dynamics, or making wise investment decisions, the key is taking personal responsibility and making intentional choices. With the right mindset and a commitment to financial success, anyone can build a non-anxious life and create a brighter financial future.

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