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Radiolab / The Trust Engineers | Radiolab

The Trust Engineers | Radiolab

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In this episode of Radiolab titled “The Trust Engineers,” the hosts explore the fascinating world of Facebook’s Trust Engineering team and their experiments on user behavior. They delve into the power of emotions, the impact of online communication, and the ethical considerations surrounding social engineering. Join them as they uncover the surprising insights and implications of these experiments.

Main Takeaways

Facebook’s Photo Reporting System

  • Facebook engineers faced a massive influx of photo reports after the holiday season.
  • A team discovered that 97% of reported photos were over-reported due to miscategorization and personal biases.
  • Adding an emotion selection improved response rates, with the phrase “it’s embarrassing” having a significant impact.

Effective Communication Strategies

  • Facebook conducted experiments to improve communication between users regarding photo removal requests.
  • Providing pre-written messages increased the likelihood of sending a message, with personalization and using “please” further enhancing effectiveness.
  • Apologizing in the message decreased its effectiveness.

Facebook’s Experiment on Emotions

  • Facebook manipulated user news feeds to study the impact on emotions.
  • Positive posts in news feeds led to users posting more positive content.
  • This experiment sparked discomfort and a sense of betrayal among users.

Power Imbalance and Ethical Considerations

  • Facebook’s centralized power and ability to influence user behavior poses a threat to democracy.
  • Companies and individuals using social engineering tactics must be mindful of people’s emotions and responses.
  • The backlash against Facebook’s emotional contagion experiment prompted researchers to reflect on the implications of their work.

Online Communication and Stock Phrases

  • Offline communication heavily relies on nonverbal cues, which are challenging to replicate online.
  • Some argue that coaching people on online communication is unnecessary, while others believe stock phrases can foster deeper discussions.
  • The use of stock phrases in online communication is an experiment to determine their effectiveness as conversation starters or substitutes.


Facebook’s Photo Reporting System

After the holiday season, Facebook’s Trust Engineering team faced a flood of photo reports from users. However, they discovered that the majority of reported photos were over-reported due to miscategorization and personal biases. To improve the system, Facebook introduced an emotion selection step, which significantly improved response rates. The phrase “it’s embarrassing” proved particularly effective, shifting the emotional energy away from the person reporting the photo.

Effective Communication Strategies

Facebook conducted experiments to enhance communication between users regarding photo removal requests. They found that providing pre-written messages increased the likelihood of users sending a message. Personalization, such as using the friend’s name, further improved effectiveness. However, apologizing in the message decreased its impact. These findings highlight the importance of carefully crafting communication strategies to elicit desired responses.

Facebook’s Experiment on Emotions

Facebook conducted an experiment by manipulating user news feeds to study the impact on emotions. The results showed that when users were exposed to more positive posts in their news feeds, they tended to post more positive content themselves. However, this experiment stirred discomfort and a sense of betrayal among users, raising ethical concerns regarding Facebook’s power to influence emotions.

Power Imbalance and Ethical Considerations

The centralized and opaque power held by Facebook raises concerns about its potential influence on user behavior and democratic processes. For instance, seeing pictures of friends who voted on Facebook increased the likelihood of someone clicking the “I voted” button, potentially swaying election outcomes. Companies and individuals involved in social engineering must navigate the ethical considerations surrounding emotional manipulation and respect users’ autonomy.

Online Communication and Stock Phrases

Online communication poses challenges in replicating the nonverbal cues present in offline communication. Some argue that coaching people on online communication is unnecessary, considering it a profit-driven endeavor. However, others believe that using stock phrases can serve as conversation starters and lead to deeper discussions. The use of stock phrases in online communication is an ongoing experiment to determine their effectiveness as conversation facilitators or substitutes.


The experiments conducted by Facebook’s Trust Engineering team shed light on the intricate dynamics of user behavior, communication strategies, and the ethical implications of social engineering. These findings call for a careful balance between harnessing the power of data and technology while respecting users’ emotions and autonomy. As online communication continues to evolve, understanding its nuances becomes essential to foster meaningful connections and navigate the digital landscape responsibly.

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